
  1. “幽暗为美”的“阴翳”审美心理特色和禅宗的审美情趣在建筑和园林造型上的反映,同时也揭示了日本民族审美心理与建筑特点之间的深刻的内在联系。

    The internal relation of Japanese aesthetical psychology and architectural characteristics is also exposed .

  2. 点、线、面、形是中国传统装饰艺术的重要组成部分,它所形成的简约、抽象的造型方法,印证了中国独特的民族审美心理。

    Dot , line , plane and form are the important parts of the traditional art of design .

  3. 为我们研究原始宗教信仰、民族审美心理、民族风俗习惯和民族性格提供了珍贵资料。

    Meanwhile , it can also offer precious materials for the research of the folk custom , original religion , national aesthetic mentality and national character .

  4. 油画作为异质文化的一种表现形式,其传播与移植在与东方文化的碰撞与冲突的同时,也开始经受中国传统文化与民族审美心理的整合。

    Painting , an expressive form of foreign culture , influenced by Chinese culture and national aesthetic psychology in the course of its spread and implant into eastern civilization .

  5. 中国古典诗词中的水、花意象显示了语言意味无穷的审美特征,成了中华民族审美心理的物化表现。

    The imagery of water and flowers in classical Chinese poetry shows the aesthetic characteristics of the profound significance of language , and has become the embodiment of Chinese aesthetic mentality .

  6. 中国传统图形是中国古代文化的遗产,是中华民族审美心理的形象展现,它承载着中华民族的文脉精神。

    Traditional Chinese graphics is the heritage of Chinese ancient culture . It vividly reflects aesthetic mentality of our nation , and it embodies the traditional Chinese cultural characteristics as well .

  7. 从地理环境的影响、自身文化与文化交流的角度去审视维吾尔服饰的色彩结构,不但可以了解服饰色彩所体现出的文化意蕴,而且可以从中感受到独特的民族审美心理。

    Viewing the color structure from geographical influence , their own culture and cultural exchange can not only help us to understand the cultural meaning of the costume color , but also to feel the national estheticism .

  8. 一种艺术体系的建立和形成,是由特定的地域、种族、民族审美心理、传统文化等因素逐步凝练而成,并随时代的进步不断发展。

    The establishment and formation of a type of arts system is influenced by the specific geographical factor , different racial and national aesthetic psychology , traditional culture and other factors and develops and the arts system continuously develops with the progress of the society .

  9. 采用文献研究、比较分析方法,在民族审美心理基本特征和哲学基础上,从文化的角度研究分析了奥林匹克运动冲击下,中华民族传统体育与奥林匹克运动的不同历史文化之间的冲突。

    This article analyzes conflict in different historic culture between Chinese traditional sports and the Olympic Games under the impact of the Olympic Games from the angle of the culture on the basic characteristic of national taste mentality and philosophy basis using the literature research and comparative analysis .

  10. 刍议中华民族音乐审美心理形成的基本条件

    A Rustic Opinion of the Postulate of Forming Chinese Musical Aesthetic Psychology

  11. 三者作为合力系统共同对民族音乐审美心理的形成与发展产生作用。

    As a united System , they effect the forming and development of National Musical Aesthetic Psychology as resultant force .

  12. 民族的审美心理作为人的一种本质力量,外化于文化艺术,就体现为民族特征。

    Psychology of appreciation of the beauty as a essential power of man , externalized in cultural art and reflected national characteristics .

  13. 越南汉诗受容中国古典诗歌有着深刻的历史、文化和民族文学审美心理原因。

    Chinese poetry in Vietnam was influenced deeply by Chinese classical poetry because of the history , culture and the aesthetic psychological factor .

  14. 历经数千年积淀而形成的中国传统文化,则如一种精神贯穿古今,深深影响着中华民族的审美心理和艺术创作。

    After thousands of years of accumulation and formation , china traditional culture such as the spirit pass through the ancient and modern , deeply affects Chinese esthetic psychology and the artistic creation .

  15. 结合地缘因素、中国传统建筑思想、古代哲学思想、中华民族独特审美心理等方面知识,论述风水的文化属性,探寻风水的美学价值与意义。

    Considering the geopolitical factors , the thoughts of Chinese traditional architecture , ancient philosophy , unique aesthetic psychology of the Chinese nation and some other facts , it is discussed about the cultural property of geomancy and explored the aesthetic value and significance of geomancy .

  16. 审美活动虽然是人类最具个性特点的精神活动,但民族共同的审美心理和审美意识是客观存在的。

    Although aesthetic activity is the most individualized mental activity , the common aesthetic mentality and awareness shared by a nation are objectively existent .

  17. 蒙古族传统皮革造型艺术不仅具有很高的实用功能和审美价值而且也折射着蒙古民族深层的审美心理。

    The Mongolian traditional leather plastic arts not only have a highly practical function and aesthetic value but also reflected the deep-seated aesthetic psychology of the Mongolian .

  18. 并强调戏曲脸谱文化在设计中的应用不是简单的形式上的叠加和照搬,而是着力于对民族审美意识和审美心理的把握。

    Moreover , the paper stresses that the application of opera facial make-ups in the design is not simple addition and copy but pay special attention to grasping national aesthetic consciousness and psychology .

  19. 结果期待意识是中华民族特有的一种审美心理,它对中国古典小说产生了明显影响,《红楼梦》则集中体现了这一民族审美心理。

    The psychology of expecting the result is a special psychology of the Chinese people . It has an effect on the classical novels .

  20. 它展示了我们中华民族眼中的世界,体现出特定的民族审美心理。

    It exposes what the world like in the of Chinese , showing the specific esthetics psychological feelings of Chinese .

  21. 民间舞蹈教学规律的探索,实质是探索一个民族怎样通过民间舞蹈传承其民族文化精神与审美心理,将民间舞蹈动态与民间舞蹈文化的有机结合。

    Folk dance to explore the teaching of law , in essence , to explore how a nation through the folk dance heritage of their national culture and the aesthetic spirit of the psychological , folk dance and folk dance and cultural dynamics of the organic integration .

  22. 地方戏曲一方面是民族古典文化的一部分,和其他文化、艺术形式共同体现着相通的民族传统审美心理和审美特征,反射着古典艺术的光辉;

    Local opera is part of national classical culture , showing aesthetic psychology and feature of national tradition ;

  23. 每个传统民族节日,都是经过长期的文化积淀沿袭下来的,是民族文化中的民族意识、民族性格、民族审美心理等因素自觉适应社会发展变化的形象表现。

    Each traditional festival is inherited from long-term cultural accumulation and vividly shows that the ethnic culture including its consciousness , character and aesthetic psychology adapts to social development and changes unconsciously .