
  • 网络Delay in delivery;Late Delivery;Backorder;back ordering
  1. 合同中有延迟交货的惩罚规定。

    It is part of the contract that there is a penalty for late delivery .

  2. 如延迟交货,买方有权解除合同,拒收货物,并有权向卖方索赔;

    In case of late delivery , the Buyer shall have the right to cancel this contract , reject the goods and lodge a claim against the Seller .

  3. 在随机存贮模型中有两个被广泛应用的标志存贮服务水平的度量函数,即单位时间的平均缺货额F1(x,y)和平均未偿还的延迟交货额F2(x,y)。

    There are two widely-used inventory service-level measuring func - tions in the stochastic inventory model , i. e , the average stockout per unit time F_1 ( x , y ) and average outstanding backorders F_2 ( x , y ) .

  4. 有限期延迟交货的随机性库存系统的仿真模型

    A simulation model of a stochastic inventory system with time-limited Back-orders

  5. 基于提前期和价格折扣的延迟交货和库存策略研究

    Strategy of Backorder and Inventory Based on Lead Time and Discount

  6. 轮船误期,迫使我方延迟交货。

    The delay of the steamer have compelled postponement of delivery .

  7. 他们不是好生意伙伴,总是延迟交货日期。

    They are bad people to deal with ; always late on delivery dates .

  8. 追踪货物是否按时到达并解决延迟交货造成的问题。

    Track whether the goods arrive on time and solve the problem if the goods delayed .

  9. 你之前给我发信息说控制台要延迟交货。

    It 's the message you sent me about the delivery delay of the control desks .

  10. 你方必须对因延迟交货而给我方造成的一切损失负责。

    You must hold responsible for all the losses caused by the delay in delivery of the goods .

  11. 由于我方迫切需要这些货物,你方延迟交货让我方处境困难。

    This shipment delay is inconveniencing us , as we are now in urgent need of these products .

  12. 卖方对由不可抗力原因造成的不能或延迟交货不负责任。

    The sellers shall not be held responsible for failure or delay in shipment in consequence of Force Majeure incidents .

  13. 延迟交货我也是昨天才知道的,为了处理这些特殊订单我们的生产线一直处于闲置状态。

    I only heard about the delay yesterday because we kept the production line clear to handle these special sheets .

  14. 我们为延迟交货而向贵方致歉。是由于生产上的原因使我们不能及早装运你方订货。

    We offer our apology for the delay In delivery . production problem make It Impossible to ship your order earlier .

  15. 负责与供应商就产品问题进行交涉,如延迟交货、质量问题、规格问题等。

    Speaks with suppliers concerning supplier issues such as , but not limited to , late deliveries , quality , specifications etc.

  16. 我们坚持在原定日期内交货,若延迟交货则保留拒收的权利。

    We insist on delivery within the dated time and reserve the right to reject the goods shall they is deliver late .

  17. 本条款所包含的违约金或其执行的约定应不影响对延迟交货的任何合理的法定索赔权。

    This agreement pertaining to the contractual penalty or enforcement thereof shall not affect any justified legal claims for a delay in delivery .

  18. 买方需在规定的时间内提供银行信息,否则卖方对延迟交货不付任何责任。

    The buyer must provide bank information in the stipulated time , otherwise the seller won 't be responsible for the delay shipment .

  19. 转船会延迟交货、容易造成损坏。因此,我们仍然希望能够安排直运。

    Transshipment will delay delivery and the goods are easily damaged . Therefore , we still hope you to arrange the direct shipment .

  20. 由于一般公认的“人力不可抗拒”原因而不能交货或延迟交货,卖方或买方都不负责任。

    Neither the Seller or the Buyer shall be held responsible for late delivery or non-delivery owing to generally recognized " Force Majeure " causes .

  21. 延迟交货和货物灭失损坏是运输合同和买卖合同各方容易产生争议的问题。

    Delay in delivery of goods , loss and damage of goods are likely to trigger disputations among parties to transportation contract and sales contract .

  22. 我们赶快出发,否则会延误约期。轮船误期,迫使我方延迟交货。

    Let 's go now , or we may fail to keep the appointment . The delay of the steamer have compelled postponement of delivery .

  23. 然而,在管理上存在一些问题,导致了高风险的延迟交货,并且允许运出不合格的产品。

    However , there are certain problems with the operation that cause a high risk of delayed orders and allowing bad products to be shipped .

  24. 对于不可抗力事故所造成的不能交货或延迟交货,不应由卖方负责。

    The Seller shall not be held liable for failure or delay in delivery of the goods under this confirmation due to and force majeure incidents .

  25. 由于订单尾款遇到融资问题,许多船主被迫寻求延迟交货或取消订单。

    Many owners have been forced to seek postponement of deliveries or cancellations because of the problems of raising finance for the final payments on orders .

  26. 交货不会迟于四月上半月。合同中有延迟交货的惩罚规定。

    The shipment will be made not later than the first half of April . It is part of the contract that there is a penalty for late delivery .

  27. 对上述原因造成的延迟交货深感抱歉,我希望你能给我们一些时间,我想给你2%的折扣,以弥补一些损失。

    The above incident caused the delay in delivery , for which we extend our sincerest apology and we would like to give you a 2 % discount to compensate you .

  28. 除不可抗力外,如延迟交货,卖方应支付罚金,并且买方有权向卖方索赔。

    Except for Force Majeure , if late delivery occurs , the Seller must pay a penalty , and the Buyer shall have the right to lodge a claim against the Seller .

  29. 4.96亿美元的军品合同支出,涵盖了供应澳大利亚和土耳其的10架早期预警和监控飞机延迟交货的费用,包括波音为此支付的惩罚性款项。

    The $ 496m charge on the military contract covers the cost of delays , including penalty payments , for 10 early-warning and control surveillance aircraft to be supplied to Australia and Turkey .

  30. 本合同内所述全部或部分商品,如因人力不可抗拒的原因,以致不能履行或延迟交货,卖方概不负责。

    The Seller shall not be held liable for failure or delay in delivery of the entire lot or a portion of the goods under this Sales Contract in consequence of any Force Majeure incidents .