
yán xiū
  • Training;research and studies;advanced study and training
研修[yán xiū]
  1. 互助研修模式的理论基本是成人学习理论和建构主义理论。

    The pattern research and studies rationale helping each other is that the adult studies theory and construction doctrine theory .

  2. 基于校本研修的Wiki平台构建

    The Construction of Wiki Platform Based on the Campus Research

  3. 签名:ZK2008。于西美《马厩》作者简介:吕智凯,陕西人,1979年毕业于西安美术学院,1999年中国美术学院水彩高级研修班毕业。

    About the authors : CARBON Kay , Shaanxi , 1979 graduated from the Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in1999 , China Academy of Fine Arts Watercolor advanced training class graduated .

  4. 天文学项目带来的庞大预算可以为教育提供资金。SCBP为教师和学习者提供定期的研修班,其主题涉及从建造望远镜和分光镜到解释季节或日月食等天文概念。

    The SCBP holds regular workshops for educators and learners ranging from building telescopes and spectroscopes to explaining astronomical concepts such as seasons or eclipses .

  5. 15年前她因高考落榜而与梦想中的大学擦肩而过,今天她是清华大学EMBA高级研修班的一名优秀学员。

    Though she failed to realize her dream of entering university 15 years ago , she is now an outstanding participant in an advanced EMBA study and training class in Qinghua University , one of China 's most famous institutions of higher earning .

  6. 并且建立起相应的司法研修制度。

    And it is necessary to establish the judicial training system .

  7. 监督指导会员单位对赴国外研修人员的管理工作。

    Monitoring and directing member units to manage persons studied abroad .

  8. 协作研修:教师培训模式的新选择

    Cooperative further studies : the new choice of teachers'training model

  9. 英语教师研修模式的行动研究(英文)

    An Action Research for High School English Teachers Training ;

  10. 介绍了化工营销高级研修班开展研修教学的实践及其成功经验。

    Introduced teaching practice and successful experience on advanced chemical marketing program .

  11. 在职人员研修班管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Management System for Section of Postgraduate

  12. 基于视频案例的中小学教师网络研修平台构建研究

    Construction Research on Network-based Teaching Study System Based-on Video Case

  13. 中国中日研修生协力机构的会员。

    We are a member of Sino-Japan trainee cooperation organization of china .

  14. 赴日本长崎技术研修报告

    Report on Visiting Nagasaki , Japan for the Technical Researches and Studies

  15. 它们已经为中国各地的利益攸关方组织了科研伦理研修班。

    They have organised research ethics workshops for Chinese stakeholders across the country .

  16. 通过人事制度改革,改善专业课教师的生活与工作条件,鼓励他们安心于专业课教学,并努力工作和培训研修;

    To prompt vocational teachers ' work achievement and skills by personnel reform ;

  17. 1965年生,中国美术学院综合艺术系研修班结业。

    Born in1965 , China academy of art integrated art department training certificate .

  18. 校本研修中要重视运用课堂观察工具。

    Thus classroom observing tools should be paid more attention in school-based training .

  19. 研修苑的建筑工程预计将在今年晚些时候完工。

    Construction of the garden is expected to be completed later this year .

  20. 日本护理研修见闻

    Information on Nursing Study and Revise in Japan

  21. 中央美术学院研修班

    Research Class in Central Academy of Fine Arts

  22. 北京市农村中小学教师研修工作站:理论基础的探讨

    Exploration on the Theoretical Foundation of The Learning Centre for Rural Teachers in Beijing

  23. 先后在日本、美国研修肝癌病理学和药物学。

    He has ever studied pathology of liver cancer and pharmacology in Japan and USA.

  24. 对教师专业发展中引入案例式研修的几点思考

    View on Case-oriented Research in Teacher Professional Development

  25. 好吧,我们的高年级研修班课程已经上到一半。

    Well , we 've come to the halfway point of our senior seminar .

  26. 上星期在北京举行的一次研修班就凸现了这样的领域之一:生命伦理。

    A workshop held in Beijing last week highlighted one such subject : bioethics .

  27. 卓越企业领袖学习研修会马上帮到人们。

    The Leadership Excellence seminar helps people immediately .

  28. 研修班的形式可能是多日强化课程,也可能是比较紧凑的一日课程。

    The format can range from multiway intensive programmes to more compact one-day courses .

  29. 骨干校长研修培训(名校长工程)的实践与思考

    Reflections and Practice of Famous Headmasters Project

  30. 日本的消防机构与消防工作&赴日消防研修的见闻与启示

    Japanese Fire Protection Organizations and Work & the Information and Revelation from Japanese Fire Protection