
  1. 从理论上探讨了使NURBS曲线获得曲率连续的延拓应满足的条件,同时又给出了在实际应用中使NURBS曲线获得曲率连续的延拓的基本算法。

    It is discussed that condition NURBS curves should satisfy in theory when it is extended with curvature continuity , and a basic principle is given to get the NURBS curve 's extended section satisfying curvature continuity practically .

  2. 结合两种二冷水冷模型,对微合金钢铸坯的微观组织、高温延塑性能、应力分析、鼓肚变形以及二冷水模型模拟、铸坯表面温度实测等进行了系统的研究。

    This paper introduces a detailed study on microalloyed slab with respect to microstructure , high temperature ductility , strain and stress analysis , bulging deformation as well as secondary cooling model simulation , actual measurements of slab surface temperature on the basis of two different secondary cooling patterns .