
  • 网络retarding culture
  1. 秋黄瓜延后栽培技术研究

    Study on Delayed Culture Techniques of Autumn Cucumber

  2. 高钙营养液的应用增加了延后栽培‘宫川’温州蜜柑果实可溶性固形物、葡萄糖、果糖和蔗糖含量,但对可滴定酸含量的影响不明显。

    The contents of total soluble solids , glucose , fructose and sucrose were increased in Ca nutrient solution treated fruit , while the treatment of Ca nutrient solution had little effects on titratable acid content .

  3. 我国华东地区由于其自然条件、气候条件、资源条件以及区位、经济与技术等优势,主要发展以塑料大棚为主的春季蔬菜早熟栽培和夏秋季延后栽培。

    Because of the advantage of the natural condition , climatic condition , resource condition , location , economy , and technology etc , China East area mainly develops spring premature vegetable planting and autumn serotinous planting using plastic greenhouses .

  4. 大棚秋延后番茄栽培技术性强。

    After autumn , tomato cultural technique of covering plastic film is highly technical .

  5. 根据辣椒生长的特性,从气候条件及市场效益角度简要分析了吉州区发展大棚秋延后辣椒栽培的可行性和必要性,并提出了栽培中的气象适用技术和具体的推广建议。

    According to the features of capsicum cultivation in shelter the author analyzed the feasibility and necessity of capsicum growing after autumn in Jizhou district , therefore presented practical weather service and suggestion on technique spreading .