
yán fā zhōnɡ xīn
  • R&D Center;research and development centre
  1. 美国互联网搜索公司谷歌(Google)昨日宣布将在韩国成立一个研发中心,开发互联网搜索技术。

    Google yesterday said it would set up a research and development centre in South Korea to develop internet search technologies .

  2. 伍丝丽曾任思科(CiscoSystems)技术与战略主管。她表示,自己计划在明年年底前将位于硅谷的一座小型研发中心的人手扩大到400人。

    The former head of technology and strategy at Cisco Systems said she planned to expand a small research and development centre in Silicon Valley to 400 people by the end of next year .

  3. 日本知名化妆品品牌资生堂将在上海设立创新研发中心,研发环保的化妆品以促进健康和美容行业的发展。

    According to a strategic cooperation agreement signed Tuesday between Shiseido and the city 's Oriental Beauty Valley in Fengxian District , the company will carry out advanced research into eco-friendly technologies and prototype development of related cosmetics .

  4. 创建中国CO2研发中心的建议

    Suggestion to establish CO 2 research and development center in China

  5. 直到最近,苹果(Apple)的研发中心从未与总部相隔太远。

    Until recently , Apple research and development centres never fell far from the tree .

  6. 我厂拥有雄厚的技术力量和高素质的职工队伍,以及CAD设计研发中心。

    My company has strong technical strength and high-quality workforce , as well as CAD design center .

  7. 在G8国家里,由大学投资在行业研发中心的比例在最高。

    Canada has the highest share among the G8 countries of private sector R & D investment by its universities .

  8. 公司在深圳设有LED研发中心,并分别与国家多所科研院校联合成立光电实验室。

    We have LED R & D center in shenzhen , and also union with many Research Institute establish Optoelectronic Laboratory .

  9. 但是,这次合作——双方成立了吉利汽车欧洲研发中心(ChinaEuroVehicleTechnology,简称CEVT)——使沃尔沃可以生产更多发动机。

    But the collaboration - enshrined in China Euro Vehicle Technology , a sister company to Volvo and Geely Auto - gives Volvo greater volumes for its engines .

  10. 在中国开设研发中心的大约100家大企业中,美国软件集团微软(Microsoft)位居榜首。

    Microsoft , the US software group , heads a list of about 100 big companies with Chinese R & D centres .

  11. IBM的瑞士研发中心培养了4名诺贝尔奖得主,但此后研发中心的选址策略转变为让研发中心更靠近快速发展的市场和客户。

    IBM 's Swiss facility fostered four Nobel laureates but R & D strategy has since evolved to put fast-growing markets and customers closer to the centre .

  12. 丰田(Toyota)、福特(Ford)和雷诺-日产(Renault-Nissan)等传统汽车制造商均已在硅谷设立研发中心。

    Traditional carmakers including Toyota , Ford and Renault-Nissan have opened Silicon Valley research and development centres .

  13. 可以相信,中国将不仅主导RFID技术的应用市场,也应该成为RFID技术的全球研发中心。

    It is believed that China will not only become the main application market of RFID , but also the R & D center in the world .

  14. 譬如,手机生产商索尼-爱立信(SonyEricsson)就于7月份在北京开设了一家研发中心。

    For example , Sony-Ericsson , the mobile handset maker , opened an R & D centre in Beijing this July .

  15. 陶氏化学(dowchemical)正在中国和印度扩展其研究业务,而通用电气(ge)的塑料集团在上海设有一个研发中心。

    Dow Chemical is expanding its research operations in both China and India , while the plastics division of General Electric has an R & D site in Shanghai .

  16. 盛讯科技(天津)有限公司为TCS在中国的研发中心,主要负责无线通讯导航系统的软件研发。

    TCS Tianjin company is the research center of TCS US , it mainly concentrates on the wireless navigation software development .

  17. 我们在伦敦WhiteCity新建的科技中心(TechHub)刚刚启用,这儿如今是移动科技与人工智能应用于奢侈品行业的团队研发中心。

    We just inaugurated our new Tech Hub in London 's White City area , which is now home to a team pushing the boundaries of mobile technology and artificial intelligence in the luxury space .

