
  1. 反渗透工艺系统在中心软水站中的应用

    Application of Anti - penetrating Process in Center Soft Water Station

  2. 反渗透工艺处理电厂循环冷却排污水

    RO process treating blowdown from circulating cooling water system of power plant

  3. 反渗透工艺在锅炉给水处理中的应用

    Application of Reverse Osmosis in Boiler Feed Water Treatment

  4. 大部分的瓶装水都是由反渗透工艺来生产的。

    A majority of bottled water is made by the reverse osmosis process .

  5. 反渗透工艺处理回用循环水排污水技术工业应用

    Technology application in industry of RO process treatment and reuse wastewater from circulating water

  6. 指纹图谱技术对中药含油水体超滤液反渗透工艺的评价

    Using Fingerprint Technology to Evaluation Chinese Medicine Oil-bearing Water Bodies Ultrafiltrate Reverse Osmosis Process

  7. 介绍了采用管式反渗透工艺处理垃圾渗滤液的工程实例。

    An engineering example of treating the landfill leachate by CDRO process is introduced .

  8. 运用GC/MS对反渗透工艺过程水中痕量有机物的去除效果考察

    Analysis of Trace Organic compounds Removal Effect in RO process by GC / MS

  9. 在我国将反渗透工艺应用于尾矿废水处理领域的工程实例并不多。

    Reverse osmosis ( RO ) process is not much used in the tailing treatment in China .

  10. 印染废水深度处理中纳滤和反渗透工艺的比较

    Comparison of nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membrane technologies in the advanced treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater

  11. 反渗透工艺系统

    Revere Osmosis Process System

  12. 本试验以预处理+微滤+反渗透工艺作为主体工艺,深度处理焦化废水。

    In this experiment , the " Pretreatment + MF + RO " process , as the main craft , is applied in the advanced treatment of coking wastewater .

  13. 以溶质氨的设计溶液为例,分析高盐废水处理的新工艺流程及工艺的可行性,并对比反渗透工艺,详细阐述新工艺的优点。

    Taking ammonia as a design solution , the application feasibility and benefits of the new technical process of HCSW treatment were discussed , compared with the reverse osmosis process .

  14. 针对管道直饮水特点,提出了选择反渗透工艺有其水质保证的优势,并以此来确定直饮水处理系统的方案。

    After making analysis on the Characteristic of the direct-drinking water pipeline system , the program adopted the reverse osmosis for its guarantee of high quality water , and according to the this , decided direct drinking water treatment system .

  15. 主要包括纤维过滤(Ⅰ)、弱酸树脂软化(Ⅱ)和反渗透工艺(Ⅲ)等三个单元,可以构成Ⅰ、Ⅰ+Ⅱ或Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ套餐式的组合工艺。

    It mainly includes fiber filter (ⅰ), weak acid resin softening (ⅱ) and reverse osmosis ( RO ) process etc. three units , and can constitute set-meal type composite technological process of ⅰ + ⅱ, or I + ⅱ + ⅲ .

  16. 反渗透组合工艺去除水中致突变有机物

    Removal of Mutagenic Organic Pollutants from Drinking Water by Combined Reverse Osmosis

  17. 复方川芎胶囊含油水体超滤液反渗透过程工艺参数优化研究

    Optimization of Reverse Osmosis Process of Oil-Bearing Water Bodies Ultrafiltrate from Compound Chuanxiong Capsules

  18. 反渗透清洗工艺的改进

    Technique Improvement on Reverse Osmosis Washing

  19. 根据开发区污水水质特性,通过可行性研究论证并结合中试,确定了开发区污水集中回用采用连续流微滤与反渗透组合工艺;

    On the basis of feasibility investigation and argumentation the combined continuous flow process of micro-filtration and reverse osmosis was adopted .

  20. 纺丝油剂废水是高浓度的O/W型乳状液,具有相当的稳定性。采用破乳-反渗透处理工艺得到了良好的实验结果。

    The treatment of stable waste filature oil / water emulsion with high concentration by demulsification and reverse osmosis processes was investigated .

  21. 通过实验和实际工程应用表明,采用双膜法(超滤+反渗透)工艺进行海水淡化,超滤系统完全适用于海水淡化预处理工艺,技术性与经济性都是可行的。

    The performance of designed project proves that Ultra-filtration system is feasible in either economy or technology , and is totally suitable for the preconditioning craft of seawater desalinization .

  22. 这表明,采用反渗透浓缩工艺的茶汁香气明显地高于蒸发浓缩工艺茶汁的香气,能更好的保持茶汁中的香气成分。

    It shows that reverse osmosis concentration process of the tea aroma significantly higher than the evaporation process the aroma of tea and better to keep the aroma components in tea . 3 .

  23. 本实验采用超滤与反渗透联合工艺处理循环冷却排污水,将出水作为锅炉补给水的原水。

    As a part of zero-discharge project , the treatment of discharged water from recirculated cooling water has been investigated . The permeate water of ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis is used as the supply of boiler feed water treating system .

  24. 采用中试规模(5m3/d)的曝气生物滤池/超滤/反渗透联合工艺对棉印染废水二级生化处理出水进行了深度处理。

    A pilot study ( 5 m ~ 3 / d ) was conducted for the advanced treatment of secondary effluent from a cotton mill by using the biological aerated filter ( BAF ) / ultrafiltration ( UF ) / reverse osmosis ( RO ) process .

  25. PTA废水锰砂生物过滤/反渗透深度处理工艺研究

    Advanced Treatment Processes of Manganese Sand Biological Filtration / Reverse Osmosis for PTA Wastewater

  26. 简述了应用于地表水的程控反渗透系统的工艺水泵、澄清过滤设备、加药装置以及RO装置的一些配置设计要点。

    In this paper , the design characteristics of equipment disposal of program-controled reverse osmosis system were introduced briefly , which were related to process pump , clarifier and media filter , reagent dosing and RO unit .

  27. 清液利用超滤、纳滤和反渗透的组合工艺,把污水的盐分进一步浓缩,浓水继续通过电渗析再次浓缩后,进入MVR蒸发器进行蒸发结晶。

    The supernatant by ultrafiltration , nanofiltration and reverse osmosis combination process , the sewage of salt further concentration , concentration of water by electrodialysis concentrated continue again , enter the MVR evaporator for evaporation crystallization .

  28. 煤气化废水回用的浸没式超滤-反渗透的组合工艺水溶液浸渍整理工艺

    Research on Immersed UF-RO Combined Technological Processes of Recycling Coal-gasification Wastewater

  29. 反渗透和纳滤工艺对饮用水中致突变物去除的试验研究

    Experiments on the Removal of Mutagens in the Drinking Water with RO and NaF

  30. 包钢尾矿渗漏水回用的反渗透预处理工艺的中试研究

    Pilot research on pretreatment process of reverse osmosis technology for reuse of Baogang tailings water