
  • 网络kinetic-energy weapon;Kinetic Energy Weapons
  1. 新概念动能武器可以把弹丸加速到每秒几公里的速度。

    The velocity of a projectile can be accelerated to a few kilometers per second by the new concept kinetic energy weapons .

  2. 动能武器是电磁武器和非常强大的。

    The kinetic energy weapons are electromagnetic weapons and are extremely powerful .

  3. 最后基于HLA对地基动能武器仿真系统进行了设计。

    Finally , the paper designs the ground-based kinetic energy weapon simulation system based on HLA .

  4. 天基对地打击动能武器(thespace-to-groundkineticweapon,SGKW)是未来空间作战的主战武器之一。陆战雄狮M1系列主战坦克

    The space-to-ground kinetic weapon ( SGKW ) is one of main space weapons in the future . Lion of Land Battle-M1 Series Tanks

  5. 天战中动能武器作战仿真系统

    A fighting simulation system of the kinetic weapon in space warfare

  6. 天基动能武器拦截轨道的确定方法研究

    A New Method for Determining Intercepting Orbit of Space Kinetic Weapon

  7. 外来手术器械的管理发展中的动能武器

    Management of enthetic surgical instruments The Developing Kinetic Weapons

  8. 天基对地打击动能武器作战能力与可行性分析

    The Analysis to the Operation Capability and Feasibility of the Space-to-ground Kinetic Weapon

  9. 天基对地打击动能武器再入解析预测制导技术

    Analytical Predictive Guidance for Space-to-ground Kinetic Weapon in Reentry

  10. 空间动能武器系统仿真研究

    Study on Simulation of Space Based Kinetic Energy System

  11. 天基对地打击动能武器最大横程分析

    Analysis on maximum cross-range of space-to-ground kinetic weapons

  12. 从概念入手,分析了天基对地打击动能武器的作战能力;

    Starting with the conception , the paper analyzes the SGKW ~ ′ s operation capability .

  13. 模拟动能武器致伤犬双后肢后部分代谢和生化指标的变化

    Changes of several metabolic and biochemical indices of dogs with both hindlimbs injured by imitative kinetic weapon

  14. 发展中的动能武器

    The Developing Kinetic Weapons

  15. 三十(30)重型动能武器炮:主要电池的太空堡垒在塔楼。

    Thirty ( 30 ) Heavy Kinetic Energy Weapon Turrets : Main batteries of the Battlestar in turrets .

  16. 现代军事技术发展的客观环境,迫切需要超高速、高动能武器。

    Nowadays , with the development of military technology , weapons of hypervelocity and high kinetic energy are in demand .

  17. 分析了美国导弹防御系统的未来的防御手段,主要是新型的定向能武器和动能武器。

    The defense means of AMDS in future are introduced , mainly including directed energy weapons and kinetic energy weapons .

  18. 随着动能武器的发展和各国对制空权的争夺升级,更多性能卓越的防空导弹应运而生。

    With the proliferation of the kinetic energy weapons and the upgrades of the international competition for air supremacy , more and more high-performance anti-aircraft missiles came into being .

  19. 内容涉及理论分析模型、数值模拟方法、侵彻性能的影响因素和参数敏感性分析等。本文的研究工作对于侵彻毁伤评估、动能武器研制和防护工程设计,都有重要的理论和实际指导意义。

    The study involves theoretical analysis models , numerical simulation methods , and the factors affecting the performance of the penetration and parameter sensitivity analysis , etc. This research has important theoretical and practical significance for penetration damage assessment , kinetic energy weapon development and protection engineering design .

  20. 国外动能轨道武器概念与发展动向

    Concept of kinetic orbit weapons & its development

  21. 上世纪80年代,美国和前苏联都停止了动能反卫星武器(利用冲击力击毁目标)的试验,部分原因是担心太空残骸对他们的卫星造成影响。

    The US and former Soviet Union stopped testing kinetic anti-satellite weapons – which destroy targets by the force of impact – in the 1980s , partly out of concern over the effect of space debris on their satellites .

  22. 电磁炮是利用电磁力将弹丸加速到高速度,使电源电能转换为物体动能的新概念武器。

    Electromagnetic gun is a new kind of weapon which accelerate projectile to high speed by electromagnetic force .