
jié nénɡ tóu zī
  • energy-saving investment
  1. 咨询公司麦肯锡(McKinsey)昨日发布了一份报告,其结论为:全球各地每年约1700亿美元的节能投资,可产生17%左右的利润,即290亿美元。

    McKinsey , the consultancy , publishes a report today concluding that investment in energy efficiency of about $ 170bn a year worldwide would yield a profit of about 17 per cent , or $ 29bn .

  2. 此外,节能投资的成效也难以衡量。

    Also , it can be hard to measure success .

  3. 四是设立节能投资基金;

    Fourthly , to establish a energy-conservation investment fund ;

  4. 节能投资项目的评估

    Investment Assessment of Project of Energy Conservation

  5. 长江船舶主要耗能设备的能耗指标及节能投资的经济标准

    Energy Consuming Indexes of Ships on the Changjiang River and Economic Criteria of Investment for Energy Saving

  6. 同时,国有的中国节能投资公司(独资,北京),最近购买了47.5%股份。

    Also , the state-owned China Energy Conservation Investment Corp. ( CECIC , Beijing ), recently bought a47.5 percent stake in the company .

  7. 阐述了建筑节能投资和建筑节能使用费用、寿命期成本三者之间辩证的对立统一关系;

    It is also illustrated the dialectical relationship among the investment on energy conservation in building , the expenses of making use of it and its life cycle cost .

  8. 该项目效益分享期为三年,简单回收期1.4年,内部收益率达39%,节能投资收益相当可观。

    This project benefit share time is three years , the simple recoupment period 1.4 years , internal returns ratio reaches 39 % , the energy conservation investment income is quite considerable .

  9. 本文分析讨论了热工设备节能投资(即以最低寿命周期费用为目的投资和以获得最大经济效益为目的的投资),提出了合理利用节能投资的方法。

    In this paper two kinds of energy saving investment , aiming at a minimun cost of life cycle or at a maximum benefit of economy , in industry are analysed and the reasonable usage of enegy saving investment is proposed .

  10. 本文以两时期生命周期模型为分析框架,考察引入消费信贷市场对居民节能投资行为、最低能效标准制定以及代内公平的影响。

    Using a two - stage lifecycle model , the paper studies how the introduction of a consumption credit market may influence households'energy conservation behavior , the permissible level of minimum energy - efficiency standards , and intra - generational equity .

  11. 对于像楼房这样的资产而言,投资于改进能效的回报周期可能长达数年——常常比买方计划持有这一资产的时间还要久。此外,节能投资的成效也难以衡量。

    With assets such as buildings , the payback time for investing in an improvement in energy efficiency can be several years - often longer than the buyer plans to own the asset . Also , it can be hard to measure success .

  12. 没有行政命令,电力公司是不会往节能领域投资的。

    Utilities will not invest in energy efficiency without regulation .

  13. 国外节能公共投资政策和对我国的启示

    Foreign Countries ′ Public Investment Policies on Energy Saving and Enlightenment to China

  14. 节能改造投资少、效益高。

    The energy-saving renovation had the advantages of low investment and high economic benefits .

  15. 过去,公司和个人没有表现出太多在节能方面投资的意愿。

    Companies and individuals have shown little willingness to invest in energy efficiency in the past .

  16. 隔板蒸馏塔是完全热耦合蒸馏,具有节能、投资低的优点。

    Plate distillation column is a completely thermal coupling distillation technology , with the advantages of energy saving and low investment .

  17. 该法较现行的高压氧煮、硝酸法具有节能、投资小、效益高等特点。苛性钠压煮法分解白钨矿

    This method has some characteristics such as reducing energy , small investment and high benefit as compared with the method of autoclaving nitric acid

  18. 从使用、节能、投资等方面分析了武汉地区某高层住宅采用单、双层玻璃窗的经济性;

    Analyses the economy of a high rise resident building in Wuhan area with single and double glass windows from aspects of application , energy conservation and investment .

  19. 咸淡混浇是将浅井微咸水和深井淡水按一定比例进行混合灌溉的一种灌溉方式,具有节水、节能、投资小、见效快等优点。

    For the sake of researching the method of using slight saline water to irrigation , the infiltration tests with different alternative irrigation of fresh and saline water are conducted .

  20. 介绍了采用污水水源的防污措施及水系统的循环方式等设计要点,并在节能、投资及运行费用等方面与传统方式进行了比较。

    The measures for pollution prevention and the main design for recycling mode of the water system were introduced . Comparison was made with traditional method in the aspects of energy-saving , investment , and operating cost .

  21. 浮选柱具有结构简单、节能、投资少、流程简单等优点,有与机械搅拌浮选机竞争的能力。

    The floatation cylinder has ability to compete with the floatation machine of mechanical agitation because of it 's construct has the good qualities : simple , saved power , the few of investments , and simple flow procedures .

  22. 增产改造应遵循求新、节能、投资低、减少停工损失等原则。库存量过低,又会发生停工待料或者订单丢失等,同样会给企业造成经济损失。

    But the revamp oriented to the increase of production should abide to the principles of creating the new , energy conservation , low investment and reduction of losses caused by shutdowns . while low inventory would lead to production halt and orders loss .

  23. 综合运用夹点技术和三环节技术制订的优化改造方案,可使装置能耗从7.71GJ/t降到4.45GJ/t。用于节能改造的投资469万元,年效益660万元,回收期0.8年。

    The energy consumption per ton feedstock can be reduced from 7.71GJ/t to 4.45GJ/t with the annual profit of 6.6 million yuan RMB . The payoff period is 0.8 year .

  24. 节能改造的投资回收期一年左右。

    The payback time in retrofit is about one year .

  25. 柳伯指出,机构投资者正在寻求更为节能的房产投资组合。

    MS lubber said institutional investors were seeking more energy-efficient property portfolios .

  26. 节能型变压器投资分析

    Cost analysis on the energy saving transformer

  27. 裕压发电的节能效果、投资与成本;

    The practical effect on energy saving , the investment and cost in residual-pressure electricity generation ;

  28. 邵阳化纤厂制冷系统二次能源利用的节能效率与投资效益分析

    Analysis on Saving Energy Efficiency and Investing Benefit of Air Conditioning Refrigeration System in Shaoyang Chemical Fiber Factory

  29. 无线传感器网络监测区内节点能耗估计节能型变压器投资分析

    Modeling and Analysis of Energy Cost Curve for Wireless Sensors Network Cost analysis on the energy saving transformer

  30. 指出节能墙体的投资见效快、回收期短,外保温墙体既节能又省钱。

    That investment for energy-saving walls could be recovered quickly , and external insulated walls save both energy and money .