
  1. 人们在问,“为什么科技在生活中如此多彩,而在工作中却这样乏味?”

    People are asking , " how come the technology in my person life is so great but , at work , it sucks so much ? "

  2. 科技在生活中对于我们的重要性就像海水对于鱼儿一样,针对科技的发展变化,我们能预测到其万分之一二就很好了。

    We live in technology as fish live in the sea , and we have only a little better chance of forecasting the details of its changes .

  3. 随着世界范围科学技术的迅猛发展,科技在人们生活中产生着越来越重要的影响,它不仅改善着我们的生活条件,而且对我们的思维方式也产生了深远的影响。

    Along with the fast and fierce development of the science and technology of the world scop , Which change our living life and impact deeply on our thinking method .

  4. 只要微软做出一点点创新,微软的企业IT生意还会做得更久。不过苹果的功劳在于它迫使我们重新思考科技在我们生活中的角色,从而造成了深远的影响。

    With minimal innovation this could be extended even longer , but Apple has already made a profound impact by pushing us to rethink technology 's role in our lives .

  5. 克鲁兹的这个广告虽然有点让人伤感,不过它让我开始思考,科技在我们生活的有形方面扮演了多大的角色。

    While the Cruze ad was schmaltzy , it got me thinking about how big a role technology now plays even in this , um , corporeal aspect of our lives .

  6. 现代生物科技在人类生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用,如何在高中生物教学中渗透现代生物科技知识成为很多教育工作者探讨的问题。

    Modern biology technology is playing a more and more important role in human life and now , how to infiltrate it into biology teaching of high school is the problem discussed and explored by lots of teachers and educationalists .

  7. 该是我们从更加公正和客观的角度来评价现代科技在我们的生活中所发挥的作用的时候了。

    It is time we evaluated the roles that modern technology plays in our life from more balanced and objective perspectives .

  8. 这项研究包括在vouchercloud.net发起的系列研究之内,它们旨在调查“科技在美国消费者生活中的影响”,研究还显示了在过去的12个月里,“电子优惠券”居热门搜索的前几位。

    The study was conducted by vouchercloud.net as part of research into the part that technology plays in the lives of American consumers , given that ' technology coupons ' were amongst the top searched-for on site for the past 12 months consecutively .

  9. 在科技领域,就像在生活中,重要的不是你来自哪里,而是你要到哪里去。

    In technology , as in life , it is not where you come from – it is where you are going that counts .

  10. 但从根本上说,德国新科技企业在薪酬和生活方式的多姿多彩上都竞争不过美国初创企业,后者获得的资金支持通常比德国同行高得多。

    Ultimately , however , Germany 's new tech businesses cannot compete with the salaries or lifestyle options available at US start-ups , which tend to be far better funded .

  11. 社会进步和科技发展在改变人类生活的同时,带来技术和工艺的创新,艺术也不例外。

    The society progress and science and technology developments bring the innovation of technique and craft at the time of changing the mankind to live , the art is no exception .

  12. 自然科技资源在人们日常生活、经济发展、科技创新活动中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    The role of Natural Resources of Science and Technology ( NRST ) is becoming more and more important in people 's daily life , economic development , and scientific and technological innovation .

  13. 科技新闻是科技传播中十分重要的一个方面,当科技在日常生活中扮演越来越重要的角色的时候,科技新闻的传播也因此倍受关注。

    Science news is a crucial aspect of Scientific Communication ( SC ), while science and technology is playing a more and more important role in our daily life , Scientific Communication has been paid more attention to .

  14. 互联网作为二十世纪末最伟大的科技发明之一,其产生的影响已经不仅仅局限于科技层面,在社会生活的各个领域我们都可以感受到互联网所带来的种种变化。

    As one of the greatest scientific and technological invention at the end of 20th century , the Internet not only has influenced the science and technology , but also every social side . And we can feel the kinds of changing that the internet brings to us .