
  1. 词项的外延能离开其内涵吗&兼谈内涵与外延的反变关系

    Can the extension of a Terms be Away From Its intension

  2. 塞式喷管轴向力的增加随着二次流流量的增加而增加,但是二次流对轴向力的增加与二次流喷射的角度成反变关系。

    The force for thrust vector control produced by the secondary injection gets bigger with the increase of flow mass and angle .

  3. 形式逻辑提出概念的内涵和外延之间具有反变关系,辩证逻辑则认为概念的内涵和外延之间还有正变关系。

    Formal logic proposed the relation of inverse proportion between the intension and extension of the concept , but Dialectical logic proposed the direct proportion one .

  4. 然而,科学理论的内容丰富程度与逻辑概率之间呈反变关系,因此,科学理论的可接受性标准不是理论的可证实性,而是理论的可证伪性;

    Nevertheless , the abundance of theoretical contents is inversely proportional to logical probability . So the criterion of acceptability of scientific theory is not verification , but falsification .

  5. 白马堪做蝴蝶飞&白马非马论题和庄周梦蝶反映的逻辑和想象力反变关系研究

    A White Horse Can Fly Like A Butterfly & A study of inversed relationship between logic and imagination reflected by the proposition of ' non-white horse analogizes horse ' and the imagining of Chuang Tuz dreams of butterfly

  6. 分析了集中药室爆破时,爆破冲击波和应力波对药室附近岩体的破碎过程及应力波在自由面的反射作用。岩石质点振动主频率与药量、距离成反变关系;

    The paper analysed the process of smashing rock near a explosion source by shock wave and stress wave and the reflecting action of stress wave on the free face . the vibration frequency varies inversely as both the charge weight and the distance away from the explosion source ;

  7. 宋神宗通过参与变法措施的讨论、做出新法的决策、监督变法的进行、亲自主持变法、调控变法派内部及其与反变法派的关系来全面指挥变法的实施。

    By participating in the discussion of reform measures , making policy for it , supervising it 's process , managing the reform personally , and adjusting the internal or external relations of the reform group , he played a commanding role in guiding the reform into full practice .