
  • 网络mine drainage gas
  1. 低热值矿井气作为城镇燃气的可行性探讨

    Feasibility of Low Calorific Value Mine Drainage Gas Used as Town Gas

  2. 液化石油气混空气与矿井气掺混的可行性

    Feasibility of Mixing of LPG-air Mixture and Mine Drainage Gas

  3. 城市混合燃气中矿井气的研究及应用

    Studies of the mine gas from urban mixed gases and its utilization

  4. 基于矿井气相色谱原理的束管防灭火监测系统

    Development of Monitoring System for Fire Prevention and Extinguishing based on Beam Tube of Mine Gas Chromatogram theory

  5. 废弃矿井煤层气资源量计算范围研究

    Theoretical study on calculation limits of CBM resource of abandoned coal mine

  6. 北票矿区废弃矿井煤层气泄漏气源集聚数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of leaking gas source concentration from abandoned Beipiao mining area

  7. 用下降曲线估算废弃矿井煤层气资源量

    Estimation of Abandoned Mine CBM Resources through Drop-Down Curves

  8. 三带理论及煤层气的解吸/吸附理论,结合残余瓦斯压力理论及国内外的相关经验数据,从理论上对废弃矿井煤层气资源量的计算范围的确定进行了探讨。

    Based on the three-zone theory due to mining and adsorption / desorption theory , the methods to determine the calculation limits of CBM resource of abandoned coal mine is discussed in this paper , with the residual gas pressure theory and the related domestic and foreign experiences .

  9. ④矿井通风煤层气的回收利用。

    Lastly , recycling of CBM gas from mine ventilation .

  10. 本文介绍了寺河矿井在煤层气发电方面的探索和一些成功的经验。

    The paper describes the trials in gas power generation and some successful experience in Sihe Mine .

  11. ③采空区及废弃矿井的煤层气抽采,通过地面钻井、埋管及巷道抽采煤层气;

    Thirdly , extracting CBM gas from mining-out area and abandoned wells by surface drill well , buried pipeline and laneway ;

  12. 就矿井目前煤层气抽放中存在的问题进行了深入探讨,指出了矿井煤层气抽放系统改扩建的必要性。

    The existent problem in coal bed methane suction in Chengzhuang coalmine was investigated and necessity of technical transformation and extend were put forward .

  13. 甲烷是易燃易爆气体,是矿井瓦斯及天然气等多种气体燃料的主要成分。

    Methane is an inflammable and explosive gas and a major constituent of mine atmospheres , natural gas and gas fuels .