
  • Lucky Numbers;lucky seven;a luck number
  1. 显然,幸运数字只是一种迷信。

    Clearly , lucky numbers are only a kind of superstition .

  2. 他们会问:“你不努力、没有好机会、和周围人也相处不好,那怎么会只因为几个幸运数字就交到好运呢?”

    They will ask , " How can you ever have any good luck simply because of some lucky numbers , even if you don 't work hard , don 't have good opportunities and don 't get along well with the people around you ? "

  3. “无论是风水,还是幸运数字,它们的真正意义在于将机会最大化,”咨询公司中国商务服务(ChinaBusinessServices)首席执行官杰里米•戈登(JeremyGordon)补充道。

    " Whether it 's feng shui or lucky numbers , it 's about maximising your opportunities ," adds Jeremy Gordon , chief executive of China Business Services , a consultancy .

  4. LynnYeow解释道,传统上,大点的月饼会被切成八份,因为八是幸运数字。

    ' Customarily , the larger mooncakes are cut into eight pieces because eight is an auspicious number , 'explains Ms.

  5. 在中国,88被认为是一个幸运数字,于是保时捷决定将它在北京车展展示的新车型命名为“C88”。

    In China , 88 is considered a lucky number – and so Porsche decides to name the car it presents at an automobile show in Beijing the " C88 " .

  6. 无疑,“8”在中国是个幸运数字。

    Eight , unsurprisingly , is a lucky number in China .

  7. 派蒂:好极了。我从来没拿过幸运数字。

    Patty : great . I never get the lucky numbers .

  8. 幸运数字真的能带来好运?

    Do " Lucky Numbers " Really Bring Good Luck ?

  9. 或许,现在是该选一个幸运数字。

    Time to pick a lucky number , perhaps .

  10. “太好了!”夏洛蒂说:“七可是幸运数字。”

    " Fine !" said Charlotte . " Seven is a lucky number . "

  11. 你的幸运数字是什么?为什么这个数字对你来说最重要?

    What is your lucky number ? Tell us how important this lucky number is .

  12. 七是个幸运数字。

    Seven is a lucky number .

  13. 3是我的幸运数字。

    Three is my lucky number .

  14. 幸运数字真的能给人带来好运吗?对此不同的人有不同的观点。

    Do lucky numbers really bring good luck ? Different people have different views on it .

  15. 对,你说得对。8是中国人的幸运数字。

    Yes , You 're right . 8 is a very lucky number for Chinese people .

  16. 强力球头奖奖金高达4亿2千5百万美元,而且你还有时间选择幸运数字。

    The $ 425 million Powerball jackpot where there is still time to pick lucky numbers .

  17. 三是个幸运数字,因为它代表了一个传统的家庭∶母亲,父亲和孩子。

    Three is lucky because it represents the traditional family : mother , father , and child .

  18. 他们会承认他们有一个幸运数字,而13这个数字是不吉利的。

    They will admit that they have a @ lucky @ number and that thirteen is unlucky .

  19. 另外,荷兰馆的步行道整体呈现出阿拉伯数字8的形状,在中国,8是意味着财富的幸运数字。

    Moreover , the pedestrian street is shaped like an8 , a lucky number in China that suggests fortune .

  20. 在我看来,我不认为这些所谓的幸运数字能给人们带来好运。

    In my humble opinion , I do not think these so-called lucky numbers can bring people good luck .

  21. 中国人认为8是一个幸运数字,因为它听起来就像是“发财”的发字。

    THE Chinese consider eight to be a lucky number because it sounds like the word meaning " prosperity " .

  22. 中国人认为八是个幸运数字,因为它念起来像“发”。

    THE Chinese consider eight to be a lucky number because it sounds like the word meaning " prosperity . "

  23. 被赌徒、数字命理学家视为幸运数字,很多新人也将上周六定为他们的结婚日。

    The number seven is considered lucky by gamblers , numerologists and the slew of couples who chose Saturday as their wedding date .

  24. 33是你的幸运数字,如果形势还没好转,也许就是今年了(终于!)

    33 is your lucky number so if things have not started to look up , maybe THIS will be the year ( finally !) .

  25. 有传言说57是海茵茨的幸运数字;还有人说5是他的幸运数字,7是他妻子的幸运数字;

    Some sources say he considered 57 his lucky number , others claim that his lucky number was five , and his wife 's was seven .

  26. 他在短文中写道,“888”是中国的幸运数字,我感觉有必要在2008年8月8日做些有特殊意义的事情。

    ' Eight-eight-eight is a lucky number in China , and I feel the need to do something exceptional around Aug.8,2008 , 'he wrote in an essay .

  27. 美国人常会说“无三不成礼”。三是个幸运数字,因为它代表了一个传统的家庭∶母亲,父亲和孩子。

    Often , Americans will say , " All things come in threes . " Three is lucky because it represents the traditional family : mother , father , and child .

  28. 2015羊年,在这一年出生的人,专家们预测他们的幸运数字是2和7,幸运颜色是棕色,红色和紫色。

    In 2015 , the year of the goat , experts predict that the numbers two and seven , and colours brown , red and purple will bring good luck to those born in the next 12 months .

  29. 中国的十二生肖以及相应的动物符号,最早创建于公元前206到220年间,根据中国人的信仰,每种动物生肖都有自己的幸运数字、幸运日和幸运颜色。

    The Chinese zodiac , together with the corresponding animal symbols , was first created between 206 BC to 220 AD. According to Chinese belief , each animal zodiac has its own lucky numbers , days and colours .

  30. 2008是我的幸运数字,他解释道,他指的是他赢得中国首枚奥运拳击金牌的那一年,他的手机号和车牌号码的后四位也是2008。

    It 's my lucky number , he explains , referring to the year in which he won China 's first Olympic boxing gold , as well as to the last four digits of his cellphone and licence plate .