
  1. 碱度、SiO2及MgO含量对烧结矿产质量的影响

    Effects of basicity and contents of sio_2 and MgO in sinter on sinter productivity and product quality

  2. FeO对钒钛烧结矿产质量影响的研究

    Study on the Influence of FeO Content on Quality and Quantity of V-Ti-Bearing Sinter

  3. 综合考虑MgO含量对烧结矿产质量指标和冶金性能的影响,以及炉渣对MgO含量的要求,建议鞍钢烧结矿MgO含量降至2.0%~2.1%。

    Considering the comprehensive effect of MgO content on sinter quality and production and metallurgical properties and the requirement of BF slag , the reasonable MgO content ( 2.0 % ~ 2.1 % ) was suggested .

  4. 焦粉配比对烧结过程固体燃料燃烧的影响能明确地从温室气体COx的排放情况表现出来,而且,通过判断燃料燃烧状况,可以推测出烧结矿产质量的优劣,用于指导烧结生产。

    The dosage of coke affects coke combustion in sinter bed , which can be well expressed using the emissions of greenhouse gas COx during sintering . The quality and productivity of sinter would be meaningful for the improvement of iron ore sintering .

  5. 依靠科技进步提高竖炉球团矿产质量

    Improving Quality of Shaft Furnace Pelletizing by Scientific and Technological Progress

  6. 无烟煤粒度对烧结矿产质量的影响

    Influence of anthracite particle size on productivity and quality of sinter

  7. 降低生产成本提高混匀矿产质量

    Increasing of blended material quality and decreasing of production cost

  8. 最终,取得了球团矿产质量提高,能耗和膨润消耗降低的良好效果。

    As a result , the pellet output and quality were improved greatly .

  9. 工艺因素对烧结矿产质量影响的试验研究

    Experimental Research of the Effect of the Technological Factors on Sintering Operation Index

  10. 介绍了针对这些影响因素所进行的技术改进,以及球团矿产质量得到提高的情况。

    Technical modifications aimed at these effect factors was presented , the pellet productivity and quality improvements was gained .

  11. 在新的原料条件下研究其成矿机理及进行改善烧结矿产质量的工艺研究是很有意义的。

    It is very important to study metallogenic mechanics and technical conditions of improving production and quality of sintered ores .

  12. 分析了石钢炼铁厂烧结布料系统改造前后对烧结矿产质量的影响,取得了较好效果。

    It is analyzed the influence of sintering distributing system on the quality of sinter before and after its reformation .

  13. 结合峨口铁矿采用自产铁精矿制取球团矿的工艺流程,系统地分析了影响球团矿产质量的各种因素。

    The various factors which effect pellet productivity and quality were systematically analyzed based on the pelletizing process with E-Kou Min self-mined concentrates .

  14. 针对烧结配矿的复杂性,建立了综合神经网络模拟模型,用以仿真烧结配矿与烧结矿产质量指标间的关系,并利用生产数据对模型进行了检验。

    In this paper , a simulant model based on integrative neural network to the complexity of sintering raw materials proportioning was proposed . It can simulate the relation of the iron ore proportion and index of the sinter output and sinter quality .

  15. 通过分析增效剂添加前后烧结矿产、质量指标及燃耗的变化,说明SYP对烧结生产有很大帮助。

    By contrasting sintering changes and quality index as well as fuel consumption before or after adding SYP synergist , the result shows that SYP synergist is helpful to sintering .

  16. Excel2007函数在矿产测试质量管理中的应用

    The application of Excel 2007 function in the management of testing quality of mineral resources

  17. 目前铅锌烧结过程控制技术落后、自动化水平低,过程优化控制成为制约烧结矿产量质量的一个瓶颈。

    At present , for the laggard control techniques and the low-level automatization , the process optimal control has become the key problem to restrict the output and quality of the sinter .

  18. 且随着检测设备的增多,发生异常的可能性也随之增大,以至降低了烧结机的作业率,影响烧结矿产、质量。

    Along with the increasing of measure equipment , the probability of abnormity that happened becomes great , which debases the operating rate and has an influence on the quantity and quality of sinter .

  19. 随着矿产资源质量的逐渐下降,同时工业生产对矿物产品数质量要求越来越高,浮选设备的研究设计面临着越来越大的压力。

    Along with the grade of mineral resources going lower , the requirements of the quantity and quality on the industrial production are rising , the pressure of studying and researching flotation equipments are becoming bigger and bigger .

  20. 介绍了邯钢一烧结厂27m2烧结机配用2800m3/min风机后,适当增大固体燃料粒度,提高烧结矿产、质量,降低烧结能耗的试验及理论研究。

    The test and theoretical research on proper enlarging fuel partical size to increase sinter quantity and quality , and to decrease sintering energy consumption , under the condition of using 2800m 3 / min fan in Hang steel № 1 sintering plant was presented .

  21. 大洋矿产资源数据库质量控制系统

    Quality control system of the database of mineral resources in the Pacific Ocean

  22. 提高球团矿产量和质量的生产实践

    Production Practice of Raising Yield and Quality of Pellets

  23. 对两个版本的《地质矿产实验室测试质量管理规范》中选矿试验的分类和定义提出了作者的意见。

    The ideas have been posed on classifications and definitions of ore dressing experiments in two editions of in this paper .