
mín jǐng
  • people's police;people's policeman;peoples police
民警 [mín jǐng]
  • [peoples police] 人民警察的简称

  • 女民警

民警[mín jǐng]
  1. 强化执政能力建设提高民警执法水平

    Enhance the Construction of Ruling Ability Raise the Enforcement Level of The People 's Police

  2. 论述了作者对强化执政能力建设的看法以及提高民警执法水平的必要性。

    The auther discusses the viewpoint of enhance the construction of ruling ability , and the necessity of raise the enforcement level of the people 's police .

  3. 女性民警在LES总分、家庭问题上的得分显著高于男性民警;

    Women score on LES total scale ; family question is higher than man notably .

  4. 据《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)报道,有3名参战民警负伤,其中两名民警身负枪伤,另一民警腿部被毒犯开车撞致粉碎性骨折,目前均在广州某医院治疗康复中。

    China Daily reported that two police officers were shot and one sustained a broken leg after being hit by a car driven by the drug traffickers . All three are recovering at a hospital in Guangzhou , it added .

  5. 汶川大地震后重灾区民警应激反应调查研究应用PPP模式促进汶川地震灾区恢复重建

    Stress Reactions of the Policemen in Severe Disaster Areas after the Tremendous Earthquake in Wenchuan . Promotion to the rehabilitation work in Wenchuan post-disaster by application of PPP

  6. 本研究的核心内容是从职位分析入手,运用KPI(关键绩效指标)绩效考核方法,设计刑侦民警绩效考核指标体系。

    The core chapter of this study starts from the job analysis , using KPI ( Key Performance Indicators ) performance assessment methods , designing performance evaluation index system of criminal investigation police .

  7. 据介绍PGIS系统拥有节约办案成本、杜绝民警不文明执法行为、打击犯罪更加有力的特点。

    As informed , PGIS may contribute to cutting down case handling cost , putting an end to abuse of law enforcement , and cracking down on crime .

  8. 并采用t检验、F检验、LSD多重比较法等数据分析方法,以性别、年龄、警种、地区为变量,对基层民警心理健康水平以及相关因素的作了差异分析。

    And adopt the analytical method of the data , such as t examining , F examining , LSD multiple comparative , etc , It regards sex , age , alert kind , area as variables and analysis the difference in mental health levels and relevant factors .

  9. 自打从7年前以空中国民警卫队的工作人员加入到C-130J的项目中算起,我已经接触过了太多有关这种飞机是如何的好或者是如何的差的评论。

    Since becoming involved in the C-130J program as an Air National Guard operator more than seven years ago , I have endured opinions about how good or how bad the aircraft is .

  10. 对民警佩枪问题的思考

    On the Consideration Of The Problem Of Wearing Guns For Policeman

  11. 网络传播对青年民警思想政治工作影响的新思考

    Internet Influence on the Ideological and Political Work of Youth Policemen

  12. 认真贯彻《公务员法》加强民警队伍建设

    Implementing official Law and Strengthening the Building of Prison Police Force

  13. 对预防交通民警在执法中遭受不法侵害的思考

    Research on the Measures of Reducing Unlawful Infringement upon Traffic Police

  14. 但是关于监狱民警心理压力的研究并不多。

    But the researchs on their mental pressure are not many .

  15. 加强基层民警射击技能训练之我见

    Views on the Training of Shooting Skills of the Grass-Roots Policemen

  16. 联合国维持和平行动民警部分纪律守则

    Disciplinary Code for civilian Police Components of United Nations Peace-keeping Operations

  17. 在职民警战术培训要诀

    On the Essentials of On-job Tactical Training of the Police Officers

  18. 在职民警身体素质优化措施的几点思考

    On the Optimization Measures for the In-office Police 's Physical Quality

  19. 加强道德建设,提高民警的道德素养;

    Strengthen morals construction , raise the morals attainment of police ;

  20. 民警在维持和平行动中的作用会议

    Conference on the Role of the Civilian Police in Peace-keeping Operations

  21. 民警意识有丰富的内涵和特点。

    The police consciousness has a plenty of intension or characteristic .

  22. 而且还有力气击退国民警卫队的人

    and still had strength to fight off the National Guard !

  23. 一线民警正在学习辨认赌博电玩。

    Front-line police are learning to identify gambling video game .

  24. 对新时期民警在职培训工作的思考

    Reflections on the In - Service Police Training In the New Era

  25. 对维护经济欠发达地区民警执法权益的思考

    On the protection of police law enforcement interests in economically underdeveloped areas

  26. 对广东省在职民警战术培训的几点思考

    Reflections on the Military Tactics Training for In-service Police in Guangdong Province

  27. 今天上午,千名民警先要搞个明白。

    This morning , thousands of police first put forward to understand .

  28. 使民警通过心理咨询,克服心理障碍;

    Through psychological consultation , mental obstacles can be overcome .

  29. 提高民警素质,强化各项保障。

    Improve the police quality , and strengthen all kinds of guarantees .

  30. 试论执法民警的人身权保障

    On How to Protect the Personal Right of Law Enforcement Police Officers