
  1. 你能不能为我们搞到些免费票?

    Can you work it so that we get free tickets ?

  2. 你能不能在5点钟前把这些给我复印好?

    Can you get these photocopied for me by 5 o'clock ?

  3. 看你能不能把我从这张照片上认出来。

    See if you can pick me out in this photo .

  4. 你能不能回到故事的开头?

    Could you go back to the beginning of the story ?

  5. 你能不能把所有信件转寄到纽约给我们?

    Could you forward any mail to us in New York ?

  6. 你能不能帮我把这次聚会准备妥当?

    Can you help me get everything ready for the party ?

  7. 能不能让我晚上考虑考虑,明天答复你?

    Could I sleep on it and let you know tomorrow ?

  8. 看你能不能向他再探问出些细节来。

    See if you can pump him for more details .

  9. 能不能得到好的指点那就全靠运气了。

    It 's pot luck whether you get good advice or not .

  10. 我问他能不能帮我一下,他点了点头。

    I asked him if he would help me and he nodded .

  11. 你能不能从你手下抽一个人过来帮帮我们?

    Could you spare one of your staff to help us out ?

  12. 你能不能在你方便时给我来个电话,安排见一次面?

    Can you telephone me at your convenience to arrange a meeting ?

  13. 我们能不能认为你想要这份工作?

    Can we take it as read that you want the job ?

  14. 我能不能在朋友家过夜?

    Can I sleep over at my friend 's house ?

  15. 你能不能看出这两幅画有什么不同?

    Can you spot the difference between these two pictures ?

  16. 你能不能设法让我点的东西快点送来?

    Can you do anything to hurry my order up ?

  17. 你有空时,我能不能见见你?

    Could I see you when you 've got an odd moment ?

  18. 你能不能匀出五分钟来不去想工作?

    Could you possibly forget about work for five minutes ?

  19. 你能不能给我点能让我入睡的东西?

    Can you give me something to help me get to sleep ?

  20. 我过去看我能不能帮上忙。

    I went over to see if I could lend a hand .

  21. 你那一方能不能遵守协议?

    Will you keep your side of the bargain ?

  22. 我们能不能腾个空再放一把椅子?

    Can we make space for an extra chair ?

  23. 能不能把音乐放小点,别把孩子吵醒了。

    Can you turn the music lower ─ you 'll wake the baby .

  24. 我要问一下老板我能不能请一天假。

    I 'll ask my boss if I can have the day off .

  25. 你看能不能拖住她,我好把她的办公室搜查完。

    See if you can stall her while I finish searching her office .

  26. 你能不能照看一下我的袋子?

    Could you mind my bags for a moment ?

  27. 你能不能站远一点?

    Can you stand a bit further away ?

  28. 喂,这事儿能不能就谈到这儿?

    Look , can we just drop it ?

  29. 你能不能把这个贴到布告牌上?

    Can you stick this on the noticeboard ?

  30. 请你不要挂断电话,我去看看她能不能接电话。

    If you hold the line , I 'll see if she is available .