
  1. 新型环保、节能建材&水泥木丝板

    A New Environment-friendly , Energy-saving Building Material-Cement Wooden Board

  2. 对绿色节能建材的探讨

    Discussion of the green energy-conserving construction material

  3. 北京地区节能建材热工性能测试及节能建筑热工测试技术

    Energy conserving material and thermal property Investigation in Beijing region , and its energy conserving building and thermal investigation technology

  4. 主要的原因除了节能建材较少使用外,还有建筑功能的设置,使用方式等的不合理因素。

    Besides less use of the energy-saving building materials , the mis-orientation of the building function and the way to use the facilities also account for the issue .

  5. 对当前节能建材市场需求和节能建材发展中的困惑加以分析,并指出了发展的基本途径。

    The market application of energy-saving building materials and the perplexity in the development of energy-saving building materials are analyzed , and some basic ways of development are pointed out .

  6. 本文对德国的节能建材、建筑构造、节能体系、采暖系统等作了详情的介绍,这些宝贵经验对推动我国建筑节能事业颇有裨益,值得我们借鉴。

    This paper introduces the energy saving materials , building structure , energy saving system , heating system in Germany , Which are helpful to the energy saving works in China .

  7. 一是要引进多元化投资主体,二是出台新的定价政策,三是制定合理的社会保障政策,四是推广节能建材的政策。

    The first is to introduce multiple investing parties , the second is to work out the new pricing policy , the third is to formulate the rational social security policy , and the fourth is to lay down the policy of popularizing the energy-saving building materials .

  8. 在关中农村推广新型节能型建材很有必要。

    It is necessary to promote new energy-saving building materials in Guanzhong rural areas .

  9. 构建以高新技术工业、绿色农业、生态旅游业和环保节能型建筑建材房地产业为支柱的首都水源区经济体系;

    Building economic system of capital water head with new high technology industry , green agriculture , ecological tourism and environmental protection , saving energy building and its material real estate ;

  10. 建筑节能是推动新型建材持续发展的动力。

    Architectural saving of energy can stimulate the development of architectural material .

  11. 目前,我国建筑业的发展还受许多因素的影响,特别是建筑节能滞后,而导致节能建材的应用滞后。

    Currently , many factors impact on the development of building industry in our country , especially , the lagging development of building energy conservation leads to the lagging application of energy-saving building materials .

  12. 总结了我国正在或者应该采用的外墙、门窗和墙面等节能建筑材料,并对节能建材的发展提出建议和措施。

    It also summarized the construction energy saving materials in used or should be applied , then gave some recommendations and measures of its development .