
  • 网络structure of tourism product
  1. 内容提要发展度假酒店(村)既顺应游客需要又优化我国旅游产品结构。

    The development of resorts in China needs to optimize the structure of tourism product .

  2. 调整旅游产品结构、丰富旅游产品内容;

    Adjusting tourist product structure and diversifying tourism products ;

  3. 桂林旅游产品结构调整的研究

    Study on the Structural Adjustment of Guilin Tourism Products

  4. 区域旅游产品结构优化设计研究&以甘肃省为例

    Structural Optimization and Design of Regional Tourism Products & A case of Gansu Province

  5. 基于泛长三角区域分工合作的黄山市旅游产品结构优化

    Huang mountain city tourism product structure optimization basing on pan Yangtse River delta district cooperation

  6. 丰富旅游产品结构;

    Diversifying the tourism product structure ;

  7. 在确定旅游产品结构合理化标准的基础上,阐述山西省旅游产品结构调整的思路及对策。

    Basing on the rationalization standard of tourism product structure , describe the restructuring of tourism product structure in Shanxi .

  8. 多元化与精品化开发相结合,优化浙江海洋旅游产品结构,打造海洋旅游精品;

    It combines multi-products development and fine product development , optimizing the structure of Zhejiang oceanic tourism products , promoting oceanic tourism fine products ;

  9. 同时,也存在旅游产品结构单一、接待设施结构不合理等劣势。

    Meanwhile , there is still has some disadvantages as product structure of the travel too single and the receiving facility structure is unreasonable .

  10. 因此,鼓励社区居民的参与主动性、优化旅游产品结构、提高生态意识,推进社区旅游的可持续发展对于社区的旅游发展是很有必要的。

    Therefore , it is necessary to encourage local involvement , optimize the make-up of products , raise eco-awareness , and push forward local sustainable development of tourism .

  11. 阐述了旅游产品结构划分的意义,从垂直层面和水平层面对旅游产品结构进行了划分。

    This paper sets forth the significance of the analysis of the structure of tourism products and analyzes the structure of tourism products from the vertical and level stratum .

  12. 依据全面、和谐、可持续发展的原则,从类型、要素、时间、空间等几大结构模式上阐述旅游产品结构调整的策略。

    According to the comprehensive , harmonious and sustainable development principles , from the types , elements , time , space and other , raise the Adjustment strategy of tourism product structure .

  13. 这一模式是对现有旅游产品结构模式体系的一种补充和完善,其对旅游景区(景点)规划及产品设计有着独到的指导意义。

    The new mode is a kind of supplement and improvement to the structural modes system of current tourism commodities , and provides original direction of tourism spot program and product design .

  14. 随时间推移,武夷山旅游产品结构逐渐复合化,旅游产品类型调整和创新伴随旅游发展全过程。

    It considered the structure of the tourism products composite gradually as time passes by , while the adjustments and innovations on the types of the tourism products occur during the entire process of tourism development .

  15. 旅游产品的结构划分及对策

    An Analysis of the Structure of Tourism Products and the Corresponding Strategy

  16. 陕西省旅游业产品结构调整与优化升级对策

    Shaanxi Tourist Products of its Structure Regulation and Optimization

  17. 旅游产品及其结构问题研究

    Research of Tourism Product and Its Structure

  18. 浅论旅游产品的结构效应与旅游规划的组合力

    An Initial Discussion of the Structure Effect of Tourism Products and the Mix Ability of Tourism Planning

  19. 合理的旅游产品体系结构有利于旅游产业整体的健康发展。

    A reasonable tourism products system is conducive to the healthy development of the tourism industry as a whole .

  20. 根据旅游产品的结构,阐述了旅游企业和政府在旅游产品营销和生产中的相应的作用和对策。

    Accordingly the paper elaborates the function and strategy of the tourism and government in the marketing and production of tourism products .

  21. 旅游产品的结构调整是旅游经济发展的重要内容,主要可以从旅游产品空间优化和旅游产品状态调整两个方面进行。

    The adjustment of tourism product spatial structure is an important content of tourism economic development , we can do it from the optimization of tourism product and the adjustment of tourism condition .

  22. 辽西地区旅游产品构成及结构优化

    Travel product and its optimization in western Liaoning Province

  23. 提出运用整合营销4C观念对旅游产业结构和产品结构进行调整,走可持续发展道路来发展旅游业;

    The author puts forward the 4C conception of integrated marketing should be used to adjust the structure of industry and product with the guideline of sustained development .

  24. 旅游目的地旅游产品结构调整&以承德地区为例

    Adjustment of Tourism Product Spatial Structure of the Tourism Destination-A Case of Chengde City

  25. 对国内外区域旅游合作及旅游产品结构的相关研究进行了回顾和分析,并提出本文的选题背景、研究思路及研究方法。

    Reviewing and analyzing correlative study of regional tourism cooperation and tourism product structure , the author brings forward the selecting background , the study thought and methods of this thesis .

  26. 打造旅游精品,优化旅游产品结构;

    To build excellent tourism products and perfect the structure of tourism products .

  27. 积极开发海上运动旅游产品,丰富旅游产品结构;

    Thirdly , some distinctive products of marine sports tourism should be developed actively so as to perfect the structure of tourism products .

  28. 中部区域旅游合作背景下河南旅游产品结构调整优化研究

    Research of Henan Tourism Product Structure Adjustment and Optimization in the Background of Central Area Tourism Cooperation

  29. 发展红色旅游,要调整旅游产品的结构体系,加大开发力度,突出产品特色,注重旅游开发的综合效益。

    In this case , we should adjust the system of the tour , speed up the exploration , stress the characteristics , and attach importance to the comprehensive results of the exploration .

  30. 本文从一般产品的概念入手,提出了旅游产品的属性、旅游产品结构的概念及其内涵,对生态旅游产品、森林生态旅游产品进行了分类。

    The paper began with the concept of general products , firstly brought forward the concepts and connotations of the attribute and structure of the tourism products , and categorized the ecotourism products and the forest ecotourism products .