
  • 网络nitrogen oxide pollution;pollution by nitrogen oxides
  1. 氮氧化物污染控制&排烟脱硝

    Nitrogen oxide pollution control part ⅱ: flue gas denitrification

  2. 本文介绍的铜制件光亮酸洗钝化工艺,既无有毒的含铬物质,又无氮氧化物污染。

    The no pollution bright pickling passivation technique of copper parts introduced in this pa-per , has neither the toxic chromium containing materials nor nitrogen oxide pollution .

  3. 郑州大气氮氧化物污染与灰色分析

    Study on Grey Prediction NOx Concentration in Atmosphere and Its Pollution

  4. 消除氮氧化物污染是环境保护中的一项重要课题。

    Decomposition of nitric oxide is one of the most important environmental subjects .

  5. 上海市氮氧化物污染与气象条件关系特征分析氮氧化物污染控制&控制氮氧化物的生成

    Analyses on features of relation between Nitrogen Oxides Pollution and meteorological conditions in Shanghai

  6. 灰色系统理论预测大气氮氧化物污染的应用

    Application of Grey System Theory for Prediction of Pollution Index in Air Nitric Oxides

  7. 室内空气中氮氧化物污染水平及其影响因素的探讨

    Study on the Pollution Level of Nitrogen Oxides in Indoor Air and Its Influential Factors

  8. 伦敦和巴黎是氮氧化物污染最严重的地区之一。

    London and Paris have among the highest pollution levels in terms of nitrogen oxides .

  9. 氮氧化物污染防治技术进展

    Development of Nitrogen Oxides Pollution Control Technology

  10. 改进燃烧技术,正在成为广泛应用的氮氧化物污染控制技术。

    The improving combustion technique is insreasingly air pollution control technique by nitrogen oxides in extensive application .

  11. 通过机动车尾气减排来减轻城市大气氮氧化物污染是比较有效的。

    It was a efficacious way to reduce the urban air nitrogen pollution by decrease the vehicle exhaust .

  12. 为了有效利用这部分原油,存在着一个客观的问题就是代油燃料技术和由于使用能源而造成的氮氧化物污染问题。

    In order to take advantage of the part oil , there exists a problem & alternative fuel and NOx pollution .

  13. 这两种黏性物质主要由公路交通产生:83%的细颗粒物以及46%的氮氧化物污染。

    Road transport produces most of both types of gunk : 83 % of the fine particles and46 % of the nitrogen pollution .

  14. 发展洁净煤燃烧技术,解决燃煤发电造成的氮氧化物污染,是当前能源领域最为关心的问题之一。

    Developing the technology of clean combustion of coal and solving the NOx pollution which come from coal-fired power generation is one of the most concerned issues in current energy field .

  15. 重点开展北京市近郊区空气污染预测预报研究与应用;北京市氮氧化物污染发展趋势及关键控制技术研究与应用;

    We shall emphatically make a study of prediction and forecast of air pollution nearby Beijing suburb , the trend of nitroxide pollution of Beijing and its key control technology and its application .

  16. 对中国燃煤电厂氮氧化物污染现状进行了分析,造成大气污染的主要污染物之一是氮氧化物,而氮氧化物的排放中有70%来自煤炭的直接燃烧。

    Nitrogen oxides pollution status in coal-fired power plant of China is analyzed , which mainly brings about air pollution , and70 % of the discharged comes from the direct combustion of coal .

  17. 生物法处理NOx是一种较新的氮氧化物废气污染控制技术。

    Biological treatment method is a relatively new method for pollution control on NO_x containing emissions .

  18. 中国的NOX排放量不断增加,氮氧化物的污染控制和治理迫在眉睫。

    The amount of the NOx discharging is getting more and more . So it is a great of urgency to control the NOx pollution .

  19. 介绍了氮氧化物排放污染的危害以及氮氧化物控制的方法。

    Pilot test on treatment of high concentration nitrogen oxides by high gravity technology ;

  20. 氮氧化物的污染与治理方法

    Pollution of Nitrogen Oxides and Its Treating Method

  21. 氮氧化物的污染控制对策

    Controlling Measurements of Nitrogen Oxydes Pollution

  22. 分析了中国目前氮氧化物的污染现状,提出了中国氮氧化物污染控制的建议。

    The article also analysed the situation of nitrogen oxydes pollution in China and presented the controlling suggestion .

  23. 其中,烟气中的硫氧化物和氮氧化物是污染环境的主要气体。

    Among them , the flue gas of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides is the main gas that pollutes the environment .

  24. 随着城市化的发展,环境污染与能源紧缺问题日益严峻,空气中氮氧化物的污染问题受到了人们的广泛关注。

    The development of urbanization brings in increasingly serious environmental pollution and energy shortage problems ; meanwhile NOx pollution has attracted much attention recently .

  25. 该技术实施后解决了氨及氮氧化物的污染问题,节约了电力及水资源,经济效益显著。

    The application of the technology solved the problem of ammonia and hydroxide pollution , saved on water and electricity , and got notable economic benefit .

  26. 氮氧化物NOx是污染大气、形成酸雨和破坏臭氧层的主要物质之一。

    Nitrogen oxides NOx is one of the main substances of the pollution of the atmosphere , acid rain and destruction of atmospheric ozone .

  27. 氮氧化物是大气污染主要控制的污染物之一,选择性催化还原(SCR)技术是脱除氮氧化物的最有效方法之一。

    Nitric oxide is one of the major atmosphere pollutants . Selective catalytic reduction ( SCR ) has been recognized as the most effective way to remove nitric oxide from the stationary sources .

  28. 多波段光催化协合材料具有光催化作用能产生·OH自山基,·OH自由基与氮氧化物、甲醛等污染性气体反应,从而达到净化空气的目的。

    Since the material can produce OH free radicals ( OH free radicals are oxidant to react with pollutant such as nitrogen oxides , formaldehyde , and bacteria ), it can purify air .

  29. 随着经济的快速发展和大量化石燃料的使用,氮氧化物(NOX)污染所引起的光化学烟雾、酸雨等环境问题日益突出。

    With the rapid development of economy and a large number of fossil fuels used , some environmental problems , such as photochemical smog , acid rain , ozone depletion , and greenhouse effects , caused by nitrogen oxides ( NOx ) pollution is gradually serious .

  30. 概述了目前硫氧化物和氮氧化物的危害及污染现状;

    The hazard and polluted circumstance of SO2 and NOx are described ;