
  • 网络nodal region;node
  1. 框架结构中梁柱节点区常见通病的防治

    Prevention of common failings of beam column node area in frame structure

  2. 论文在简要阐述组合桁梁桥特点和发展的基础上,以大西线晋陕黄河特大桥为依托,对大跨度组合桁梁桥节点区,采用有限元计算软件建立模型进行力学分析。

    Jin-Shan yellow river bridge is set as an example , so the node area of this composite truss bridge can be established a finite element model for mechanical analysis .

  3. 进一步利用JAP程序预测了不同剪压比,不同配筋特征值及不同轴压比条件下节点区的延性变化规律。

    Predictions were made on the ductility of the joint core when shear compression ratio , reinforcement contant and axial force ratio were different .

  4. 梁柱节点区柱箍筋加密处理的施工实践

    Construction Practice of Column Stirrup Densification Treatment in Beam Column Panel Zone

  5. 铁路敞车车体及节点区的有限元分析

    Analysis of railway open wagon body and its joints by finite element method

  6. 节点区柱钢管不贯通式钢管混凝土柱-梁节点抗震性能

    Seismic behavior of concrete filled steel tubular column-beam joints with discontinuous column tubes

  7. 谈框架梁柱节点区的施工事故处理

    Thinking on constructive casualty in frame beam-pillar-node-point district

  8. 双重环筋加强式梁柱节点区非线性有限元分析

    Nonlinear finite element analysis on beam column joint strengthened by double layer ring bars

  9. 在节点区加配斜钢筋的试件可提高强度15%。

    The strength of the unit with additional diagonal reinforcement is improved 15 % .

  10. 此种方法是应用于对75吨敞车车体及其节点区的分析。

    The method is used in analyzing 75-ton open wagon body and its joints .

  11. 在节点区,轴向拉力效应增大,而弯曲效应很小。

    In the nodding area , the axial force increases while the bending effect is small .

  12. 节点区箍筋加密是否有利于框架柱承载能力的提高?

    Will the joint area with dense hooped reinforcement enhance the bearing capacity of the frame column ?

  13. 梁柱节点区柱腹板的宽厚比验算及加劲肋设置

    Placement of Ribbed Stiffener and Testing of Width - thickness Ratio for Column 's Web in Beam-column Joint Zone

  14. 将节点区最大应力作为整体最大应力的控制点是合适的。

    Furthermore , it is appropriate to designate the joint region as the reference point for the global maximal stress .

  15. 为在异形柱梁柱节点区使用高强混凝土代替普通混凝土这一措施的推广应用提供依据。

    Provided a basis to generalize the measure that using high strength concrete replace the normal concrete in the beam-column joints .

  16. 框架节点区的温度不同于节点外的梁柱截面;

    The temperature field of frame joints was different from that of the beam cross-section , which should be considered in calculations .

  17. 试验还表明,伸入节点区钢筋的粘结滑移对构件的变形及滞回特性有明显的影响。

    The tests also show that the bond slippage of reinforcements in the joint area affects the deflection and the hysteresis loops of the specimens significantly .

  18. 详细研究了节点区的受力变形特性后,把节点区变形的影响纳入到以上单元刚度矩阵中;

    After studying in detail on the behavior of the panel , the effect of the panel deformation is brought into the relevant element stiffness matrix .

  19. 通过试验以及非线性有限元研究发现:节点区翼缘板外伸宽度对节点抗剪性能的影响与梁柱抗弯刚度比有关。

    The researches of nonlinear finite element and experiment indicate that the effect of anti-shear which is aroused by the width of the joints ' wing board .

  20. 同时,针对节点区梁端的加固设计和施工提出了建议,供工程技术人员参考。

    At the same time , some design and construction suggestions of strengthening beam in joint zone what can be a reference for most engineering technologists are given .

  21. 文章提出了仅节点区增大截面的加固方法,并建议相应的节点承载力计算公式,最后给出了一个算例。

    The paper puts forward the strengthening method of enlarging the joint section , proposes the relative calculating formula of the joint bearing capacity and provides a calculating example .

  22. 薄墙(包括墙上设有明梁的墙)受梁端施加的平面外弯矩时以墙上节点区与节点附近一定范围的混凝土受拉破坏形成剥离裂缝为主;

    Spalling cracks resulted from tension failure of concrete in wall joint and adjacent area are primary when the thin wall ( including the wall with visible wide beam ) endured out-of-plane moment .

  23. 砼框架结构施工过程中,梁、柱节点区由于工序衔接、钢筋密集,给施工带来很多不便,是框架结构施工中极易出现质量问题的部位。

    In the constructional process of frame structure , because of procedure connection and rebar density , beam column node areas plague much to construction , are location of easily producing quality problem .

  24. 作者所进行的钢框架模型模拟地震振动台试验表明,节点区的剪切变形很大,有必要考虑其对结构地震反应的影响。

    The seismic shaking table tests of steel frame models conducted by the authors indicate that the panel shear deformation may be great and its effect on the structural earthquake response should be considered .

  25. 根据塑性理论的下限定理,推导出芯钢管混凝土和节点区环形钢筋混凝土的弯矩轴力相关曲线,并对曲线进行了简化。

    Based on the inferior limit theorem of plasticity , the correlated curves of the concrete filled core steel tube and the ring concrete between the moment and the axial force are derived and simplified respectively .

  26. 根据节点区左、右梁高差变化与框架柱截面高度的相对关系,将钢筋混凝土框架异型节点划分为两类,并提出了计算两类异型节点特性的建议公式。

    According to the relative relation between the height of column and the vertical depth eccentricity of beam , the abnormal joints can be divided into two types , and the characteristic calculation of them is also put forward . 3 .

  27. 模拟分析了对柱顶单调加载和对梁加载时的受力性能,得出了节点区和方钢管柱的混凝土、钢管、钢筋的应力分布。

    Carrying out simulated analysis behavior of joint when monotonic loading on the top surface of column and beam , the stress distribution of concrete and steel tube and steel bar in joint zone and Concrete Filled Square Steel Tubular column were obtained .

  28. 在轴力对环板的应力效应较小,应力值有所增大,从而可以不考虑轴力对节点区受力性能的影响。

    Axial force in the Central Board under the stress value has increased , the axial force to the Central Board of stress effect in a smaller , so that we can not consider the axial force by the force of the node area performance .

  29. 分析研究结果表明:随着环板宽度和厚度的增大,节点区的承载力有明显增加,加强环板的宽度和厚度是影响其受力性能的主要因素。

    Analysis of results showed that : With the Central Board of the increased width and thickness , the bearing capacity of the node area has significantly increased , indicating the strengthening of the annular plate width and thickness are affected by a major factor in our performance .

  30. adhoc虚拟骨干网叶子节点越区切换机制

    Handoff of Leaf Nodes in Virtual Backbone in Ad hoc Network