
  • 网络ductility coefficient;ductility factor
  1. 通过引入与加载路径有关的能量项加权因子β1,由定义的临界延性系数μ0和能量等效系数γE计算,提出了改进的Park-Ang双参数地震损伤模型。

    By multiplying another energy weighted coefficient which is related to load path and can be calculated by critical ductility factor and equivalent energy factor , the modified Park-Ang seismic damage model is obtained .

  2. 通过对国内69个构件和结构的试验资料的重新分析,提出了影响结构位移延性系数的主要因素:配箍特征值βv、名义剪跨比λ、轴压比n和结构类型。

    Through the reanalysis of the test data of sixty - nine members and structures at home , the principal factors affecting the displacement ductility factor of stucture such as stirrup reinforcement characteristic value β, nominal shear span ratio λ, axial compression ratio n and structural type are put forward .

  3. 最后,确定了圆钢管混凝土压弯构件P-恢复力模型和延性系数的简化计算方法。

    Finally , simplified calculating method for the model of restoring force and the ductility coefficient is suggested .

  4. 试验结果发现:墙体试件的高宽比不同对延性系数μ、耗能系数E、抗剪系数等影响不大;

    Experiments results showed that height-width ratio is not a main influencing factor on wall shear behaviors .

  5. 特征延性系数谱及RC框架的目标位移

    Characteristic Ductility Ratio Spectrum and Target Displacement of RC Frames

  6. 试验板的位移延性系数均大于2.02,说明配置PC钢棒预应力混凝土板具有较好的延性。

    The ductility coefficient of all the tested slabs is greater than 2.02 , which proves that fairly good ductility is achieved for prestressed concrete slabs reinforced with PCB .

  7. 并在以往研究的基础上拟合出矩形截面柱中间层中节点梁筋贯穿段平均粘结应力与组合体位移延性系数μΔ、轴压比n和剪压比v的定量关系;

    The relation of displacement ductility factor μ? , axial load ratio n , shear-compression ratio v and average bond stress of the reinforcements are quantified on the basis of early research .

  8. 初步认为在地震力降低系数R取值相同的情况下,可以用单自由度体系的位移延性系数μ来近似估计多自由度体系的延性需求。

    It is preliminary advised that the displacement ductility factor μ of single-degree-of-freedom systems can be used to approximately estimate the ductility demand of multi-degree-of-freedom systems when two systems have the same force reduction factor R .

  9. 粘贴2层CFRP后,短木柱的极限应力平均提高17.4%,延性系数平均提高71.6%。

    The mean loadbearing capacity of short timber columns with 2 layers of CFRP has a 17.4 % increase and mean ductile index has a 71.6 % increase over control specimens .

  10. 其次,应用屈服位移ChoPra能力谱法确定地震损伤延性系数;

    Secondly , structural seismic damage ductility index is calculated by Chopra 's yielding-displacement capacity-demand metbod .

  11. 结果表明,层数和跨数的影响很小,可以忽略不计,结构影响系数R中结构超强系数所占的比重明显大于结构延性系数。

    The analysis shows that the influence of the number of story and span is so small that it can be neglected . The proportion of over-strength coefficient of structure in the structural influencing coefficient R is much bigger than that of ductility coefficient .

  12. 实践中对退化的修正EPP模型,应采用与延性系数定义相配套的地震力折减系数。

    When taking the strength degradation to define the ductility factor in practice in modified EPP model , it is necessary to adopt a ductility-definition-related strength reduction factor .

  13. 体系延性系数、阻尼比、自振周期是影响双线性SDOF体系能量谱的重要因素。

    Moreover , the ductility level , damping ratio and natural period of systems produce important effects on the energy spectra of bilinear SDOF systems , and the effect of yield stiffness ratio can be neglected .

  14. 从反复加载试验可知,FG24、SG20、GG24的位移延性系数高,安全储备较大,构件的恢复能力很强,残余挠度都比较小。

    From the experimental study of the recurrent load , we can know that FG24 / SG20 / GG24 have the high displacement ductility modulus and the high safety space and the good resilience and the small residual deflection .

  15. 钢筋混凝土框架抗震位移延性系数研究

    Study on Seismic Displacement Ductility Factor of Reinforced Concrete Frame Structure

  16. 方钢管混凝土柱的延性系数

    Ductility coefficient of concrete filled steel tubular columns with square sections

  17. 钢筋混凝土矩形柱截面曲率延性系数概率分析

    Probability analysis for curvature ductility factor of square-confined reinforced concrete columns

  18. 型钢混凝土柱位移延性系数研究

    Study on the displacement ductility index of steel reinforced concrete columns

  19. 钢筋砼T形截面梁的截面延性系数计算

    Calculation of ductility coefficient for reinforced concrete beam with T-shaped section

  20. 用延性系数预测砖结构房屋的地震破坏

    Predicting earthquake damage of brick buildings by ductility factor

  21. 空心圆钢管混凝土柱延性系数的研究

    A Study on the Ductility Coefficient of Hollow Concrete-Filled Circular Steel Tubular Columns

  22. 部分预应力混凝土环形截面压弯构件延性系数计算

    Study on Ductility Factor of Compress-bend Member for Partial Prestressed Concrete with Ring Section

  23. 剪切延性系数随着混凝土强度和箍筋强度的提高而增大。

    With increase of concrete strength and stirrup strength , shear ductility coefficient increase .

  24. 双向地震动作用的拟等延性系数谱

    Pseudo-constant ductility inelastic spectra for bi-directional ground motions

  25. 圆钢管混凝土截面延性系数

    Ductility coefficients of concrete-filled steel tubular sections

  26. 模型房屋的延性系数为2.43,模型房屋具有良好的水平承载能力。

    The ductility factor of model is 2.43 and its horizontal bearing capacity is acceptable .

  27. 桥墩延性系数的计算

    Calculation of thc Ductility Factor of Piers

  28. 绝对和相对输入能量谱对比及延性系数的影响研究

    Study on comparison between absolute and relative input energy spectra and effects of ductility factor

  29. 影响预应力框架结构位移延性系数的因素分析

    An Analysis of Factors which Influence the Displacement Ductility Coefficient of Pre-stressing Force Frame Structure

  30. 柱脚延性系数要大于整体框架的延性系数。

    Ductility factor of the column foot was bigger than that of the integral frame structure .