
  • 网络Ethnic Studies
  1. 当前中国民族问题研究的选题与思路

    The Subjects and Approaches of Current Ethnic Affairs Study in China

  2. 地方性知识与延安时期的民族问题研究

    Local Knowledge and Study on Ethnic Problems in Yan'an Period

  3. 改革开放以来我国跨界民族问题研究综述

    A Summary of the Issues of Chinese Croll-Border Ethnicity Since Reform and Opening-Up

  4. 跨界民族问题研究:理论与现实

    A study on the problems of the transnational ethnic groups : theory and reality

  5. 1995&2005年延安时期民族问题研究综述

    A Synthesis about the Research on Ethnic Problems in Yanan Period from 1995 to 2005

  6. 民族问题研究国家社科基金立项分析

    Analysis to the Proposal of the Research on National Affairs of National Fund in Social Science

  7. 正统的解构与法统的重建:对清代边疆民族问题研究的理性思考

    Conceptualization of Orthodox and Reconstruction of Legal Genealogy : A Study about Borderland Nationality Problems in Ching Dynasty

  8. 2001-2004年《人大复印资料》转载的民族问题研究文章的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of the articles about the researches on nationalities reprinted in Duplicated Materials by People 's University in 2001-2004

  9. 现代化进程中的西部民族问题研究学术座谈会在西南民族大学举行

    A Report of the Symposium on Ethnic Problems of West China in the process of the Modernization Holded in Southwest University for Nationalities

  10. 国家哲学社会科学十五研究状况与十一五发展趋势&黑龙江省民族问题研究调研报告

    Investigation on the Research Situation of the Problem of Nationality in Heilongjiang Province during the Tenth Five-year-plan and the Trend during the Eleventh Five-year-plan

  11. 近年来,我国民族问题研究不断深入、成效显著,学界就很多热点问题进行了较充分的研讨,但也还存在着观点上的分歧与争议。

    Over the years , the study on the issues of nationality has achieved great progresses , including the abundant discussions of many hot issues in the academic world .

  12. 中俄民族问题比较研究

    National Problem in Russia and China : A Comparative Perspective

  13. 新时期中华民族凝聚力问题研究

    Research on Chinese National Cohesive Force in the New Period

  14. 网络环境下青年民族意识问题研究

    Research for National Consciousness of Youth in the Network Circumstances

  15. 关于民族问题理论研究中一些含混概念的几个问题

    On Some Ambiguous Concepts of Studies on Ethnic Theory

  16. 语言活力、语言态度与语文政策&少数民族语文问题研究

    The Language Vigor , Language Attitude and Language Policy

  17. 越南西原地区民族分离主义问题研究

    On National Secession in Tay Nguyen , Vietnam

  18. 中华民族精神问题研究述评

    A Review of Studies on Chinese National Spirit

  19. 论华岗对民族问题的研究、认识和探索

    Hua Gang 's Researches into National Questions

  20. 本文从城市化视角出发,以边疆地区民族问题为研究对象,在学术界先期研究成果的基础上,介绍了城市化中边疆地区民族问题的内容、特点及表现形式并进行了深层次原因探析。

    On the basis of the preliminary academic research results , it introduces the content , characteristics and manifestation of ethnic problems of border areas in the urbanization process . At the same time , the reasons have been analyzed in the deeper level .

  21. 重庆市民族法制建设问题研究

    Study on Construction of National Law System in the City of Chongqing

  22. 少数民族大学生心理问题研究

    Research on the Psychological Problems of the Minority College Students

  23. 中国西部民族地区贫困问题研究

    A Study on Poverty Problem in the West Minority Region of China

  24. 新疆游牧民族定居问题的研究

    Research on the Settlement of Xinjiang Nomadic Pastoralists

  25. 民族教育立法问题研究

    Studies on Education of Nationalities Legislation

  26. 通过对现有文献的进一步分析可知,目前的民族文化认同问题研究成果主要是以单个民族或者地区为背景,多从民族文化认同感缺失方面研究的。

    Through the further analysis of the existing literature , research results of national cultural identity problem at present is mainly by a single nation or region as the background , from the national culture identity recognition of the lack of .

  27. 关于实施以德治国与弘扬民族精神关系问题的研究

    Research on Relationship between Running the Country with Morality and Ethos

  28. 甘肃省少数民族地区农民收入问题研究

    Study of Peasants ' Income in Ethnic Areas of Gansu

  29. 新疆师范院校本科专业民族学生教育实习问题研究

    A Study on Teaching Practice of Minority Ethnic College Students in Xinjiang

  30. 云南跨境民族问题与国家安全研究

    Study on Transnational Nationality Problems and State Safety in Yunnan