
  • 网络well-being economy
  1. 第二章分析了一个美国黑人家庭不幸福的经济根源以及一位普通黑人向更高社会地位奋斗的过程。

    In Chapter Two , the economic root of unhappiness in a black family is analyzed while their pursuit of happiness reflects the struggle of the common black from the bottom to a higher status .

  2. 很多人认为,生活的目的就是追求幸福,而经济政策的隐含目标是最大限度地提高国内生产总值(GDP),因此这就产生了一个问题。

    As many assume that life is about the pursuit of happiness , and the implicit goal of economic policy is to maximise GDP , this created a problem .

  3. 要明白,持久的幸福并非来自经济上的发达。

    Realize that enduring happiness doesn 't come from financial success .

  4. 幸福;繁荣经济福利的损失不大,这是因为人口也会向北方大量迁移。

    Welfare losses are small because there are big movements of people northward .

  5. 我从未发现任何证据支持幸福感和经济状况之间存在正向关联。

    I have never seen any evidence that happiness moves in tandem with economic activity .

  6. 学者的研究也大体上显示婚姻使人更幸福健康,经济上富裕。

    And scholarly research is showing that marriage , by and large , makes people happier , healthier , and better off financially .

  7. 很多人认为,生活的目的就是“追求幸福”,而经济政策的隐含目标是最大限度地提高国内生产总值(GDP),因此这就产生了一个问题。

    As many assume that life is about " the pursuit of happiness , " and the implicit goal of economic policy is to maximise GDP , this created a problem .

  8. 经济水平上升了,国民幸福却没有与经济同步。

    Increased economic level , national and economic well-being are not synchronized .

  9. 我们的幸福是否伴随着经济浪潮上涨了呢?

    Has our happiness floated upward with the rising economic tide ? Are we happier today than in

  10. 无论如何,依旧持续着的争议告诉我们将幸福指数和整体经济因素进行关联时需要多加小心。

    In any case , the ongoing debate indicates that we need to tread carefully when making connections between happiness and overall economic factors .

  11. 得出的结论为:幸福程度并不与经济收入高低显著相关,人们是否幸福,还很大程度上取决于很多和绝对财富无关的因素。

    And we drew a concluded : the extent of happiness is not significantly related to income , whether people happy or not depends on a lot of non-factor of wealth .

  12. 最后一部分,主要从宏观层面探讨了增加国民幸福的路径,阐明了增加国民幸福需要经济、政治、文化、社会、生态等维度的协调推进。

    In the last part , this paper seeks and explores the approaches to solve this problem mainly from the macro level , illustrating the need to increase gross national happiness will be based on harmonious advance on economic , political , social , ecological and other dimensions .

  13. 影响幸福社会的基本要素包括:异化劳动影响幸福社会的经济基础,正义影响幸福社会的政治环境,自然生态影响幸福社会的外部条件。

    The basic factors influencing the happiness society are : the alienation of labor that affects economic basis , justice that affects the political environment . the ecological environment of the nature that affects the external conditions .