
  • 网络Nitrogen Cylinder
  1. 方法:实验用葡萄糖试剂盒,高氯酸,可见光分光光度计,氮气瓶和摇床。

    Methods : Reagent kit of glucose , perchloric acid , visible light prismatic photometer , battle of nitrogen and rocking bed are used in the studies .

  2. 结合爆炸现场的燃烧痕迹以及事故后对钢瓶内残余气体的分析结果,认为爆炸事故是因氮气瓶误装了氧气,从而在工作过程中发生了化学爆炸而引起。

    On the basis of the analysis on the combustion vestige of the explosion spot and the remaining gas in the vessel , the final conclusion is that oxygen was unconsciously filled in nitrogen vessel and the chemical explosion burst out during the accumulator operation .