
People are asking , " how come the technology in my person life is so great but , at work , it sucks so much ? "
We live in technology as fish live in the sea , and we have only a little better chance of forecasting the details of its changes .
Along with the fast and fierce development of the science and technology of the world scop , Which change our living life and impact deeply on our thinking method .
With minimal innovation this could be extended even longer , but Apple has already made a profound impact by pushing us to rethink technology 's role in our lives .
While the Cruze ad was schmaltzy , it got me thinking about how big a role technology now plays even in this , um , corporeal aspect of our lives .
Modern biology technology is playing a more and more important role in human life and now , how to infiltrate it into biology teaching of high school is the problem discussed and explored by lots of teachers and educationalists .
It is time we evaluated the roles that modern technology plays in our life from more balanced and objective perspectives .
The study was conducted by vouchercloud.net as part of research into the part that technology plays in the lives of American consumers , given that ' technology coupons ' were amongst the top searched-for on site for the past 12 months consecutively .
In technology , as in life , it is not where you come from – it is where you are going that counts .
Ultimately , however , Germany 's new tech businesses cannot compete with the salaries or lifestyle options available at US start-ups , which tend to be far better funded .
The society progress and science and technology developments bring the innovation of technique and craft at the time of changing the mankind to live , the art is no exception .
The role of Natural Resources of Science and Technology ( NRST ) is becoming more and more important in people 's daily life , economic development , and scientific and technological innovation .
Science news is a crucial aspect of Scientific Communication ( SC ), while science and technology is playing a more and more important role in our daily life , Scientific Communication has been paid more attention to .
As one of the greatest scientific and technological invention at the end of 20th century , the Internet not only has influenced the science and technology , but also every social side . And we can feel the kinds of changing that the internet brings to us .