
  • 网络Current voltage curve;I-V curve
  1. 发现了电流电压曲线上的平台结构以及透射系数的共振峰,可以由量子点的局域态密度来解释。

    Plateaus in the I-V curve and resonant peaks in the transmission coefficient occur and can be explained by the local electron density of states in the quantum dots .

  2. 结果:随着多西紫杉醇的浓度增加,MCF-7细胞IK电流电压曲线斜率减少,多西紫杉醇对IK通道具有关闭作用;

    Results : The slopes of current-voltage curve of IK decreased with the increase in the concentration of Docetaxel .

  3. VMO使INa的电流电压曲线上移,但不改变其激活电位、电位峰值和反转电位;

    VMO upshifted the I Na I V curves but didn ′ t change their active , peak and reverse potentials ;

  4. SNP使73%细胞的诱发动作电位的幅度和超射值减小、半幅时程增大(P<0.05),并伴放电频率降低、电流电压曲线斜率减小、AHP幅度增大(P<0.05);

    In 73 % of tested cells , SNP also decreased the amplitude , overshoot , firing frequency and slope of current_voltage curve , and increased the afterhyperpolarization of action potentials evoked by intracellular depolarizing current pulses ( P < 0.05 ) .

  5. 电流电压曲线显示了系列超晶格漏电流和电压呈对数关系,属于欧姆电导机制,而且漏电流与超晶格薄膜的组元、铁电材料厚度、沉积衬底存在一定的联系。

    The current-voltage curve shows that the leakage current has exponential relationship with voltage . Leakage current is dependent on the components of superlattices , the thickness of the ferroelectric material and the substrate type .

  6. 经过1000V高电压处理后,材料电阻率下降,材料电流电压关系曲线的线性度提高。

    After being treated at a high voltage of 1 000 V , the electrical resistivity of the composites decreases and the linearity relationship between current and voltage becomes obvious .

  7. 在实验室电解槽上测量了反电势和电流&电压曲线。

    The back EMF and I-V curves were measured in laboratory electrolysis cells .

  8. 其电流-电压曲线模拟结果也同时证明了这一点。

    It is proved again by the later calculation of the current-voltage curves .

  9. 文中给出了在这种结上所观察到的几种不同的电流-电压曲线,并作了若干讨论。

    Some kinds of current-voltage curves observed on these junctions at 4.5K and explanations on them are given in this paper .

  10. 与已报道的其它结构硅雪崩击穿电子发射器件相比较,该器件的电流电压特性曲线有更宽的线性区域和更低的通导电阻。

    Its I-V characteristics show a larger linear region and lower series resistance than that of the previous silicon avalanche electron emission devices .

  11. 根据测得的稳态极化电流与电压曲线.得出体系的电子电导主要为空穴电子电导;

    It is proved that the electronic conductivity of the system is mainly composed of the cavity conductivity according to the measured steady curve of current to voltage .

  12. 实验结果表明,离子交换膜-硫酸铵溶液体系的电流-电压曲线明显有3个区域:欧姆区域、平缓增加区域和过极限电流区域。

    Three distinct regions were observed in the current – voltage curve of monopolar membrane and ammonium sulfate system , and the limiting current densities were obtained from the curve .

  13. 本文利用紫外可见透射光谱,电流电压特性曲线测试,以及二维透射扫描系统来评价氮化镓基薄膜材料。

    In the paper , transmission spectrum in the UV and visible spectral range , current-voltage measurement and a two dimension transmission scanning system ( 2-DTSS ) are employed to evaluate the properties of GaN-based material .

  14. 设置扫描方式、采样频率和点数并进行A/D转换后,通过程序可绘制起动电流、电压曲线,计算起动时间、单位时间内电池端电压变化率及蓄电池剩余电量。

    The curves of started-up current and voltage were drawn , and start-up time , voltage change-rate and remain capability of storage cell in unit-time was computed with program by setting scan mode , sampling frequency and A / D conversion .

  15. 实验结果表明,电解液栅型碳纳米管晶体管(FET)呈现出良好的电流-电压特性曲线。

    Experimental results show that the electrolyte-gated carbon nanotube transitors exhibited a good voltage-current characteristic .

  16. 测量了在多孔硅形成初期阶段的电流I-电压V曲线,计算了硅表面原子吸附不同元素时电荷的转移量。

    The I-V curves of the initial stage of porous silicon formation have been measured , and the amount of charge transfer for silicon atoms adsorbed different elements has been calculated .

