
  • 网络WILLYS;willis;Bruce Willis;Paul Willis
  1. 我看着威利斯开走去找那个少校,希望他还活着。

    I sent the Willys to find out if the major 's alive .

  2. 但是当我们看到击落敌机的时候,就会马上派出火炮机械师乘坐威利斯吉普赶往坠机地点,取回敌机残骸上的零部件作为证据。

    But when we did see that we shot down a plane , we immediately sent a gun mechanic on a Willys to the spot of the crash , to take the factory plate as material evidence .

  3. 布鲁斯·威利斯扮演一个言辞莽撞、与女搭档唇枪舌剑的警察。

    Bruce Willis plays a lippy cop battling it out with a female partner .

  4. 我钻进我们的小艇,威利斯掌舵,将船摆好位置准备拍照。

    I got into our dinghy while Willis took the helm and positioned the boat for the photograph .

  5. “别低估了我们,”诺曼·威利斯去年警告说。结果,什么事也没有。

    ' Don 't underestimate us ' , Norman Willis warned last year . There was , in the event , little danger of that .

  6. 唯物主义冷淡而刻板的标记(戴维K.威利斯)

    The cold , angular brand of materialism ( David K. Willis )

  7. donate(v.)捐献威利斯先生今天捐了四百万给残障人士。

    Mr. Willis donated four million dollars to the handicapped today .

  8. 而随着他在Twitter发表,他暗示威利斯是应有此报,

    And as his Twitter smacked down , he implies Willis is getting what he deserves ,

  9. 除了拍电影以外,威利斯也录制了一张音乐CD,制作了一部电影和一场儿童展览。

    In addition to acting , Willis has recorded a music CD , produced movies and a children 's animated show .

  10. 这个赌局的来历是这样的,马修·佩里和威利斯在《杀手不眨眼》(TheWholeNineYards)这部电影里一起担任主角,佩里和威利斯打赌这部电影上映之后票房排名绝对会得第一,而威利斯却不相信。

    The story goes that Perry bet Willis that the film would debut at number one in the box office , and Willis disagreed .

  11. 而在北达科他州的威利斯,正在收看CNN学生新闻的是一些土狼狗。

    And in Williston , North Dakota , some coyotes are watching CNN STUDENT NEWS .

  12. 克雷格•威利斯(CraigWillis)说,他是上海餐饮业新成员MrWillis的老板。

    ' says Craig Willis , owner of Mr Willis , a fairly recent addition to Shanghai 's restaurant scene .

  13. 要考虑舒适度:聚会场合容易热,因此诸位可以考虑穿一件艾玛威利斯(EmmaWillis)或是滕博阿瑟(Turnbull&Asser)的超轻款棉衬衫。

    Think about your comfort : it gets hot at parties , so maybe a super lightweight cotton from Emma Willis or Turnbull & Asser .

  14. 密歇根州迪尔伯恩(Dearborn)的威利斯(MargaretWillis)说,她女儿经常感冒咳嗽,却没有任何药可以用,让她颇为失望。她女儿16个月大,在弗拉塔雷利医生那儿看病。

    Margaret Willis of Dearborn , Mich. , whose 16-month-old daughter is a patient of Dr. Frattarelli 's , says she is ' frustrated ' that there aren 't any medicines for her toddler 's frequent colds and coughs .

  15. 威利斯的确是个让人印象深刻的客串演员,但很多人有所不知的是威利斯因为和马修·佩里(MatthewPerry)打赌输了而友情出演老友记。

    Willis was certainly a memorable guest star , but what many people don 't know is that Willis wasn 't paid a dime for his stint due to losing a bet with Matthew Perry , who starred alongside Willis in The Whole Nine Yards .

  16. 威利斯与潜艇船长加尔平(BernardGalpin)的对比,施万克特说加尔平做了一个愚蠢的决定,导致这艘潜艇撞船并沉没;

    the contrast between Mr. Willis the hero and the submarine captain Bernard Galpin , who Mr. Schwankert says made a " dumb " decision that caused the sub to be rammed and sunken ;

  17. ScoutWillis:《红字》好像威利斯的女儿们都没有获得足够的银幕机会:21岁的二女儿Scout在4岁时与妈妈黛米以及加里•奥德曼一起出演1995年的戏剧片时才有了自己出演的影片。

    SCOUT WILLIS : THE SCARLET LETTERSeems like the Willis girls just can 't get enough of the silver screen : At age 4 , middle daughter Scout , 21 , held her own during a dramatic scene with mom Demi and Gary Oldman in the 1995 film .

  18. 美国工业和民用专业涂料私营生产企业whitford的首席执行官戴夫威利斯(davewillis)表示,即使是在受到经济衰退影响的时候,该公司也继续投入了大量研发资金。

    Dave Willis , chief executive of Whitford , a private company in the us that makes specialised coatings for industrial and consumer use , says his business has continued to spend heavily on research and development , even as the recession has bitten .

  19. 在第六季里,布鲁斯·威利斯作为罗斯(Ross)女友伊丽莎白(Elizabeth,罗斯之前的学生)的父亲,客串出演了几集。威利斯饰演的保罗·斯蒂文斯(PaulStevens)

    In season 6 , Bruce Willis guest starred in a few episodes as the father of Ross 's girlfriend ( and former student ) , Elizabeth . Willis 's character , Paul Stevens , and Ross had a testy relationship due to the fact that he disapproved of the age difference between Ross and Elizabeth .

  20. 威利斯曾结合同样的假设,做出了一个简化的分析。

    Wallis has developed a simplified analysis incorporating the same approximation .

  21. 威利斯大概是担任过英格兰队队长的最佳球员。

    Willis is probably the best player to have captained england .

  22. 由班塔姆公司设计,威利斯越野和福特两家汽车公司制�

    Designed by Bantam and produced by Willys-Overland and Ford ,

  23. 过了一会团长开着威利斯赶到了我们连&他是个让人讨厌的军官。

    And here our regiment commander comes in a Willys-an unpleasant man .

  24. 威利斯辩称,几乎没有迹象表明,金融教育能起到作用。

    Prof Willis argues that there is little evidence that financial education works .

  25. 威利斯先生的证词模糊不清。

    Mr. Willis 's testimony is not only vague , it is unsubstantiated .

  26. 玛西亚威利斯被选做营销主任。

    Marcia Willis has been named as marketing ditrector .

  27. 稍后这个夏天这座建筑的名字将变成威利斯塔。

    The building 's name will change to Willis Tower later this summer .

  28. 你说布鲁斯·威利斯为了健康就只喝一杯可乐吗?

    Do you think Bruce Willis just drank a Coke for his health ?

  29. 威利斯希望在未来的几个月中能好好利用这个领域的成长机会。

    Willis hope to capitalise on the growth in this sector over coming months .

  30. 一定是史林和威利斯兄弟。

    It must be slim and the willies .