
  • 网络statistical prediction of mineral deposit
  1. 自相关&判别分析与矿床统计预测

    Statistical Prediction of Mineral Deposit by AutocOrrelation-Discriminant Analysis

  2. 在矿床统计预测中,如何有效地在大量勘探资料提取成矿预测信息,在很大程度上影响着矿产预测的准确度、找矿效率和找矿勘探成本。

    In statistical prediction of mineral deposit , how to effectively extract ore-forming information influences the mineral prediction accuracy , prospecting efficiency and exploration costs .

  3. 矿床统计预测微机处理系统的研制

    The microcomputer based processing system for statistical prediction of ore deposits

  4. 在矿床统计预测的方法流程研究中,采用了直接找矿和成矿预测相结合;获取第一手找矿信息和收集处理前人资料相结合;

    The following methods are adopted and combined with each other in the statistical prognosis of mineral deposits : prospecting and prognosis ;

  5. 大比例尺矿床统计预测中,矿产资源量的估计是矿体定位预测的前提,其中精度最高的方法是体积估计法。

    In large scale statistical prediction of Au ore deposits mineral resource estimation is the prerequisite for location of the predicted ore bodies . Volumetric estimation method is the most accurate one .

  6. 南岭钨矿成矿地质条件、找矿标志的定量分析及矿床规模的统计预测

    Numerical analyses of Nanling tungsten ore-forming environments and ore - promising indicators , a statistical method for predicting the dimension of deposits