  17. 本研究采用电流-电压极化曲线和交流阻抗谱方法,对膜电极的热压条件、扩散层和催化剂层的组成与结构、电极活化过程等因素对液体进料DMFC性能的影响进行了全面的研究。

    The performance of liquid DMFC is evaluated as a function of the composition and structure of MEAs , hot-pressing condition and activation process by means of V-I polarization and AC impedance spectrometry .

  18. 提出了一种基于黄金分割法和二分法寻查思想的一维积分来实现二维积分的方法,此方法能迅速而精确地计算RTD电流密度-电压曲线适用于RTD及其电路的计算机辅助设计。

    A kind of one dimensional integration method based on golden division and bifurcation for two dimensional integration is presented . Using this method , the current density voltage curve of RTD can be calculated with high speed and precision .

  19. 测定了它们的电流&电压关系曲线并与理论公式进行比较。

    Thier current-potential curves have been determined in comparison with theoretical one .

  20. 在不同大小的扫描速率下,该电极的电流随着电压变化曲线均是准矩形形状,体现出良好的对称性和电容特性。

    In different scan rate , the electrode current as the voltage curve are quasi-rectangular shape , reflecting a good symmetry and capacitance characteristics .

  21. 方法:应用全细胞电压箝技术的斜坡脉冲程序,测定离体大鼠心肌细胞准稳态电流-电压关系曲线。

    METHODS : The quasi-steady state current-voltage relationship from the isolated rat ventricular myocytes was measured using whole-cell voltage-clamp techniques with a ramp pulse protocol .

  22. 各组电流-电压关系曲线形态虽无显著变化,但缺血组显著上移,而卡托普利组、卡托普利+缺血组比缺血组下移。

    Shape of current - voltage relationship curve was unchanged among groups , but significantly upward in ischemic group and downward in captopril and captopril + ischemic group .

  23. 根据空间电位测量结果,在等离子体的电流-电压特性曲线上能准确地获取饱和电流,从而处理出电子数密度。

    According to the plasma space potential , saturated current on the current-voltage curve of plasma can be determined , which can be used to estimate the number density of electrons .

  24. 在一定条件下,双势垒结构中电子的隧穿几率甚至可以接近1.利用这种共振隧穿现象可以做成共振隧穿二极管,它的电流-电压特性曲线中会出现负微分电阻。

    In the case of double barrier structure the tunneling probability may still approach 1 under certain conditions . This resonant tunneling effect is the basis of the resonant tunneling diode .

  25. 研究表明,分子的电子输运具有显著的非线性特性,分子的电流电压(I-V)曲线可以用Simmons隧穿模型来很好的拟合。

    The measured current-voltage ( I-V ) curves show obvious nonlinear behavior and can be fitted with Simmons tunneling model .

  26. 在测试温度范围内,通过量子点的共振隧穿过程在电流电压(IV)曲线中造成台阶结构,且使电流回路随温度的上升急剧减小。

    The resonant tunneling process , which may occur in some Schottky barriers , could induce steps on the I V curves in the measured temperature range and diminish the hysteresis loops intensively .

  27. 隧穿二极管是一种很有前途的基于带隙工程的异质结构量子器件,其电流电压(I-V)曲线中所呈现的微分负阻特性能够用于开发多种不同的电路功能。

    Tunneling diode is one of the promising nano devices based on energy band engineering of Si / SiGe heterostructure . Because of the negative differential resistance revealed by its current-voltage ( I-V ) curve , tunneling diode can be used to design many kinds of complicate integrated circuits .

  28. 以膜片钳技术记录单个心室肌细胞内向钙电流及电流-电压曲线、内向整流钾电流及延迟整流钾电流。

    The influence of CMP on the inward calcium current ( I Ca ) and its current-voltage relationship , the inward rectifier and delayed rectifier potassium current were recorded by patch-clamp techniques in guinea pig ventricular myocytes .

  29. 采用全细胞电压钳技术记录了豚鼠心室肌细胞ICa2+电流,绘出了电流&电压关系曲线。

    ICa 2 + was recorded in ventricular myocytes and a curve of current-voltage relationships of Ica 2 + was drawn .

  30. 方法:膜片钳全细胞技术记录风湿性心脏病慢性房颤患者和窦性心律患者心房肌细胞乙酰胆碱敏感钾通道电流,分析两组的电流密度-电压关系曲线;

    METHODS : Acetylcholine sensitive K ~ + currents ( I_ KACh ) were recorded with the whole-cell patch clamp technique in single atrial myocyte of AF group and normal sinus rhythm group ( SR group ) .