  18. 日本国土交通省官员突击搜查了三菱汽车(MitsubishiMotors)研发中心。此前,该公司承认伪造了逾60万辆汽车的燃油经济性数据。

    Japanese regulators have raided the research and development centre of Mitsubishi Motors after the carmaker admitted to falsifying fuel economy data on more than 600000 vehicles .

  19. 中国石油管道局维抢修分公司研发中心团结QC小组。

    QC Group " Tuanjie ", the Center of Study and Development , the Branch of Repair and Maintenance , China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau .

  20. 上世纪50年代,IBM想要在美国以外建立一个研发中心,于是派出一个名叫阿瑟•塞缪尔(ArthurSamuel)的工程师在欧洲寻觅合适的地点。

    When IBM wanted to establish a non-US R & D centre in the 1950s , it sent an engineer called Arthur Samuel to scout sites in Europe .

  21. 苹果(Apple)计划今年晚些时候在中国设立其首家亚太研发中心。在销售放缓的背景下,苹果采取了一系列措施来支撑它在这个关键地区的业务,设立研发中心之举是其中的最新举措。

    Apple plans to open its first research and development centre in China later this year , the latest in a series of steps to bolster its presence in a vital region amid a slowdown in sales .

  22. 通用汽车(GM)计划在中国建立一个可替代能源汽车的研发中心。这一最新迹象表明,中国被视为新一代汽车的关键战场。

    General Motors is to build a research centre in China for alternative energy vehicles , the latest sign that China is seen as a vital battleground for a new generation of cars .

  23. 同样在新加坡,万事达(MasterCard)的一家研发中心为软银机器人(SoftBankRobotics)的仿人机器人Pepper设计了首个支付应用。

    Also in Singapore , a research and development centre for MasterCard has designed the first payment application for SoftBank Robotics " humanoid robot Pepper .

  24. 多家大型外资制药商在中国开设了研发中心,或是有这样做的计划,其中包括诺华(Novartis)、辉瑞(Pfizer)和强生(JohnsonJohnson)。

    Several big foreign drugmakers have opened research and development centres in China , or are planning to do so – including Novartis , Pfizer and Johnson Johnson .

  25. 本章主要阐述了V公司在2003年至2004年启动了内部控制项目,并于2005年在全球109个工厂以及68个研发中心全面执行。

    This part describes the original case of the paper : V Company launched the internal control program in 2003-2004 , and fully implemented it in 109 factories and 68 R & D centers around the world in 2005 .

  26. 多家大型外资制药商在中国开设了研发中心,或是有这样做的计划,其中包括诺华(Novartis)、辉瑞(Pfizer)和强生(Johnson&Johnson)。

    Several big foreign drugmakers have opened research and development centres in China , or are planning to do so - including Novartis , Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson .

  27. 去年,他离开了硅谷,搬出了位于一条小溪旁非常豪华的五居室住宅,回到印度,担任雅虎(Yahoo)班加罗尔研发中心的首席运营官。

    Last year , he moved out of his rather lavish five-bedroom creek-side house in Silicon Valley to return to India as chief operating officer of Yahoo 's research and development centre in Bangalore .

  28. 上海交通大学电力系统FACTS技术研发中心和上海久隆电力科技有限公司合作承担了上海市电力公司的项目,研制成功了动态无功补偿与谐波治理(有源滤波)综合装置。

    Power System FACTS Technology Research Developing Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University and Shanghai Jiulong Electric Power Science Technology Co. Ltd. take the project from Shanghai Power Company , developing the integrated equipment with dynamic reactive power compensator and active power filter .

  29. 传统上,跨国公司(MNC)以母国公司作为研发中心,通过对外直接投资进行技术转移。

    In the past , the multinational company ( MNC ) sets its home country as the center of R D , and then transfers the technological result by FDI .

  30. 华为与全球最大电信设备供应商爱立信(Ericsson)规模不相上下,已成为全球第三大智能手机商,仅在欧洲就有7个研发中心、雇有1200人。

    Huawei is on a par with the world 's largest equipment supplier , Ericsson , which has seven R & D centres across the continent and employs 1200 people .