
  1. 我不知道话题里有聊到这个。

    I can 't see that ever coming up in conversation .

  2. 我们在他回国前有聊过天。

    We talked occasionally before he returned to his country .

  3. 这么多女的,你不去有聊一下?

    I am noboby , but I have a dream !

  4. 这是一个会非常有聊的话题。今晚来!

    It 's a great topic which can refresh ourselves .

  5. 海伦也被引见给了女王,但是她们是否有聊到海伦扮演的女王角色就不得而知了。

    The award-winning actress was introduced to the Queen personally , although it is not known whether the pair discussed Dame Helen 's regal role .

  6. 年轻人在陌生城市很容易认识各种各样的人,随便跟谁都能有聊不尽的话题。

    Being young and in a new city is one of the easiest ways to meet tons of people , and gives you a million things to talk about in every conversation with a stranger .

  7. 真正的好朋友,并不是在一起就有聊不完的话题,而是在一起,就算不说话,也不会觉得尴尬。

    A real good friend is not the one you talk with all the time , but the one you will never feel weird to be with , even when you don 't talk at all .

  8. 目前,“三枝橘”上演的《野草》、《狂人日记》、《我的老婆留胡子》、《有聊先生和无聊先生》等多部话剧、短剧皆受到观众好评。

    So far , the " Three Orange " has put on scores of dramas like Wild Grass , Madman , My wife 's Mustache , to name but a few which are highly praised by audience .

  9. 有时间聊两句吗

    Mind if I talk to you for a minute ?

  10. 杰克有时间聊两句吗

    Hey , Jack , you got a sec ?

  11. 看来咱爷俩有得聊了。

    We have a lot to talk about .

  12. 我希望会后我们有时间聊一聊。

    I hope we 'll have time to have a chat after the meeting .

  13. 我的宣传代理人说不要回答任何私人的问题好吧那我们可有得聊了

    My publicist told me that don 't answer any personal questions.Ok now we getting somewhere

  14. 我很确定他们会在有网聊的人那里找到你的。

    I 'm sure they can just get it from someone who DOES log chats .

  15. 你有空聊几句吗

    You have time to talk ?

  16. 早知道让那个胖子进来了,好歹现在也有个人聊会儿天啊!

    Fig4.Why shut the fatty out there just now ? he could have offered me a chat now !

  17. 你和爷爷奶奶有什么可聊的吗?

    Do you have anything to talk with your grandparents ?

  18. 那我和你有很多可以聊的了

    Well , then you and I have a lot to discuss .

  19. 有谁相互聊聊天吗?

    Who is talking to each other ? '

  20. 对了,最近有和鲍勃聊过吗?他最近有什么新动向吗?

    Hey , talked to Bob lately ? Anything new going on with Bob ?

  21. 我们有空再聊。

    We 'll have another little chat soon .

  22. 祝你工作顺利开心,有机会再聊吧!

    Wish that your job is smoothly joyful , and get a chance to chat again !

  23. 这下我们有话题可聊了。

    That saves us a conversation .

  24. 上校,等我们有空再聊之前,保留著这个吧。

    Be so kind as to keep this to yourself until we can talk later , captain .

  25. 你极有可能得聊一些你从没听说过或者没有想法的话题。

    It is quite possible that you have to speak about something you have never heard of , or have no opinion of .

  26. 另一些公司则安装好玩的设备,如益智问答屏幕等等,从而让员工在电梯等传统的沟通真空区有话可聊。

    In others , they are installing playful prompts , like trivia games , to get workers talking in traditional conversational dead zones , such as elevators .

  27. 寺院内禁止说话,可是他们都是十几岁的青少年,因此我们干活儿的时候经常有人聊天聊个不停。

    Nobody 's supposed to talk in the temples , but these are teenagers , so there 's a constant chatter going on all the time as we 're working .

  28. 而在学界大谈现代性、后现代性的今天,对传统民俗生活的审美关怀也应该有一席之地,聊为现代人提供一个心灵栖息的家园,进而为和谐社会的建设提供支撑。

    Today , literature criticism is flooded with modernity and post-modernity . But there should be a place for the aesthetic concern of traditional folk life , which might serve as the spirit home for people and support the construction of a harmonious society .

  29. 我们兴趣相投,所以总有很多话题可聊。

    We both had the same interests , so we always had a lot of things to talk about .

  30. 我们都喜欢打篮球和集邮,所以总有很多话题可聊。

    We both liked playing basketball and collecting stamps , so we always had a lot of things to talk about .