
  • 网络Telephone Interpreting;Telephone interpretation
  1. 提供具时限性的免费电话翻译服务。

    Provide free telephone translation service within a time limit .

  2. 有报道称,如今,在日旅游遇到语言障碍的外国游客,可以通过24小时多语言电话翻译服务获得帮助了。

    Tourists who encounter a language barrier while visiting Japan can now access 24-hour , multilingual phone assistance , it 's reported .

  3. 如果任何机构不同意安排此项服务,请您把那机构的名字,地址告诉我们;我们会反映给有関部门。国民卫生服务会采取行动令该机构以后一定要提供电话翻译服务。

    If you come across any problem when you require this service , please give us their name and address so we will go back to the NHS for them to take action as you are entitled to these services .

  4. 基于智能工作站的英汉双向电话自动翻译系统研究

    Phone Calls Research on an English-Chinese Bidirectional Telephone Automatic Translation System Based on Intelligent Workstations

  5. CBM办公室的一位工作人员接听了记者电话,表示翻译和制作工作正按照客户CCTV的要求有序进行。

    A person at CBM who answered the phone at its offices said the translation project was being carried out ' according to the demands of our client , CCTV . '

  6. 市政机构和私人公司运营的救护车的确都可以使用电话上的翻译服务,但据医生和提供急救服务的人表示,遇到医疗问题的人往往会觉得,用母语和急救人员沟通更容易、更放心。

    Ambulances operated by the city , as well as private companies , do have access to telephone-based translation services , but people facing medical issues often find it easier and more comforting to speak to emergency responders in their native language , according to doctors , and emergency medical provider .

  7. IP电话是按国际互联网协议规定的网络技术内容开通的电话业务,中文翻译为网络电话或互联网电话,它是利用国际互联网Internet为语音传输的媒介,从而实现语音通信的一种全新的通信技术。

    IP telephone is a telephone operation according to the direction of internet protocol . The Chinese translation is network telephone or Internet telephones . It is a kind of new correspondence technique that using Internet as speech deliver medium to realize speech correspondence .