
  • 网络national psychological quality
  1. 浅议青少年健康民族心理素质的培养

    On Fostering the Healthy National Psychological Quality of Juvenile students

  2. 论民族心理素质与国民素质教育

    National Psychological Quality and National Competence Education

  3. 宽容是和谐社会民族心理素质的要素

    Tolerance is a factor of nation mentality quality in harmonious society

  4. 哈尼族由于其在历史上形成的独特的哈尼语言、生活地域、经济生活和民族心理素质而形成了具有哈尼族特色的哈尼文化区。

    Hani nationality has formed its special culture region by Hani language , living area , economical living and consciousness in its long history .

  5. 民族心理素质发展的主要原因,一是社会生产力的发展,二是外来文化的输入。

    The development of social productive forces and the influence of external culture are the most important factors accounted for the development of the national competence .

  6. 青少年学生健康民族心理素质的培养,是一个学习教育过程、循序渐进的过程和浸染积淀的过程。

    Fostering the healthy national psychological quality is the process of educating , the process of developing in order and advancing step by step , and the process of influencing and accumulating .

  7. 他把文艺当作改变国民精神与民族心理素质的武器,坚持“为人生”的文学主张,弘扬直面人生的现实主义文艺精神。

    He made use of literature and art as the weapon to transform the national spirit and psychological making . Insisting on the literary stand of " for the life , " he carried forward the realistic spirit of facing life squarely .

  8. 浅谈西部大开发中少数民族大学生心理素质教育

    On Improving Ethnic College Students ' Psycho-quality in the Western Development

  9. 阅读疗法与少数民族大学生心理素质的培养

    Reading Therapy and Psychological Cultivation of Minority Nationality College Students

  10. 民族共同心理素质与民族意识

    On Relationship between Common Ethnic Psychological Quality and Ethnic Consciousness

  11. 从民族共同心理素质角度审视少数民族的文化传承与发展

    On Culture Legacy and Development of Minorities from the View of Nation 's Common Psychological Features

  12. 本文认为,漫长的传统社会所造成的公共领域发育不良和社会公德未曾植入人心并进而转化成民族文化心理素质,是国民缺乏社会公德意识的深层根源。

    This article argues that the mal-development of public sphere and that social morality does not change to nation 's cultural and psychological quality caused by long traditional society are the deep reason for the lacking of social morality awareness .

  13. 文章对民族共同心理素质的涵义、属性、具体表现及其特点与作用进行了探讨分析,提出了民族共同心理素质的发展规律,并说明认识这一规律的重要意义。

    This paper analysed and the discussed the meaning , attribute , incorporation and characteristic of the nationality 's common psychological quality , proposing the development law of nationality 's common psychological quality 's. The author also expressed the important meaning of realizing the law .

  14. 塑造了一批既具有不同民族性格、心理素质,又体现时代精神的形象,丰富了民族文学人物画廊;

    More figures have been added that represent the national temperaments and the spirit of the time , thus enriching the gallery of the nationalities literature .

  15. 高校思想教育工作必须有针对性地加强大学生社会主义义利观、社会公德、民族精神以及心理素质的培养与教育。

    Accordingly we must strengthen the cultivation and education of college students ' socialist interests , social ethics , national spirits and mental quality in higher schools ' ideological educational work .

  16. 研究民族院校大学生创业心理素质,不仅可以丰富人才素质研究的内容,也为教育研究开辟一个新的领域。

    Researching entrepreneurial psychological quality of undergraduate in university of nationality , not only enriches the content of talent quality research , but also opens a new field of education study .

  17. 对中国人的民族生存方式、民族心理素质、价值观念、审美观念等都产生了深远的影响。

    In short , they have a far-reaching influence on the way of existence , intellectual quality , moral ethics and esthetic values of the Chinese nation .

  18. 价值观念是人们衡量某一事物的根本准则,其本质是一种思维方式,是一个民族传统文化和民族心理素质的反映。

    Values , a basic criteria for people 's judgment and , in essence , a mode of thinking , can reflect a nation 's traditional culture and psychological quality .

  19. 老舍是具有丰富深厚的满民族情感的满族伟大作家,他出身满族,自幼深受满族文化的滋养,逐渐养成满民族文化心理素质。

    LAO She is a packed rich profound nationality feeling great writer of the Man nationality , his family background is the Man nationality , since childhood accepts the Man nationality 's culture , and forms packed national culture psychology quality by degrees .

  20. 当前影响民族地区法制建设的文化因素,主要有经济地理状况、传统社会制度模式、文化(宗教)习俗、民族心理素质、民族干部文化素质等。

    At present , the cultural factors that exercise great influence on the legal construction in areas inhabited by ethnic minorities are as follows : economic-geographic situation , traditional pattern of social system , cultural and religious customs , ethnic psychological quality , and cultural quality of ethnic cadres , etc.