
  1. 他把Timberland作为“社会可持续发展”的正面案例,称Timberland的做法改善了孟加拉国的公共健康状况,收获的则是员工生产力的提高,同时家庭更加幸福,社区也更和谐。

    As a positive example of " social sustainability , " he points to the work of timberland , which he claims has promoted improved health in bangledesh and reaped the benefits of greater worker productivity , happier families , and more harmonious communities .

  2. 笔者联合社区工作人员,以社会支持理论及社会策划模式为理论基础,运用项目方式,策划了主题为幸福康乃馨:社区孕产妇健康教育项目。

    The author and the community staff had planned the happy carnation project : Community pregnant woman health education , on the basis of the society supports the theory and society plans the pattern .

  3. 结果:晨练老年人的幸福度高于一般社区老年人,影响其幸福度的主要因素为经济因素、人际关系、家庭支持、老年人情感活动因子等。

    Results : The average level of happiness of study groups was higher than that of general social elderly , and they had advantage in psychological health . The factors of economic condition , interpersonal relationship , family support and affect activity were negatively related to happiness .