
  • 网络happiness economics;the economics of happiness;Hedonomics
  1. Oswald对于幸福经济学如此迅速的走红感到震惊,但是,他同时也说,政治思路翻天覆地的变化很可能是多种想法合并的结果。

    Oswald is surprised at how relatively quickly happiness economics has caught on , but says the seismic shift in political thinking may have resulted from a coalescence of ideas .

  2. 幸福经济学正逐渐成为主流。

    Happiness economics is slipping into the mainstream .

  3. 布鲁金斯学会研究幸福经济学的研究员CarolGraham告诉华盛顿邮报的记者,她有稍微不同的解释。

    Carol Graham , a Brookings Institution researcher who studies the economics of happiness , told the Washington Post that she had a slightly different interpretation .

  4. 幸福经济学的研究对经济学传统理论提出了一系列意义重大的修正,从而为经济学的发展深化开拓了一个全新的研究领域。

    Hedonomics research has put forward a series of amendments of great significance to the traditional economics .

  5. 掌握时髦幸福经济学概念的学生可能会告诉我们,竞争本能,以及我们总得努力胜过同辈的想法,导致幸福程度调查发现,人们的满意率极低。

    Students of the fashionable concept of happiness economics would tell us that the competitive instinct , and the idea that we must always try to do better than our peers , is leading to the terribly low satisfaction rates that surveys of people 's happiness are uncovering .

  6. 收入与幸福关系的经济学考察

    The Relationship between Income and Happiness : an Economic Perspective

  7. 国民幸福关怀与经济学研究方法多元化的诉求

    The Solicitude for National Happiness and Demand for Diversity of Economic Research Methods

  8. 追求幸福是英国政治经济学中一个传统。

    The pursuit of happiness has a venerable tradition in British political economy .

  9. 首先,对幸福契约的制度/契约经济学、幸福/行为经济学、心理学/博弈论等相关学科理论进行分析。

    The paper does theoretical research of contract economics , happiness / behavioral economics , and psychology / game theory .