
  1. 是外语教学与研究出版社出版的。

    It was published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press .

  2. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社。

    Beijing : Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press .

  3. 此书已由外语教学与研究出版社出版。

    This book has been published by Foreign Language Teaching and Researching Press .

  4. 外语教学与研究出版社

    Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

  5. 外语教学与研究出版社所出版的系列教材《英语》(新标准)是目前被广泛使用的版本之一。

    New Standard English published by the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press is one of the new versions .

  6. 马会娟苗菊,《当代西方翻译理论选读》,外语教学与研究出版社。

    Ma , Huijuan & Miao Ju.2009.Selected Readings of Contemporary Western Translation Theories . Beijing : Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press .

  7. 今年,外语教学与研究出版社举办了第十六届全国大学生英语辩论赛,吸引了逾万学生。

    The Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press launched the 16th national English debating competition this year , attracting over 10,000 students .

  8. 《现代汉语规范词典》的第一版2004年由外语教学与研究出版社出版的,主要是受到学者和对词汇的当代用法感兴趣的人的青睐。

    The Dictionary of Modern Standard Chinese , first published by the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press in 2004 , is appreciated especially by scholars and those interested in contemporary usage .

  9. 据案卷材料显示,包括外语教学与研究出版社、北京师范大学出版社在内的多家出版社为纳入“政府批准教辅,教材”向何行贿。

    Court documents viewed by Caixin show that a number of publishing houses , including Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press and the Beijing Normal University Press paid He to have their publications included in a government-approved catalogue .

  10. 本文对惠宇教授主编的由外语教学与研究出版社2003年出版的《新世纪汉英大词典》词性标注进行了讨论,指出了词性标注的创新价值和尚存在的问题。

    This paper discusses the marking of word class in A New Century Chinese-English Dictionary complied by Prof. Hui Yu and published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press in 2003.The paper points out the merits of marking word class in Chinese-English dictionaries as well as its remaining problems .

  11. 在当今的中国,鲁学让一大批研究者和出版社忙前忙后。

    In the People 's Republic of China today , ' Luxunology ' keeps an army of researchers and publishers busy .

  12. 《朵云》中国画研究学刊上海书画出版社;

    Duoyun , Journal of Chinese Painting Study , Shanghai Book and Painting Press ;

  13. 本文在实证调查部分采用了调查研究法,对出版社网站、省级新华书店网站以及具有代表性的三家民营网上书店网站图书发行的相关情况进行了数据调研。

    It researches the relevant data of the issue of press , provincial Xinhua bookstore and three representative private stores .

  14. 对医学出版社进行了详细的市场竞争力分析,并研究提示了医学出版社的定位策略和建议。

    The market competition among medical publishers is analyzed in detail . Some appropriate orientation strategies are analyzed for different types of medical publishers .

  15. 研究发现,童趣出版社的成功首先是基于他们对消费者的理解以及基于消费者行为而进行的营销活动,营销活动是童趣出版社经营成功的关键因素。

    The study found that successful element of this industry is marketing strategy based on consumer behavior studying * The marketing activities are the key success factors .

  16. 江必新主编:《中国行政诉讼制度的完善一行政诉讼法修改问题实务研究》,法律出版社2005年版,第286-287页。

    Jiang Bixin , The Improvement of Chinese Adminsitrative Litigation : Practice Research on the Revise of AdministrativeLitigation Law , Law Press , pp286-287 ( 2005 ) .

  17. 在中央美术学院,有13个机构、6家医院,以及研究生院,出版社的中国古代医学书籍和杂志的中医等。

    In the Academy , there are13 institutes , 6 hospitals , as well as the Graduate School , the Publishing House of Ancient Chinese Medical Books and the Journal of TCM , etc.

  18. 第三部分是运用统计回归分析方法,研究财务指标对出版社经营状况的综合影响,拟合回归方程,并进行统计检验,验证方程的实用性。

    The third part uses statistical regression approach to study the comprehensive measurement of financial indexes to the operating status of publishing houses , get regression equation , and conduct statistical testing to the practicability of the equation .