
  1. 硫化锌精矿流化床焙烧过程中的矿物形态变化

    Variation of mineral forms in the course of roasting zinc sulfide concentrate in fluidized bed

  2. 锦州煤系高岭岩属古生代浅变质岩系,高岭石的矿物形态为片状、鳞片状。

    Jinzhou coal-series kaolin rock belongs to Paleozoic epizonal metamorphism rock series . The kaolinite is schistose and scaly shape .

  3. 针对武汉某化工公司的硫铁矿烧渣进行研究,分析了烧渣中主要矿物形态、赋存状态等。

    This thesis researches on the pyrite cinder of a chemical company in Wuhan and analyzes the mineral forms and occurrence of the cinders .

  4. 煤灰的熔融特性不仅与煤灰的化学组成有关,还与灰成分的矿物形态有关,其中酸性氧化物可提高煤灰熔融温度,碱性氧化物却呈现降低煤灰熔融温度与助熔剂的作用。

    Coal-ash fusibility exhibits corresponding relations to its chemical composition and mineral composition , in which acidic oxides can increase the ash fusion temperature , but the basic oxides play a role in helping fusion and can reduce the ash fusion point .

  5. 矿物晶体形态的计算机绘图的消隐处理

    The Hidden Line Processing of Computer Graphics on Mineral Crystal Shape

  6. 铸造用硅砂的矿物晶体形态及影响

    The Mineral Crystalline Morphology of Foundry Silica Sands and Their Influence

  7. 矿物晶体形态数据管理模型的研究

    An approach to the management for the database of mineral crystal shapes

  8. 高岭石-多水高岭石矿物晶体形态与演化

    Morphology of the crystals of KAOLINITE-HALLOYSITE minerals and its evolution

  9. 陨石中高压相矿物多形态林伍德石的电子显微研究

    On TEM Method for Studying Ringwoodite with High-pressure Phase Minerals in Naturally Shocked Meteorites

  10. 福建红黄壤主要粘粒矿物的形态特征

    Morphological characteristics of major clay minerals in red soil , lateritic red soil and yellow soil in Fujian

  11. 矿物晶体形态是铸造用天然硅砂的一个重要物理参数。

    Thus , the mineral crystalline morphology of natural silica sand is an important parameter for use in foundry .

  12. 认识和研究高岭石矿物的形态与成因,在煤田地质学领域中有理论和实用意义。

    Studies of the shape and genesis of the kaolinites are theoretically and practically of great significance in coal geology .

  13. 考查了铸造用天然硅砂的矿物晶体形态,可将其大致分为单晶体和多晶集合体两类。

    The mineral crystalline morphology of foundry natural silica sands has been investigated , which can be divided into two groups : single crystal and polycrystalline gather .

  14. 论述了国内外关于磨矿环境对硫化矿物表面形态与性质、矿浆化学性质及其浮选行为的影响。

    It 's described the influence of grinding environment on the surface morphology and property , the chemical property of pulp and its flotation behavior of sulfide minerals at home and abroad .

  15. 火山岩实验矿物的结晶形态及其生长动力学机制

    Crystal Forms of Experimental Minerals from Volcanic Rocks and Dynamic Mechanism for Their Growth

  16. 淡斜绿泥石属层状硅酸盐矿物,片状形态,硬度比方解石低,做牙膏的磨擦剂显然优于方解石。它不仅对牙齿磨损小,而且具有洁齿、护齿性能。

    So it is obviously better than calcite for toothpaste polish because of its lower wear and tear .

  17. 硅灰石矿物纤维的形态介于植物纤维与传统填料碳酸钙之间,相当于细小植物纤维,具有较高的长径比,较好的热稳定性和化学稳定性。

    The morphology of wollastonite is between plant fiber and conventional filler like calcium carbonate and amounts to fines .

  18. 讨论了中国主要类型锑矿床矿物包裹体形态、大小、气液比值、包裹体爆裂温度、均一化温度和盐度。

    Deals with the form , size , gas / liquid ratio , explosion and homogenization temperature , and salinity of the inclusions of minerals in main type antimony deposits in China .

  19. 实验结果表明,其料浆的矿物组成、微观形态和耐热性均优,以此料浆为基料,可制成容重低于170kg/m3的硅酸钙轻质制品。

    The test results show that the mineral compositions , micromorphology and heat resistance are all excellent and lightweight calcium silicate products with a density of less than 170kg / m3 can he made by using this slurry as the base material .

  20. 香花石是我国发现的第一个新矿物,它的形态非常复杂。

    The morphology of hsianghualie , the first new mineral discovered in China , is very complex .

  21. 中药感冒冲剂,清热解毒。八味清热解毒药中矿物元素水平及形态的研究

    Research on the Levels and Speciations of Eight Mineral Elements in Chinese Herbal Medicine of Clearing Away Heat and Toxic Material

  22. 论述了粉煤灰的化学成分、矿物组成及颗粒形态对新拌混凝土性能的影响,并说明粉煤灰在混凝土中应用的重要性。

    Discussion is made on coal ash especially in its chemical and mineral components affecting the performance of the new-mixed concrete , and as well the significance for application .

  23. 通过对本区矿石中金矿物的粒度、形态、赋存状态和成分等标型特征的研究,探讨了金矿床的选矿方法、金矿物世代、矿床形成深度等几个方面。

    According to the study on the typomorphic characteristics of gold mineral grain sizes , morphology , occurances and components in this deposit , the benefication , ways , the generation of gold minerals and and formation depth of deposit are discussed .

  24. 传统的岩矿鉴定方法是利用显微镜,通过观察矿物物理性质、矿物形态、矿物共生特征及矿物间相互关系来鉴别矿物种类和岩石类别,是岩矿鉴定的基本手段。

    Using microscope to identify minerals and rocks by observing the physical properties of minerals , mineral structures , mineral symbiotic characteristics and the relationship between minerals , is the basic means of rock-mineral identification .

  25. 土壤中含钾矿物的研究&Ⅰ.含钾矿物中钾的形态及其释放

    Study on the potassium bearing minerals in soil ( 1 ) the forms and release of potassium

  26. 长江和黄河沉积物物源、流域风化强度以及矿物晶体结构本身的特点,是两河沉积物中碳酸盐矿物含量及颗粒形态差异的主要影响因素。

    Differences in provenance and weathering intensity are major influential factors responsible for the differences in the carbonate contents and their grain morphological features .