
  1. 王丽在做全职工作的同时完成了博士学位,表现出了坚韧不拔的毅力。

    Wang Li has shown true grit by completing her PhD while working full time .

  2. 王丽:喂,张云。你找我有事吗?

    Wang Li : Hello , Zhang Yun . What 's up ?

  3. 我将接见运动员王丽。她球打得很好。

    I 'll interview the player Wang Li . She is very good .

  4. 我的名字叫王丽。

    My name 's Wang Li .

  5. 上周王丽给我带来一件毛衣。

    Wang Li a last week .

  6. 茅台的首席工程师王丽表示,她对茅台的质量有信心。

    Moutai 's chief engineer , Wang Li , says she 's confident about Moutai 's quality .

  7. 王丽想家,更想念昔日的男朋友,但她不敢有任何奢望回中国。

    Wang Li desperately missed her family and previous boy friend , but she didn 't dare to dream about going back to China .

  8. 歌手王丽表示:“作为一名专业表演者,我认为通过我们的努力把这种精神传递给年青一代是很有必要的。”

    Wang Li , singer , said ," As one of the professional performers , I think it 's necessary to pass on the spirit to the younger generation through our effort . "

  9. 在她颠簸着陆之前,我们的第一位美人王丽曾经有过幸福的回忆:一个富裕的家庭、一份体面的工作、一位言听计从的男朋友和一大堆追星族。

    Before her bumpy landing , our first Beauty Wang Li had happy memories : a rich family , a respectable job , a tender Chinese boy friend as well as a couple of admirers .