
  • 网络Titanium nitride;TIN;TiNx
  1. 目的在金属钛表层制备以氮化钛(TiN)为主的氮化物膜层。

    Objective To synthesize the surface film which consisted of TiN on pure titanium .

  2. 1研究了氮化钛电极在pH11-14范围内对pH的响应。

    The TiN electrode showed a linear response in the pH range of 11-14 with a response slope of - 60 mV / pH.

  3. 含Ti不锈钢中氮化钛夹杂的研究

    On titanium nitride inclusions in Ti-STABILIZED stainless steel

  4. 确定了钛沉积物的组成是碳氮化钛Ti(N,C)、α-Fe和少量石墨。

    The results show that the deposite consists of Ti ( N , C ),α - Fe and some graphite .

  5. 氮化钛(TiN)作为力学性能和生物相容性优异的生物材料,广泛应用于义齿和髋关节的涂膜等方面。

    Titanium nitride ( TiN ) as a kind of biomaterial with excellent mechanical properties and biocompatibility is widely used .

  6. 氮化钛薄膜的高分辨AES谱和XPS谱研究

    Investigation of titanium nitrides films by high resolution Auger electron spectroscopy and X-ray photo electron spectroscopy

  7. TiO2碳热还原与高炉钛渣提取碳氮化钛分析

    Analysis of carbothermal reduction of TiO_2 and extraction of titanium carbonitride from the blast furnace slag bearing titania

  8. ICP发射光谱法对氮化钛和钛材体内埋置试验有关生物样品中钛的测定

    ICP-AES Determination of Titanium in Biological Samples in Experiments of Embedding Titanium and Nitrided Titanium Test Pieces in Animal Bodies

  9. 经氮化钛涂层后Ni-Cr合金、Co-Cr合金的腐蚀电位有明显升高,差异均有显著性(P<0.001)。

    The differences between them were significant ( P < 0.001 ) .

  10. PVD氮化钛涂层刀具切削性能的试验研究

    Machinability Test of PVD-TiN Coated Cutting Tools

  11. 分别采用多弧离子镀和直流磁过滤弧源沉积两种成膜方法在齿轮和试块表面覆氮化钛(TiN)陶瓷涂层和C:N超硬涂层。

    TiN and C : N coatings , deposited by Multi-arc Ion Plating technology andDFAD ( Direct Current Filtered Arc Deposition ) , are coated on gears and specimen .

  12. 本文采用等离子束溅射沉积技术对聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)人工晶体表面进行氮化钛薄膜修饰。

    In this paper , we used the method of ion beam sputtering deposition to deposit TiN thin film on the PMMA intraocular lens surface .

  13. 采用中频非平衡磁控溅射工艺,在316L不锈钢基体上制备氮化钛膜层。

    The TiN coating has been prepared on316L stainless steel by middle frequency unbalanced magnetron sputtering plating ( MF-UBMSP ) .

  14. 采用直流电弧等离子体蒸发冷凝法制备出了粒径可控的高纯氮化钛(TiN)纳米粉末。

    Nanometer titanium nitride ( TiN ) powder with high purity of 98 % ( in mass ) was prepared by evaporating and nitriding metal Ti in DC arc nitrogen plasma .

  15. 介绍了物理气相沉积氮化钛(PVD)涂层工艺及在工具表面处理中的应用。

    This paper presents the technology of Tin plating by physical gas-phase sedimentation and its application in tool plating .

  16. 用调Q-YAG和XeCl脉冲激光在钛表面以激光气体合金化(LGA)方法生成氮化钛层。

    TiN layers are generated on titanium surface using laser gas alloying ( LGA ) method with Q-switched YAG laser and XeCl excimer laser .

  17. GDS检测分析结果表明:钛、钛合金两种表面处理后,表面主要由氮化钛化合物组成。

    The result of GDS showed that the surface modified layers were composed of titanium nitride . ⑵ .

  18. 结果表明,氮化钛薄膜的光学性能严格依赖于氮和钛原子数比,符合化学计量比的TiN薄膜具有良好的光谱选择性。

    The results indicated that the optical properties strongly depend on chemical proportion of titanium and nitride in TiN film . It is confirmed that the stoichiometric TiN films have good spectral solar selectivity .

