
  • 网络anti-aliased;Anti-Aliasing;antialiasing;anti-alias;antialias
  1. 基于FPGA的座舱仪表图形反走样技术研究

    Research on Antialiasing Technology Based on FPGA for Cockpit Display System

  2. 基于FPGA的反走样图形发生器的研制

    Implemention of Antialiasing Graphics Generator Based on FPGA

  3. 其中主要对纹理映射反走样技术、LOD技术、碰撞检测等技术进行了深入的研究和探讨。

    Such as texture mapping , anti-aliasing , LOD and collision detection techniques and so on .

  4. 罗盘刻度线反走样快速绘制算法的改进研究BES实验数据离线刻度

    Improvement of High-Speed Antialiasing Algorithm for the Display of Compass BES Data Off-line Calibration

  5. 基于嵌入式图形系统的改进Bresenham反走样算法

    Improved Bresenham Line Drawing Anti-Aliasing Algorithm Based on Embedded Graphics System

  6. 基于Bresenham算法的反走样直线整数生成算法

    Integer algorithm for generating antialiasing straight lines based on Bresenham algorithm

  7. Bresenham画线反走样算法

    Bresenham Line Drawing Anti-aliasing Algorithm

  8. 图形显示卡及GPU技术的迅速发展,使得一些新的渲染效果,如反走样,运动模糊,实时阴影技术得到了广泛应用。

    The rapidly evolution of graphics display card and GPU technology make many new rendering effect were Widespread used , such as anti-aliasing , motion blur and real time shadow technology .

  9. 内建的冲突映射和透视修正后的mipmap、滤波和反走样保证了出色的图像质量(为此必须有效OSA)。

    The standard , built-in bump mapping and perspective-corrected mip-mapping , filtering , and anti-aliasing guarantee outstanding images ( set DisplayButtons OSA to ON for this ) .

  10. 抖动-在阴影边界应用采样,相同地,通过OSA按钮在物体边界应用反走样。

    Dither – Applies a sampling over the borders of the shadows , quite the same way anti-aliasing is applied by the OSA button on the borders of an object .

  11. 介绍并分析了Bresenham画线方法的的特点,并以此为基础,构造出利用灰度变化使直线反走样的算法,得到了较好的效果。

    This article introduces the feature of Bresenham 's line drawing algorithm , and designs an anti-aliasing method which reaches a considerably good effect by making use of the variation of grey-degree .

  12. 基于Bresenham算法,依据去浮点数计算原理,结合矩形滤波反走样技术,提出了一种快速的反走样直线的优化算法,并在配备ARM7微控制器LPC2290的MagicARM2200仪器上得以实现。

    In this article , gives a new anti-aliasing technique according to the symmetry of the straight line and the theory of non-operation of floating point , based on Bresenham algorithm and the rectangle filter anti-aliasing technique .

  13. 本文基于Bresenham算法,依据直线的对称生成原理,提出了一种新的直线快速反走样技术,对罗盘字符的反走样算法做了进一步的论述,编制了全罗盘画面的程序。

    Based on Bresenham 's algorithm , the thesis gives a fast technique for drawing anti-aliased straight line according to the symmetry of the straight line , dissertates the arithmetic of antialiasing the compass small character and offers the program of the compass picture .

  14. 此外,论文从采样方式出发,结合采样理论说明了计算机图形生成过程中走样产生的原因以及反走样的方法:最后通过三维图形生成软件POV-RAY,对光线跟踪及其走样进行了模拟。

    Furthermore , this paper beginning with forms of sampling , connecting with theory of sampling , illustrates what causes graphic deformation and treats methods of anti-aliasing in the generating of computer graphics . Last it gives the simulation of ray-tracing and anti-aliasing through the 3d software POV-RAY .

  15. 一种基于加权区域采样的直线反走样生成算法

    One Antialiasing Algorithm Based on Weighting Region Sampling in line with

  16. 一种自适应随机反走样算法

    An Algorithm of Self - adaptive Random Sampling for the Antialiasing

  17. 三像素宽反走样直线的绘制算法研究

    Study on Algorithms for Three Pixel Thick Straight Line with Antialiasing

  18. 罗盘仪表绘制中高斯积分法反走样算法的研究

    Research of antialiasing algorithm by gaussian integration in compass instrument

  19. 光栅图形反走样的一种区域采样模型

    A Model of Antialiasing Region Segmentation of the Grating Graphics

  20. 下面,你可以看到每个反走样方法的结果。

    Below , you can see the result with each Anti-aliased method .

  21. 基于曲线和曲面控制的多边形物体变形反走样

    Antialiasing of Polygonal Object Deformation Controlled by Curves and Surfaces

  22. MIPMapping技术是纹理映射中一种有效的纹理反走样技术。

    MIP Mapping technique is very efficient for anti-aliasing in texture mapping .

  23. 反走样技术在计算机图形仿真中的运用

    Application of Antialiasing Technique in the Simulation of Computer Graphics

  24. 一种新的基于圆锥滤波的直线反走样生成技术

    A New Antialiasing Technique for Drawing Straight Line Based on Cone Filter

  25. 基于反走样技术的计算机视频信息泄漏的软防护

    The Soft-TEMPEST of Computer Video Information Leakage Based on the Anti-aliasing Technique

  26. 数字化仪表中图形反走样算法的研究与实现

    Study and Implementation of Algorithms for Graphics with Antialiasing in Digital Meter

  27. 一种基于整数坐标的亚像素精度区域采样反走样算法

    A Sub-pixel Regional Sampling Anti-aliasing Algorithm Based on Integer Coordinate

  28. 边界样条拟合中的一种反走样改进算法

    An improved antialiasing algorithm in boundary 's spline fit

  29. 光线跟踪及其反走样的研究

    The Study of Ray-Tracing and Its Anti - aliasing

  30. 基于矢量图形的反走样技术及其应用

    Antialiasing Technique Based on Vectorial Graphics and Its Applications