
  • 网络reflected power;reflect power;reflecting power;VSWR
  1. 如果反射功率足够大,VSWR上升甚至会损坏源。

    The VSWR increase may even damage the source if the reflected power is large enough .

  2. 相控阵天线单元间由于互耦效应引起的反射功率损耗,随着扫描角的变化而随之发生变化,这给互耦补偿带来了极大地困难。

    The mutual coupling between Phased Array Antennas elements causes the loss of reflected power .

  3. 光纤-反射器耦合的后向反射功率耦合系数

    Retroreflective power coupling coefficients of fiber coupled with a reflector

  4. 计算得到的电子标签反射功率与实际测试进行了对比,两者结果比较一致,说明了理论分析的正确性。

    A comparison of the tag reflection power is made between the calculation and measurement .

  5. 固态功放组件端接隔离器上的反射功率计算

    Calculation of Reflected Power on Isolator Located in Output Port of Solid-State Power Amplifying Module

  6. 非均匀等离子体包覆平板模型微波反射功率测量与分析

    Measurement and Analysis of the Microwave Reflected Power of the Flat Model Wrapped by Heterogeneous Plasma

  7. 准直蓝、绿激光光束的水下目标反射功率和水质参数研究

    Study of Underwater Target Reflection Power of Collimated Green-blue Laser Beam and the Quality of Seawater

  8. 对每一分层的反射功率和透射功率进行了计算,得到吸收功率取决于电子密度、碰撞频率以及入射波的传播角。

    The author concludes that absorption power depends on the number density , collision frequency , and angle of propagation .

  9. 三,优化匹配网络,减小负载电流和电压的相角,以减少负载反射功率;

    Optimizing the matching net and reducing the phase angle between the output voltage and current to reduce the reflection power of the loads , iv.

  10. 给出了不同的等离子体参数、不同的电磁波频率、不同的背景磁场强度和不同的等离子体板的厚度对电磁波反射功率和吸收功率的影响。

    The effects of various plasma parameters , different electromagnetic wave frequency , different values of magnetic field intensity and different plasma slab thickness on the reflected and absorbed powers are discussed .

  11. 在非相干光和激光(高斯光束)传输情况下,分别导出了光纤-反射器耦合的后向反射功率耦合系数的一般表示式。

    The general expressions for the retroreflective power coupling coefficients of a fiber coupled with a reflector have been derived for propagation of both incoherent light and a laser beam Gaussian beam .

  12. 应用等离激元和无规相近似方法给出碳纳米管的介电谱函数,进而求出吸收系数和反射功率比。

    We present the model and formula derivations of dielectric spectral function by employing the plasmon method and random phase approximation . We obtain the absorption coefficient and the ratio of reflection power .

  13. 并且,给出光纤与几种典型反射器耦合的后向反射功率耦合系数的表示式以及当反射器沿光纤-反射器系统的轴向移动时耦合系数的曲线分布。

    Furthermore , expressions of retroreflective power coupling coefficients for several different reflectors coupled with the fiber and when the reflector is moved along the axis of the fiber-reflector system are also shown .

  14. 然后我们组建了薄膜散射特性测试系统,研究了入射光波长、偏振方向和入射角对薄膜的反射功率和偏振特性的影响。

    We have also set up a thin film scattering test system to study the influence of wavelength , polarization , and incident angle of the incident light on the reflected power and polarization properties of the films .

  15. 反射功率比随薄层厚度的增加而指数衰减,其衰减速率和饱和值与电磁场的频率和碳纳米管的结构有密切的联系。

    The ratio factor of reflection power declines exponentially with increasing of the layer thickness . The decay speed and the saturate absorption have close relationship with the frequency of electromagnetic wave and the structure of carbon nanotube arrays .

  16. 常规自相关子波求取方法假设反射系数功率谱为白噪谱,因而在实际应用中受到限制。

    As we assumed the power spectrum of the reflection coefficient is white noise in traditional method to calculation autocorrelation wavelet , so there is some limitation in practice .

  17. 本文提出一种基于功率方程概念的六端口反射计功率传递方法,并给出描述六端口多余度的新表达式。

    A six-port reflectometer power transfer method is presented based on the power equation concept . A new equation for characterizing the redundancy of the six-pott junction is also given .

  18. 以分形理论为基础的地震子波功率谱估计方法,可突破反射系数功率谱为白噪的假设约束,适应反射系数序列具有一定相关性的地震资料处理。

    The author studies a new method to estimate wavelet power spectrum which based fractal theory , and it breaks though the above assumption , adapts to processing the seismic data which the reflection coefficient series have some cor-relativity .

  19. 反射式大功率CO2激光功率测试仪

    Reflection-Type Power Meter for High Power CO_2 Laser

  20. 根据SOA环镜透射端和反射端输出功率的表达式,数值模拟了10Gb/sNRZ信号输入SOA环镜后得到的输出结果,分别在SOA环镜的透射和反射端实现了逻辑非门和逻辑异或功能。

    The transmitted and reflected output power of SOA loop mirror are simulated at10Gb / s NRZ signals . All-optical XOR and NOT logic operation based on SOA loop mirror are demonstrated theoretically .

  21. 衍射光学元件表面反射对高功率激光系统的影响

    Influence of Reflection of Diffractive Optical Elements on High-Power Laser System

  22. 光纤光栅耦合模反射和透射功率的研究

    Study on reflective and transmissive power of optical fiber gratings coupled mode

  23. 线框馈电抛物反射面高功率电磁脉冲辐射天线

    High power pulse radiation antenna with wire frame TEM horn feedback paraboloid

  24. 一种新颖的反射结构高功率超宽带光纤光源

    A Novel High Power and Ultra Bandwidth Superfluorescence Source with Reflected Structure

  25. 面板位置误差对反射面天线功率方向图的影响机理

    Mechanism of the influence of the panel positional error on the power pattern of large reflector antennas

  26. 分析讨论了抽运波,一阶斯托克斯波和二阶斯托克斯波的反射与透射功率随着入射波功率变化的情况。

    The dependence of the transmission power and reflection power of pump wave and Stokes wave on incident wave power is investigated .

  27. 其次建立室内信道光功率分布模型并仿真得出室内的直射和反射信道光功率分布,为位置指纹建库奠定基础。

    Followed by the establishment of optical power distribution model in the indoor channel , thereby building a database of the location of fingerprint for positioning technology .

  28. 辐射压力法是超声功率测量中常采用的方法,用辐射压力法测量声功率中对于不同反射靶面的功率与压力之间的换算关系是非常重要的。

    In the ultrasound power measurement of ultrasound transducer , the radiation pressure method is often used . To calculate the converting relationship between the ultrasound power and the pressure of interceptor is very important .

  29. 文章从能量守恒基础出发,推导了大口径聚焦换能器声场作用于锥面反射靶的功率与压力的换算关系,并将结果应用于凹锥面反射靶计算。

    Based on the energy conversation law , it is deduced the converting relationship between ultrasound power and the pressure formed by ultrasound beam from large-aperture focused transducer in this paper . The result is applied to the calculation of concave cone reflector .

  30. 在地震子波提取方面,利用地层反射系数序列功率谱的分形特性,结合基于自相关理论的多道统计复赛谱方法,提出了一种基于分形技术的复赛谱求解地震子波的方法。

    On the seismic wavelet extraction , using the fractal characteristic of power spectrum of reflection coefficient series , combining multi-trace statistical cepstrum method based on autocorrelative theory , the author develops a method by cepstrum to extract wavelet , which based on fractal technique .