
  • 网络Silicon oxynitride;sion;SiOxNy;SiNxOy
  1. 不过继续缩小氮氧化硅栅介电层厚度的道路仍然走到了尽头。

    But thinning of oxynitride , or sion , gate dielectric is at the end of the road .

  2. 常压CVD法制备氮氧化硅薄膜沉积特性的研究

    Study of deposition character of Silicon Oxynitride Thin Films Prepared by atmospheric pressure CVD

  3. 采用常压化学气相沉积方法(atmosphericpressurechemicalvapordeposition,APCVD)制备了氮氧化硅(SiON)薄膜,研究了影响其沉积速率和生长模式的因素。

    Silicon oxynitride thin films were prepared by atmospheric pressure Chemical vapor deposition . The factors controlling deposition rate and formation mode were studied .

  4. 本文研究热氮氧化硅(SiOxNy)薄膜在高场下的电子陷阱和被陷电子的释放。

    The electron trapping at high-field and detrapping in thin thermally nitrided silicon oxide ( SiO_xN_y ) films are studied in the present work .

  5. 金属氮氧化硅硅电容在本征击穿前的漏电特性

    Leakage Current Characteristics of Metal-Oxynitride-Silicon Capacitors before Intrinsic Dielectric Breakdown

  6. 氮氧化硅粉末及陶瓷的性能、制备与应用

    Properties , preparation and application of the silicon oxynitride powder and ceramics

  7. 氮氧化硅薄膜制备方法的研究

    Study on the Preparation Methods of Silicon Oxynitride Thin Films

  8. 用天然石英粉制备氮氧化硅粉末

    Preparation of Si 2n 2O powder from natural quartz powder

  9. 氮氧化硅合成研究进展

    Research progress in synthesis of silicon oxynitride

  10. 氮氧化硅陶瓷的烧结

    Sintering of Silicon oxy nitride ceramics

  11. 以天然石英粉为原料,先进行活化预处理,然后在1350℃左右进行碳热还原氮化,制备了氮氧化硅粉末。

    At 1 350 ℃ or so , Si 2N 2O powder had been prepared by the carbothermal reduction and nitridation of natural quartz which had been activated .

  12. 本文的实验结果表明,从6MV/cm到14MV/cm的外加电场范围内,在氮氧化硅膜的漏电机理与常规方法生长的氧化硅的不同。氮氧化硅膜漏电机理可分为三种。

    This study reveals that the mechanism of leakage current in the oxynitride is deviating from that in conventional grown silicon oxide in the electric field ranging trom 6MV / cm to 14MV / cm and suggests that the electronic conduction is governed by three different mechanisms .

  13. 通过对化学表面修正前后的氮氧化硅复合膜的表面电导率的测量和电荷横向扩散效应的考察,讨论了化学表面修正工艺对样品中电荷横向扩散的抑止作用。

    In this paper , the inhibit effect of the surface modification to the lateral diffusion of the charge in Si3N4 / SiO2 composite electret films is investigated by measurements of the surface conductivity and charge lateral diffusion in the film before and after chemical surface modification .

  14. 结果指出:从抗湿能力考虑,经DCDMS修正的氮、氧化硅驻极体的电荷稳定性优于HMDS处理的样品,是由于这类修正形成了更完善的表面单分子疏水层;

    It was pointed out that according to humidity proof ability , the films modified by DCDMS is better than that by HMDS , because the modification formed more perfect hydrophobic layer on the free surface of the films ;

  15. 掺氮热氧化硅工艺的研究

    Study of Doped N_2 Thermal SiO_2 Processing formed is reacted with excess of iodide in an acidic medium to give free iodine ( I ?) From Nitroglycerine to Nitrogen Oxide