
  1. 二级市场的剧烈波动令投资者更为挑剔,纷纷转向可再生能源板块或者新兴市场上流动性较高的大规模IPO交易。

    Turbulence in the secondary equity markets has led investors to become far more discerning , gravitating to large liquid deals in sectors such as renewable energy or in emerging economies .

  2. 她对建筑、资本品、运输和能源板块比较缺乏信心。

    She is less convinced by companies in construction , capital goods , transport and energy .

  3. 在标普500指数中,能源板块今年以来仅上涨2.4%,其中在首季只是勉强维持上涨,而整体指数今年迄今已上涨6%。

    In the S & P 500 index , the energy sector is up just 2.4 per cent this year and was barely positive in the first quarter , lagging behind the index 's 6 per cent gain for the year .

  4. W集团公司高分子和能源化工板块财务控制问题研究

    A Study on Financial Control Issues Encountered in the Macromolecule & Chemical Sector-Enterprise W

  5. MSCI金砖四国指数的股票主要集中在能源和金融板块,而原油价格正在下滑,银行的盈利波动性也较大。

    Half of the MSCI BRIC stock exposure comes from energy and financials , but crude prices are sliding , and bank profits can be volatile .

  6. 许多部门参与了本次反弹。银行,房地产,零售,高科技,能源股等板块都是本次上涨的受益者。

    Gains covered a variety of sectors , with banks , housing , retail , technology and energy all among the big gainers .

  7. 2004年美国股市总体不算太坏,中小盘股票,能源股,家电板块和苹果电脑算是其中“耀眼的明星”。

    A good year for small and mid caps , energy stocks , anything home related , and Apple Computer .