
  1. 科技成果奖的模糊综合评定及其后期工作

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation for Rewarding Scientific Research Achievements

  2. 我所荣获上海市1978&1979年重大科技成果奖简介

    A brief introduction to the SSSRI research works awarded the 1978-1979 Prizes of Shanghai City for significant fruits of scientific research

  3. 本论文的研究成果在多项工程研制项目和预先研究项目中得到了应用,并获得了有关科技成果奖。

    The research achievements have been used in many projects and other researches , and been awarded related science and technology prizes .

  4. 曾获江西省自然科学奖二等奖、江西省高等学校科技成果奖二等奖各一项。

    He have won a second prize of natural science award of Jiangxi province and a second prize of college science and technology progress of Jiangxi 's universities .

  5. 近年工业发展较快,材料试验机厂生产的试验机,多次获部、省科技成果奖。

    In recent years , rapid industrial development , pilot plant production , material testing machine , on many occasions by the Department , the provincial science and technology award .

  6. 因此,荣获了北京市1984年科技成果三等奖。

    Thus the Third Prize of Beijing 's Scientific and Technical Achievements was awarded in 1984 .

  7. 本机组荣获商业部1988年科技成果三等奖。

    The whole system won the third prize for Scientific and Technological Achievements by the Ministry of Commerce in 1988 .

  8. 冷凝器橡胶衬里项目获得了上海市科技成果三等奖。

    The technology of rubber lining for condenser wins the third level prize of " Shanghai Scientific and technical Achievements " .

  9. 温泉之星艺术设计获从化市政府科技成果三等奖;

    Awarded the third prize for Scientific Achievement by Conghua Municipality Government for designing the art project of Hot Spring Star .

  10. 该系统获得广发银行系统科技成果二等奖,已在广发上海分行推广应用,获得了好评。

    The system got the Second Encouragement for Science and Technology in Guangdong Development Bank system , has been used in Shanghai Branch and gets good valuation .

  11. 获得国家科技进步奖15项,七五国家科技攻关项目阶段成果奖18项,部级科技进步奖116项。

    In 1989 the chemical industry won 15 National Science and Technology Progress Prizes , 18 Achievement Prizes of Key National Science and Technology Projects in the 7th-Five-Year Plan and 115 Science and Technology Progress Prizes of the Ministry of Chemical Industry .