
  • 网络mine construction
  1. 如何整体提升矿建公司施工能力

    How to whole Raise the Construction Capability of Mine Construction Company

  2. 主要介绍了工程综合技术在矿建工程、房建工程以及其他工程中的应用。

    This paper mainly introduces the application of engineering comprehensive technique in mine construction engineering , building construction engineering and other engineering .

  3. 矿建施工优化设计技术的发展

    The Development of Optimization Designing Technique in the Mining Construction Engineering

  4. 矿建施工总体方案优化研究

    Research of the optimum arranging plan for the mine construction

  5. 高河煤矿矿建工程提升系统技术改造研究

    The Technical Reconstruction of Lifting System of Gaohe Colliery

  6. 利用多方案网络计划实现矿建施工进度控制

    Mine construction schedule controlled by multi scheme network plan

  7. 用决策关键线路法确定矿建最优施工方案

    A research into the determination of the optimal mine construction plan by means of DCPM

  8. 对屯留矿建井期间通风系统、瓦斯管理的研究

    The Research on the Management of Air System and Gas during Construction in Tunliu Coal Mine

  9. 矿建施工项目风险分析

    Risk analysis of mines construction

  10. 该矿建矿以来安全形势一直比较稳定,曾获得全国文明单位称号。

    Since the construction of the mine ore has been relatively stable security situation , was awarded the " National Civilized Unit " .

  11. 介绍了莱钢矿建公司25万t/a链篦机-回转窑氧化球团生产线的工艺设计及特点

    In this paper , the design of the 0 25 ? Mt / a oxide pellet grate-kiln process and its characteristics were presented

  12. 因此,本论文研究成果可供新型矿建企业参考应用,对多点施工矿建企业的风险管理与控制工作具有明确的实用价值。

    Therefore , the purpose of this dissertation reference for new mine construction enterprise applications , the construction of multi-mine construction enterprise risk management and control with a clear practical value .

  13. 井下矿建工程、地面建筑工程和井上下安装工程三大煤炭建设工程属于煤炭企业的基础设施工程,是煤炭企业地下作业和地面作业管理的平台。

    The infrastructure project of coal enterprise includes underground mining constructor , ground building and installation project from aboveground to underground , is the platform of underground coal operations and ground handling business management .

  14. 介绍了青龙煤矿的快速安全建井技术,详细叙述了矿建技术和瓦斯抽放治理技术,可供其他矿井建设参考。

    This paper introduces firstly the rapid and safe mine construction technology used in Qinglong coal mine of Guizhou province , then shafts and drifts construction , and gas piping technology are detailed which can be helpful for others concerned .

  15. 本文介绍了建国40年来矿建工程诸方面施工优化设计技术发展现状及其优化方法的简要说明。

    In this paper , the corrent application state of optimization designing technique in every side of mine construction engineering is introduced since the founding of the people 's republic of China , and the optimization methods are simply introduced too .

  16. 文中详细叙述了决策网络的绘制方法和主要特点,建立了决策网络的数学模型,为矿建施工总体方案的优化提供了新的理论依据和手段。

    The drawing means and main characters of the decision network graph are in detail explained in the paper . The mathematical model of the decision network graph is set up , supplying the new theoretical basis and means for optimizing the mine development construction plan .

  17. 某露天矿矿建工程工期可靠性分析

    The reliability analysis of construction period for a surface mine

  18. 我国煤矿城市大多沿矿而建,这使煤矿城市形成过度分散化的城市空间结构。

    Cities with coalmines in our country are built around the mines , which leads to dispersive space structure of the cities .

  19. 缘矿而建的矿业城市因其特殊的历史原因,在城市建设时缺乏长远有效的规划,城市建筑拥挤、绿地建设不足、环境污染严重。

    Because of its special history with established as mining activities , mining cities were lack of long-term effective planning in urban construction , with crowded buildings , few green space and serious environmental pollution .

  20. 然而英国排放量的减少并非不是政策在起主要作用,而是“天然气热潮”的结果&即停止使用依矿而建的煤电站。

    Most of the decline in Britain , however , is the result not of a big policy effort but of the " dash for gas " & the move away from coal-fired power stations that followed the end of coal mining .

  21. 淮南地处安徽省中部,淮河中游,淮北平原南缘,是一座依矿而建,因煤而兴的典型资源性城市,淮南也是安徽省最大的煤矿区。

    Huainan is one of the biggest coal mining area of anhui province . It is located in the anhui province , the middle reaches of the huaihe river , the southern margin of the huaibei plain . It is a typical resourceful city built with the mine .

  22. 论述安家岭露天矿矿山工程测量验收和矿建工程量计算的理论、方法以及在工程中的应用和检验。

    The article expounds the theory on the acceptance of the mine surveying and the calculation of the digging volume and its application and checking in engineering .