  19. 在常用的陶瓷涂层中,氮化钛(TiN)具有硬度极高、摩擦系数低、耐磨性、耐蚀性好等优点,是目前在工具行业中应用最为普遍、技术最为成熟的陶瓷涂层。

    Among the common ceramic coatings , the titanium nitride ( TiN ) is featured by excellent wear-resistance and low friction against to metals , making them widely used in tool and die industry .

  20. 采用分光光度计和扫描隧道显微镜测试手段对氮化钛薄膜光学性能随N2流量变化的规律进行了研究。

    The effect of N_2 mass flow rate on the optical properties of titanium nitride films was analyzed via spectrophotometer and scanning tunneling microscopy ( STM ) methods .

  21. 【目的】评价氮化钛涂层对牙科Ni-Cr、Co-Cr合金在人工唾液中析出金属离子的影响。

    [ Objective ] To evaluate the effect of titanium nitride coating on the element quantities released from the Ni-Cr and Co-Cr alloys .

  22. 目的:探讨表面处理(镀氮化钛和镀金处理)对镍铬合金、含钛镍铬合金(Titan含钛牙科合金)耐腐蚀性的作用以及Ni-Cr合金与含Ti的Ni-Cr合金的耐腐蚀性有无差别。

    Objective : 1.To study the effect of surface treatment such as titanium nitrogen ( TiN ) coating and gold-plating on corrosion resistant of Ni-Cr alloy and Ni-Cr Alloy With Titanium .

  23. V-Ti-N微合金钢中复相氮化钛颗粒的本质和形成

    An investigation on the nature and formation of multi-phase titanium nitride particles in V-Ti-N Ma Steel

  24. 另一方面,氮化钛(TiN)薄膜具有优异的热稳定性、化学稳定性和高机械强度、低电阻率等特性,不仅在中远红外光区具有较高的反射率,而且在近红外光区也具有较高的反射率。

    In addition , Titanium nitride ( TiN ) has thermal stability , good diffusion barrier properties and low electrical resistivity . TiN films exhibit high reflectivity in the IR region which is very important in energy saving coating glass industry .

  25. 在N2压力为0.1MPa的条件下,于1700℃保温3h热处理后,可以获得平均粒径为2μm的碳氮化钛粉末。

    The titanium carbonitride powder with average particle diameter of 2 μ m was prepared at 1700 ℃ for 3 h , nitrogen partial pressure of 0.1 MPa .

  26. 通过AES分析发现,离子注氮后钛及其合金表面形成的氮化钛膜层及弥散的氮化钛析出相的化学效应,使基体电化学性能得到提高。

    Analysis using AES indicated that in response to N ion implantation the resulting TiN film and TiN dispersed phases on the alloy surface isolate the matrix from the environment and improved the electrochemical behavior of the material .

  27. 氮化钛薄膜因具有高硬度、高耐磨性、化学稳定性以及漂亮的金属光泽而广泛应用于各种工磨具的表面、装饰涂层、耐蚀涂层及Cu和Si之间的扩散阻挡层。

    TiN thin films have been serving the industry as the surface of cutting tools and dies , decorative coatings , corrosion resistance coatings , diffusion barriers layers between Cu and Si due to their high hardness , high wear resistance , beautiful color and chemically stability .

  28. 本文对TiAl金属间化合物合金进行激光气体合金化,制得了以高硬度氮化钛为增强相的新型快速凝固原位耐磨复合材料表面改性层。

    Laser gas alloying with nitrogen was employed to improve the wear resistance of TiAl intermetallic alloys . The rapidly solidified in-situ wear resistant composite materials reinforced by hard titanium nitride were successfully fabricated in the laser modified surface layer .

  29. 本文利用非平衡磁控溅射技术,通过改变薄膜沉积时氮气和氩气分压比(PN/PAr)和靶基距,在Si(100)和钛合金(Ti6A14V)基体上制备了氮化钛薄膜。

    Titanium nitride films were grown by unbalanced magnetron sputtering on substrates of Si ( 100 ) and Ti alloy at different partial pressure ratios of N_2 and Ar and at different target substrate separations .

  30. 随机选择Ni-Cr、Co-Cr合金试件各6个,采用多弧离子镀法分别在其表面上沉积一层厚为2.5μm的氮化钛涂层(TiN)形成TiN/Ni-Cr、TiN/Co-Cr复合体。

    All specimens were ground and polished to simulate clinical conditions . Then six specimens of each alloy were selected randomly and coated with a thickness of 2.5 μ m titanium nitride coating ( TiN ) on the surfaces by multi arc technique .