
  1. 朝鲜义勇队的抗日活动及其历史作用

    The Anti-Japanese Fights of Korean Volunteer Militia and Its Role in History

  2. 太平洋战争爆发前上海金融业的抗日活动

    Anti-Japanese Activities of Financial Circles in Shanghai before the Outbreak of Pacific War

  3. 试析回族妇女的抗日活动

    Discussion on the Activities Against Japanese Aggression by the Women of Hui Nationality

  4. 禁止一切抗日活动。

    All anti-Japanese activities were to be prohibited .

  5. 浅析东南亚华人秘密会党及其抗日活动

    A First Probe into the Secret Societies of Southeast Asian Chinese and their Anti-Japanese Activities

  6. 他们通过形式多样的抗日文化活动与抗日教育活动,鼓舞了民众的抗日斗志,为镇江地区的抗日斗争作出了重大贡献。

    Various cultural and educational activities are carried out to boost the morality of the mass against the Japanese and make important contribution to the Anti-Japanese cause in Zhenjiang .

  7. 临时政府成员及家属与柳州人民、各界团体一起参加了一系列抗日斗争活动,结下了深厚的友谊。

    The members of Provisional Government and their family members and the people and all circles of groups of Liuzhou took part in a series of fighting activities against Japanese and made deep friendship .

  8. 郭沫若建国后的殊荣与他抗战时期积极进行抗日宣传活动密不可分,更与抗战时期形成的文化领袖身份息息相关。

    Honors winning after the founding of the PRC are closely link to his propaganda activities during the period of Anti-Japanese War . Moreover , that is closely related to cultural leader status formed in the Anti-Japanese War .

  9. 《生活》周刊对日本侵华的分析、认识及其抵御主张,吸引了大批读者,为其赢得了声誉,奠定了九一八事变后《生活》周刊抗日救亡活动的舆论和群众基础。

    All these publicity of ideals attracted a large of readers which made the magazine enjoy honors , and it laid a foundation of mass and public opinion for Life Weekly 's actions to resist Japanese aggression and save the country after September 18th Incident .

  10. 此外,各团体的抗日援华活动还促进了西南地区的文化与经济发展,同时也推动了其自身的革命进程。

    Furthermore , their activities not only promoted the development of the Southwest China , but also advanced their own pace of revolution .

  11. 另外,论文中还涉及到专业音乐机构的建设与专业音乐人才的培养,以及学校反满抗日社团的音乐活动。

    In addition , this paper also involves the construction of specialized music organizations and training of professional musical talents , as well as some music activities of anti - Manchukuo and anti-Japanese school communities .

  12. 而在抗日的过程中,由于土匪本身的特性又使土匪抗日的活动存在着种种缺陷。

    But in the war against Japan , due to the characteristic of bandits , their activity reflected defects one after another .