
  • happily;blissfully;blessedly
  1. 他与一个学生时代就认识的女孩幸福地结婚了。

    He was happily married to a girl he had known since his schooldays .

  2. 一位女巫预言这个女孩将和王子幸福地生活在一起。

    A witch foretold that the girl would live happily ever after with a prince .

  3. 灰姑娘嫁给了王子,从此他们幸福地生活在一起。

    Cinderella marries the Prince and they live happily together ever after .

  4. "我祝你新年快乐。"爱德华说,然后幸福地离开了人世。

    " I wish you a happy New Year . " said Edward , as he was happily passing on .

  5. 从那时起,王子与公主就幸福地生活在一起。

    From then on , the prince and princess lived happily .

  6. 他们可能正幸福地憧憬着未来的岁月。

    Their own happy thoughts might then be traversing the years to come .

  7. 他们幸福地度过童年。

    They spend their childhood in happiness .

  8. 玩家在城墙上幸福地战斗的时候,没有注意到护城河已经开始扩张了。

    The players happily jousting inside the castle walls didn 't see the moat outside widening .

  9. 王子和公主爱上了对方,然后幸福地生活在了一起,这是命中注定的童话结局的又一个例子。

    The prince and the princess fell in love with each other and lived happily ever after – yet another fairy tale ending written in the stars .

  10. 在经历了一切之后,她和她的丈夫JayZ以及他们的小女儿布露·艾薇幸福地生活在一起。

    Through all this she continues to have a very close , loving and stable relationship with her husband Jay Z and their young daughter Blue Ivy .

  11. NBC的老板们披露想让故事线“理想照进现实”,剧中会拍出Rachel怀孕和Mike一起幸福地生活在英国。

    NBC bosses have revealed that the possible story-line could ' mirror real-life ' as it would show her pregnant and happy living with Mike in the UK .

  12. 好了,Chuck上午见不行,午夜之前你没找到我happily:幸福地幸福不会追着你跑的。

    Nate : All right , chuck , I 'll see you in the a.m. - Blair : Unhunh . no , you didn 't find me by midnight . no happily ever after for you . -

  13. 相反,58岁的乔治和55岁格利尼斯,有2个孩子,23岁的Pamela和17岁的Alexandra,他们仍然幸福地约会,迫不及待地要一起退休。

    Instead George , 58 , and Glynis , 55 who have two children Pamela , 23 , and Alexandra , 17 , are still happily dating and can 't wait to retire together .

  14. 她是瑞典小说家斯蒂格·拉森(StiegLarsson)的女友,拉森著有广受欢迎的千禧年犯罪惊险系列小说。两人幸福地在一起生活了32年,超然于婚姻制度之上。

    The girlfriend of Swedish novelist Stieg Larsson – author of the popular Millennium crime thriller series – lived with him for32 blissful years , bucking the institution of marriage .

  15. 你得找到个好人家然后幸福地生活。

    You have to meet a good person and live happily .

  16. 人性就是幸福地制定规范以及接近上帝!

    How happily constituted and near to the Gods is humanity !

  17. 我的意思是,他们可以从此幸福地生活。

    I mean , they could 've lived happily ever after .

  18. 他们从此幸福地在房子里过着衣食无忧的日子。

    They lived happily with good heavy food in the house .

  19. 你打算从此以后幸福地生活。

    And you have every intention of living happily ever after !

  20. 现在她很幸福地和别人在一起了。

    Now , she 's happy and with someone else , so

  21. 咱们在幸福地享受假期,而兵士们却在扞卫祖国。

    We 're having good holidays while soldiers are protecting our country .

  22. 又要踏上一段旅程,幸福地享受自由自在的时光;

    Start a new journey again , happily enjoy the free time ;

  23. 现在我以一个成功男人的身份,幸福地生活着。

    Now I am living happily as a successful man .

  24. 你的女儿急切而幸福地抱着花儿跑过来

    Your daughter came with her armfuls , eager and happy

  25. 遇见某人,堕入情网,然后幸福地生活。

    Meet someone , fall in love , live happily ever after .

  26. 从此以后他们一家三口再次幸福地生活在一起。

    The family of three lived together happily once again .

  27. 她也一脸幸福地在格莱美展示钻戒。

    The actress showed off her new engagement ring at the Grammys .

  28. 我和星期五幸福地一起生活了三年,

    Friday and I lived together happily for three years .

  29. “以后他们幸福地糊口在一路”,并不是只有童话故事里才有这样的景象。

    Living happily ever after needn 't only be for fairy tales .

  30. 也许那会让你们两个人很幸福地在一起。

    Maybe it just means that you guys would be happy together .