
  • 网络Reaction tower;GSCA
  1. SCR烟气脱硝反应塔动力学模型与实验研究

    Dynamic Model and Experimental Research of SCR Flue Gas Denitration Reaction Tower

  2. SCR反应塔入口段烟气速度场的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation for flue gas velocity field at the entry section of SCR reaction tower

  3. Witten法DMT加压酯化反应塔的设计

    The design of DMT pressure esterification tower of Witten process

  4. 报道了利用反应塔外曝气、介质循环供氧处理燃料气体中H2S的新方法。

    The article presents a new process of supplying oxygen by circulating medium in an out column aeration reactor for removing hydrogen sulfide ( H 2S ) in fuel gas .

  5. 通过计算和工程试验表明,在连续运行的脱硫反应塔中,控制脱硫产物氧化速率的是O2的传质过程。

    Calculation and engineering tests in Shenyang , Nanning and Hangzhou FGD projects indicates that it is the O2 mass transport process which controls the oxidation rate of desulfurization product in consecutive operation of desulfurization tower .

  6. 化工反应塔受损局部检测

    Safety Detection on the Damaged Parts of the Chemical Reaction Tower

  7. 闪速炉反应塔炉壁温度场的数值解析

    Numerical simulation on temperature field of reaction shaft in flash smelter

  8. 70000t/年聚丙烯组合管式反应塔制造技术

    70000t / a Polypropylene Composite Pipe Type Reaction Tower Manufacture Technique

  9. 减粘反应塔液相返混特性的研究

    A study on liquid backmixing characteristic in a viscosity breaking reactor

  10. 多层反应塔衬钛层裂纹成因分析

    Analyses of the cracking in titanium underlay of a multi-layer reactor

  11. 半干半湿烟气脱硫反应塔湿壁现象的分析

    An Analysis of Wall Wetting Phenomenon of DSI FGD Reactor

  12. 闪速炉反应塔炉衬内形的检测系统研究

    A measuring system for lining 's shape of flash stove reaction tower

  13. 衬钛反应塔的泄漏事故分析及处理

    Analysis and Treatment of Leakage Accident of a Clading Titanium Reactive Column

  14. 反应塔的声发射检测与安全评定

    AE Monitoring and Safe Evaluation for Heat - Cracking Tower

  15. 反应塔送风机的防喘振控制

    Anti-surge control of air blower for reaction tower

  16. 裂化反应塔的寿命分析和评定

    Life analysis and evaluation of cracking reaction tower

  17. 生物质热解液化反应塔中最小携带流速的可视化试验验证

    Visual experiment validation of the lowest entrained speed in biomass fast pyrolysis and liquefaction reactor

  18. 闪速炉反应塔炉膛内形的数值模拟与在线显示

    Numerical simulation and on-line display of freeze profile of reaction shaft in flash smelting furnace

  19. 基于复合喷动烟气净化工艺的反应塔流动特性研究

    Study on Flow Field Characteristics of Purification Absorber Based on Multi-Spouted Flue Gas Purification Technology

  20. 气液填料反应塔设计计算式的探讨

    Discussion About the Calculation Formula of the Design of the Reactor for Gas and Liquid Packing

  21. 基于多线程通讯的铜闪速炉反应塔内衬蚀损红外监测系统设计

    Infrared Monitoring System Design for Lining Erosion in the Reaction Tower of Copper Flash Furnace Based on Multi-thread Communication

  22. 烧结机主抽风机的烟气被引入到脱硫反应塔中进行脱硫反应。

    The gas from the main exhaust fan of sintering machine is introduced into a tower where desulfurization reaction happens .

  23. 铜闪速炉系统数值熔炼模型及反应塔炉膛内形在线仿真监测研究

    A Research on Mathematical Models of Flash Smelting System and On-line Simulative Monitoring of Frozen Profile of Reaction Shaft in Copper Flash Furnace

  24. 本文还对闪速炉反应塔壁面结构进行了数值仿真与优化研究。

    Finally in this paper , the author carried out both the numerical simulation and optimization researches on wall structures of reaction shaft in Guixi 's flash furnace .

  25. 生化法烟气脱硫,要求吸收反应塔湍动程度高,气液接触好,反应速度快。

    It 's very important for Turbulent Bed Contactor to turbulate seriously , have good contaction between gas and liquid and react quickly in the biochemistry desulfuration technology .

  26. 与其它双氧水连续式漂白机相比发现,其在结构设计上具有某些独特优势,如:U型连续亚漂反应塔、水封槽的设计,能提高生产效率和产品质量。

    Those sets of equipments have some excellent designs , such as : U type continuous reaction tank and water-seal tank etc. , which increase efficiency and quality .

  27. 根据现有的研究成果,围绕反应塔床体、布风板、内构件、出口结构、分离器和返料器等分别阐述。

    According to the current research research result , in this paper , reaction tower , air distributor , internals , exit configuration , separator and solids return feeder are expatiated .

  28. 在铜闪速炉反应塔炉膛内形数值仿真研究中,作者建立了闪速炉反应塔炉衬热场的数值解析模型;

    In numerical simulation of the frozen profile of reaction shaft in a copper flash smelting furnace , the author established a numerical model for the temperature field of shaft 's linings .

  29. 这种循环机能使氢气不断通入氢化反应塔中,鼓泡搅拌,使催化剂、氢气和反应液三相均匀接触,完成氢化反应过程。

    With this method the hydrogen can inter into the hydrogenation column for bubbling and mixing so as the catalyst , hydrogen and reaction liquor may contact evenly to complete the reaction process .

  30. 防锈、刷油漆项目:广告牌、围栏网、凉棚挂、管道、金属构架、高炉、化工反应塔等设备刷油,防腐蚀、白蚁防治工程。

    Anti-rust and paint items : billboards , fencing net , arbor hanging , pipelines , metal structures , blast furnace and chemical reactor equipment such as brush oil , anti-corrosion , termite control project .