
  • 网络electrolytic manganese;EMM
  1. 阐述了2004年中国电解锰工业所取得的可喜进展及电解锰行业的现状,指出了中国电解锰行业2004年存在的问题。

    This article analyses the excellent achievements in EMM industry made in 2004 , also the current situation existing in EMM . At last , the author points out there still were some problems in 2004 in EMM industry of China .

  2. 2005年中国电解金属锰工业回顾与展望搞好两个转变振兴电解锰工业

    A review and Prospect of EMM in 2005 implement the two basic turns develop electrolytic manganese metal industry

  3. 针对我国电解锰行业的生产、经营状况,分析了该行业在加入WTO后,所面临的形势,提出了在全行业中要加强学习世贸组织的规则、规定,树立应有的责任意识;

    The paper describes our Mn electrolysis industry , including its production , management , etc. and analyzes the new situation after it joins WTO .

  4. 采用SEM和XRD分别考察了新添加剂对电解锰表面形貌和晶体结构的影响。

    The effect of new additive on the surface morphology and crystal structure of electrolytic manganese was investigated by SEM and XRD .

  5. FAAS法连续测定电解锰阳极板中银和锑

    Continuous Determination of Ag and Sb in Electrolytic Manganese Anode Plate by FAAS

  6. 电解锰废水中锰(Mn~(2+))和氨-氮(NH3-N)的处理

    Treatment of mn ( ⅱ ) and NH3-N containing waste water in electrolytic manganese production

  7. 用废铁屑为原料对电解锰生产废水进行处理,考察了铁屑用量、反应时间和废水pH值对Cr6+,Mn2+去除率的影响。

    The electrolytic mangan wastewater was processed by iron chipping . The factors of iron chipping amount , reaction time and the influence of wastewater pH on the purgation ratio of Cr 6 + , Mn 2 + were investigated .

  8. 用PbO2/Ti作阳极从MnCl2体系制备电解锰(Ⅰ)PbO2/Ti阳极的制备与特性

    The Preparation of Electrolytic Manganese from MnCl_2 System with PbO_2 / Ti as Anode (ⅰ) & Preparation of PbO_2 / Ti Anode and its Characteristics

  9. 彭小伟等已从电解锰废渣中筛选出一株锰抗性强的霉菌A5,并对其进行了初步鉴定。

    The strain A5 , which has strong resistance to manganese , has been isolated from electrolytic manganese residue and preliminarily identified by Peng Xiaowei .

  10. 电解锰生产废渣用作水泥生产缓凝剂的研究

    Study on Using Residue From Electrolysing Manganese as Cement Retarding Agent

  11. 电解锰生产中镁的回收利用

    The Recycle of the Magnesium in the Production of Electrolytic Manganese

  12. 铁屑微电解法处理电解锰生产废水

    Treatment of the Electrolytic Mangan Wastewater by Iron Chipping Micro electrolysis

  13. 搞好两个转变振兴电解锰工业

    Implement the two basic turns develop electrolytic manganese metal industry

  14. 电解锰渣的理化特征及其开发应用的研究

    Physical-chemical Characteristics of Electrolysis Manganese Residue and its Comprehensive Utilization

  15. 电解锰渣-生石灰-低等级粉煤灰复合掺合料的试验研究

    Experimental study on composite admixture of electrolytic manganese residue-quicklime-low grade fly ash

  16. 浅析统计学在电解锰生产过程中的应用

    Application of statistics in production of electrolytic metallic manganese

  17. 无硒电解锰添加剂的研制及电解生产工艺研究

    Research of Selenium-free Additive for Electrolytic Manganese and Exploitation of the Electrolytic Technique

  18. 电解锰渣用于水泥缓凝剂的生产研究

    Studies on replacement of gypsum by manganese slag as retarder in cement manufacture

  19. 可充碱锰电池用电解锰的研究(Ⅰ)

    Research on Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide Used for the Rechargeable Alkaline Zn-MnO_2 Cells (ⅰ)

  20. 可用于建筑材料的电解锰渣性能试验研究

    Properties of Electrolytic Manganese Slag Used as Building Materials

  21. 高纯电解锰生产工艺设计探讨

    The Study on High-purity Electrolytic Manganese Production Process Design

  22. 电解锰生产废水处理技术的研究

    Study on the Treatment of Electrolytical Manganese Wastewater

  23. 电解锰无铬钝化剂的研究

    Chromium - Free Passivating Technology For Electrolytic Manganese

  24. 微粒电解锰的电化学活性

    Electrochemical Activity of Corpuscular Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide

  25. 锰渣处理是电解锰行业的一个重大环境问题。

    The treatment of manganese slag is a significant environmental problem of electrolytic manganese industry .

  26. 电解锰渣部分代石膏作缓凝剂的可行性研究

    Possibility of using manganese slag as one of cement setting retarder to replace part of gypsum

  27. 电解锰用新型阳极的研制

    New anode material for manganese electrowinning

  28. 四川岷江电解锰厂

    Sichuan Minjiang Electrolytic Manganese Plant

  29. 本文对铁屑微电解法预处理酿酒厂、炼钒厂和电解锰厂等三种工业废水进行了研究。

    This article for three parts on treatment brewing > electrolytic mangan and contain vanadium wastewater were studied .

  30. 此外,电解锰生产过程中排放的重金属废水造成的重金属污染的问题也日益严重。

    The heavy metal pollution problem caused in the process of electrolytic manganese production also becomes increasingly worse .