
  • 网络energy management system;ENMS;management system for energy
  1. 能源管理体系是对能量平衡、能源审计、能源计量管理、用能设备管理等一系列传统能源管理方法的综合,也是对企业标准化管理体系的发展。

    Management System for Energy ( MSE ) integrated energy balance , energy audits , energy metering management , energy facilities management , and series of other traditional energy management methods . And MSE is the development of standardized management system for enterprise .

  2. 本文从战略高度提出抓好转变观念,加强管理,建立能源管理体系三个环节,是企业竞争取胜,能源方针目标得以实现的法宝。

    As viewed from strategy , this article points out that " change conception , strengthen management and construct energy management system " are the magic weapon of realizing enterprise 's energy consumption standard .

  3. 因此,能源管理体系的建设和运行不仅能够为企业带来巨大的经济效益,也能够提高企业的环保水平。

    So , the construction and operation of the MSE can bring huge economic benefits for enterprises ; and can enhance the environmental protection level of the enterprise .

  4. 其中策划是能源管理体系建设的中心环节,具体包含能源管理体系的如下要素:能源方针;能源因素;法律法规、标准及其他要求;基准与标杆;目标和指标;能源管理方案。

    And system planning is the central link of the MSE , specifically contain the following elements : energy policy ; energy factor ; laws and regulations , standards and other requirements ; basic standard and benchmarking ; objectives and targets ; energy management program .

  5. 该系统充分吸收了我国在工业企业能源管理指标体系、建筑能源消耗指标体系、城市能源实时监测与预测预警等方面的最新研究成果。

    This system fully absorbs the newest research production in the fields of the indicator system of energy management of industrial enterprises , the indicator system of building energy consumption , the real-time of city energy .

  6. 同时,我国高校能耗使用缺乏完善的统计和良好的管理,各学校间的节能监管体制差异大,缺乏有效的能源监测和管理体系,建立一整套实用的校园节能监管系统迫在眉睫。

    Meanwhile , statistics and management of energy use is lacking . And the different of energy regulatory system between schools makes it difficult to have a effective energy monitoring and management . Establish a set of practical campus energy monitoring system is imminent .