
  • 网络semi-rigid;Semi rigid;semirigid
  1. 湿地推土机系半刚性悬挂、液力传动、液压操纵的履带推土机。

    TYS165-2 bulldozer is semi-rigid suspended , power shift , hydraulically controlled and track type . TYS165-2

  2. 使用ANSYS建立了半刚性连接钢管混凝土框剪结构的有限元模型。

    ANSYS is employed to model the semi-rigid concrete filled steel stub frame-shear wall structure .

  3. K型半刚性电缆接头的研制

    Development of Type K Semirigid Cable Connectors

  4. 双腹板、顶底角钢半刚性节点的ANSYS数值模拟分析

    Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Semi-rigid Connections with Dual-Web and Top Angle by Using ANSYS

  5. 应用有限元程序ANSYS分析了静力荷载作用下钢-混凝土半刚性组合节点的荷载和变形非线性性能。

    In this paper , all-purpose finite element program ANSYS was used to analyze the curve process of semi-rigid composite joints under static load .

  6. 本文选用ANSYS,根据层状弹性体系假设,建立半刚性基层沥青路面的3-D有限元模型,分析路面在动载作用下的动态响应。

    So according to the supposition of elastic layered system and characteristic of asphalt pavement with semi-rigidity base course , finite element software ANSYS will be employed to develop 3-D model .

  7. 半刚性型螺栓球节点单层K8型网壳弹塑性稳定分析

    Elasto-plastic stability analysis of K8 single-layer reticulated shells with bolt-ball joint system

  8. 半刚性SSS离合器设计接受小角和轴向拓展相邻的机轴运动补偿热增长的需求。

    The semi-rigid SSS Clutch design accepts small angular and axial expansion movements of the adjacent machine shafts to compensate for thermal growth requirements .

  9. 本文得到的半刚性连接的柱计算长度系数公式与《钢结构设计规范》(GB50017-2003)中的刚性钢框架柱计算长度系数形式相同。

    The expression of the formula is similar to the formula given in the Code for Design of Steel Structures ( GB50017-2003 ) .

  10. TS165-2推土机系半刚性悬挂、机械传动、液压操纵、低比压履带推土机。

    TS165-2 bulldozer is semi-rigid suspended , mechanism transmitted , hydraulically controlled and track-type .

  11. 为了研究半刚性基层沥青路面上超薄白色罩面(UTW)结构设计方法,采用三维有限元方法计算了UTW路面结构的荷载应力。

    In order to investigate the design method for UTW structures on semi-rigid asphalt pavement , a 3-D FE code is employed to calculate the load-induced stresses of a UTW structure .

  12. 介绍了半刚性梁柱节点的特性和FryeMorris模型,列出了考虑P-△效应的半刚性连接构件的单元刚度,将遗传算法应用于钢框架的优化设计中。

    The authors introduced the character of semi-rigid beam-to-column connections and the Frye-Morris modeling . The element rigid matrix is listed for the semi-rigid connective component , the p - △ effect is also accounted . A genetic algorithm is used for the design of the steel frames .

  13. 半刚性组合节点的研究发展

    The Study of the Development of Semi - rigid Composite Joints

  14. 掺粉煤灰半刚性路面基层的技术性能研究

    Technical Performance Study of Semi-Rigid Pavement Course Mixed with Fly Ash

  15. 乳化渣油半刚性路面材料的性能研究

    Experimental Research on the Properties of Semi - rigid Bituminous Emulsion

  16. 半刚性和半柔性基层沥青路面的受力对比分析

    On stressed contrast analysis of semi-rigid and semi-flexible base asphalt pavement

  17. 半刚性基层沥青路面的车辙成因及防治措施

    The rutting reason and prevention measures of semi-rigid base asphalt pavement

  18. 半刚性连接钢框架静动力性能分析

    The Static and Dynamic Analysis of Steel Frame with Semi-rigid Connections

  19. 柔性桩与半刚性桩复合地基的区分方法的探讨

    The Approach of Distinguishing Soft Pile and Semi-Stiff Pile Composite Foundation

  20. 钢结构上下顶底角钢半刚性连接极限弯矩探讨

    Research on Ultimate Moment of Top-and Seat-angle Connections in Steel Structures

  21. 沥青路面半刚性基层材料的结构模量

    Research on Structural Modulus of Semi-rigid Base Course for Asphalt Pavement

  22. 沥青稳定基层与半刚性基层疲劳设计分析

    An Analysis of Fatigue Design of Asphalt Base and Simi-rigid Base

  23. 纤维增强二灰碎石半刚性基层性能的研究

    Study on the Property of Lime-Fly-Ash Bound Macadam Strengthened with Fibre

  24. 半刚性基层材料缩裂与抗裂的探讨

    Discussion on shrinkage crack and crack resistance of semi-rigid sub-base material

  25. 水泥基复合半刚性面层材料热应力分析

    Thermal Stress Analyses of Cement Based Semi Rigid Surface Course Composite

  26. 半刚性钢框架柱有效长度系数的计算方法

    Calculating Methods of Semi-rigid Steel Frame ′ s Effective Length Coefficient

  27. 二灰碎石半刚性基层再生做刚性基层的研究

    Study on Lime-fly Ash Macadam Semi-rigid Base Reused in Rigid Base

  28. 钢结构半刚性连接体系理论分析及实验研究

    Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Study on Semi-rigid Connections of Steel Structure

  29. 重型车辆与半刚性护栏碰撞的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Impact between Heavy Vehicle and Semi-rigid Guardrail

  30. 半刚性尾涡在冲压空气涡轮性能计算中的应用

    Application of Semi Rigid Trailing to Ram Air Turbine Performance Calculating