
  • 网络Technology China;Science and Technology in China
  1. 虚拟科技中国能量流不断飙升高。

    Flow of virtual energy keeps China Technology soaring high .

  2. 让科技中国增长超过无穷!

    Let China Technology grow beyond infinity !

  3. 科技中国的树。

    China and the tree of technology .

  4. 科技中国成长的感觉。

    China Technology grows for sensation .

  5. 灯火辉煌的建筑和桥梁透露着欧式风情和科技中国快速发展的耀眼光芒。

    A glance of Europe can be seen in the building and bridges mixed with the dazzle of a technological and fast-developing China .

  6. 刘韬,泰克科技(中国)有限公司,RF技术支持工程师。

    Liu Tao , RF Technical Support Engineer , Tektronix ( China ) Co. , Ltd.

  7. 本论文所涉及的内容是朗讯科技(中国)公司的研发项目&超级分布式移位寄存器-S-DHLR(Super–DistributeHomeLocationRegister)的组成部分。

    The content in this thesis is an important element in Lucent Technologies ' Research and Development Project - S-DHLR ( Super – Distribute Home Location Register ) .

  8. 但据“谷歌”(Google中国)本周二公布的年度热门搜索榜,财富和科技是中国内地网民去年最感兴趣的两大主题。

    But on the Chinese mainland , it was money and technology that took the honors last year , according to a list released by Google China on Tuesday .

  9. 威博科技(中国)有限公司是由精美科技有限公司及美国MASCO合资成立的。

    Vapor Tech ( China ) Co. , Ltd is a joint venture company of Jing Mei Technology Ltd and MASCO Corporation .

  10. 激烈竞争下的制胜之道&朗讯科技在中国的研发本土化战略

    Localization-Lua ent Technologies ' Winning Strategy in Fierce Competition in China

  11. 建伟马,河南科技,中国大学。

    Jianwei Ma , Henan University of Science and Technology , China .

  12. 陈杰,英飞凌科技(中国)有限公司,系统应用工程师。

    Willion Chen , System Application Engineer , Infineon Technologies China , Ltd.

  13. 科技时代中国民间信仰认同的差异性研究

    Research on the Identification with Chinese Folk Belief in the Technology Age

  14. 姜涛,湟科技,中国大学。

    Tao Jiang , Huangzhong University of Science and Technology , China .

  15. 丰七庵,华东理工大学中国科技,中国。

    Feng Qian , East China University of Science and Technology , China .

  16. 一位互联网先驱的中国梦&记亚信科技(中国)有限公司董事长丁健

    Chinese Dream of an Internet Forerunner

  17. 现代肉类科技对中国传统风味肉制品的影响

    The Impact of Modern Meat Science & Technology on the Meat Products with Chinese Traditional Flavor

  18. 朗讯科技(中国)有限公司推行员工职业生涯发展规划制度。

    Lucent Technologies ( China ) implements the system of planning of development of the careers of staff .

  19. 秸秆生物质资源利用途径及相应技术科技与中国耕地资源可持续利用

    Utilization of straw and its technology science and technology and the cultivated land resource sustainable utilization in China

  20. 生产要素的配置变化与科技进步中国19802001年农业技术进步率的估计

    Changes in Allocation of Factors and Technological Progress : Estimation of Technology Progress Rate of Agriculture for 1980-2001 in China

  21. 它的中文版一定会促进科技在中国发展中发挥作用。

    Its Chinese version will definitely contribute to the rising role of science and technology in the development in China .

  22. 《案例》:朗讯科技(中国)有限公司&管理创新:增强企业核心竞争力的有效办法

    Lucent Technologies ( China ) Co. , Ltd. & Management Innovation : an Effective Way of Enhancing Company 's Core Competence

  23. 蓝硕科技位于中国上海的生产基地拥有标准厂房和设施设备齐全的现代化全自动流水线!

    Linso technology production base in Shanghai , China with standard factory building and full equipments and modem automatic product line !

  24. 不过,一加科技在中国的手机制造商中仍然是与众不同的,因为它相信自己的市场远远超出国内的范围。

    But OnePlus is unusual among Chinese phone makers in that it believes its market extends far beyond its home country .

  25. 他们既是近现代德国对华文化政策的实践者,也是德国文化与科技在中国的传播者。同济大学能够成为对德文化交流的一个重要窗口,包含着德籍教师的历史贡献。

    They brought German culture and technology into China and made Tongji-University as an important window for cultural exchanges between China and Germany .

  26. 当然在那里是五角大厦那些说法‘我们科技领先中国一代-不需要烦恼’。

    Of course there are those that say in the Pentagon'we are technologically generations ahead of China-there is no need to worry ' .

  27. 本文通过在国家重点科技项目中国试验型数字图书馆中的实践体会,重点阐述了数字图书馆资源库的设计与加工方面的问题。

    Through the experience of Chinese Pilot Digital Library Program , the paper introduces the structure designing and data processing of digital resource library .

  28. 目的:分析2000年被列入国家科技部中国科技论文统计源期刊的10种医学影像期刊的来源数据和被引指标。方法:依据中国科技期刊综合评价指标体系予以综合评价。

    Objective : Analyzing the ten kinds of medical imaging journals which were selected from the National Technological Ministry , China Technological Article Statistical Source Journals .

  29. 同时,先进的科技对中国传统审美文化的破坏作用亦不容忽视。道教审美文化是中国传统审美文化河系的重要支流。

    In the mean time , the damage to the traditional Chinese aesthetic culture caused by the advanced science and technology are not to be ignored .

  30. 作者参照国家科技部中国科技信息研究所对科技论文管理统计标准,将国家的精神融合于本单位科技论文管理之中。

    The principles for the management and statistics of research papers issued by China Institute of Science and Technology Information of the Ministry of Science and Technology were applied to the management of research papers in our hospital .