
  • 网络autonomous investment;Self Directed Brokerage;Participant-Directed Investment;Autonomous planned investment
  1. 经济自主增长是各市场主体自主决策、自主投资、自主消费推动的经济增长。

    Autonomous growth of economy is a growth depending on the market player 's self-decision , autonomous investment and autonomous consumption .

  2. 自主投资个人退休金(sipp)在投资方面比传统养老金更为灵活,已成为增长最快的领域。

    Self-invested personal pensions ( SIPPs ) , which allow more investment flexibility than traditional pensions , have been the fastest growing account type .

  3. 研究发现,宽松的货币政策减少了公司的融资约束,影响了管理层自主投资决策的灵活性。

    We find that loose monetary policy reduces the company 's financing constraints and managerial investment flexibility .

  4. 其次,高校自身应探索增加教育投资来源,走多元化自主投资之路。

    Secondly , the higher education schools should probe the ways to increase the education investment and invest by themselves .

  5. 地方政府自主投资办工业企业的冲动大大降低,对工业发展由追求所有改为追求所在,各地方大力推动招商引资。

    Local government greatly reduce the impulse of industrial development from pursuing all to pursue place , each place vigorously promote attracting investments .

  6. 民本经济是以民为本,民众自主投资、自主运营、自我发展的经济。

    The private capital economy is characterized by private citizens as the main force , voluntary private investment , autonomous operation and self-development .

  7. 该公司允许投资团队在公司参与的每轮融资中进行个人自主投资。

    One of the opportunities it gave its investment professionals was to invest personally and on a discretionary basis in each round of each financing the firm participated in .

  8. 最有意思的是每轮融资结束后,他们会向整个投资团队公布每个人在这一轮融资中的自主投资额。

    Most interestingly , after each financing round closed , they would publish to the entire investment team how much each person invested for their discretionary investment in that round .

  9. 又如更新改造投资增长乏力、政策性投资带动力不强、自主投资增长不力以及外商投资热情不高等,抑制了投资需求的增长;

    Because the transformation investments grows too slowly , the propulsion of the political investments is weak , the growth of the spontaneous investments is feeble and the zeal for the foreign businessmen go to GuangXi to invest is not intense , the growth of the investment demands is slow ;

  10. 自主做出投资决定的投资者少之又少。

    There are very , very few who simply decide for themselves .

  11. 事前技术许可条件下被许可企业自主创新投资决策研究

    Research on independent innovation investment decisions of the licensee under ex ante licensing

  12. 在此基础上,提出了加强区域自主创新投资支持的对策。

    On the basis , this paper provided the countermeasure of strengthening the investment support to regional independent innovation .

  13. 加强区域自主创新的投资支持研究

    Research on Strengthening Investment Support of Regional Independent Innovation

  14. 第二天,交易员和投资组合经理对进入我们拥有自主产权的投资组合账户系统对交易进行审核。

    The following day , traders and portfolio managers review trades entered into our proprietary portfolio accounting system .

  15. 高校要成为真正的投资主体,必须是资本、决策自主权和投资责任的统一。

    To be real investing subjects , colleges and universities must be unities of capital , policy-decision power and investing responsibilities .

  16. 深入研究发现我国高技术产业过多的加工贸易一定程度上制约了企业全要素生产率的提高,另一方面也由于自主创新和投资效率不高造成了要素生产率的负相关。

    Further studies showed that processing trade restricted too much of high-tech enterprises total factor productivity improvement to a certain extent . On the other hand due to independent innovation and investment un-efficiency factor productivity is negative with the international behavior .

  17. 我国自主汽车企业海外投资风险及对策

    Overseas Investment Venture and Countermeasure Analysis of Domestic Independent Automotive Enterprise

  18. 试论自主创新与风险投资

    On Independent Innovation and Risk Investment

  19. 我国企业对发达国家逆向投资与自主创新能力逆向投资策略在中国股票市场上的可靠性分析

    Empirical Study on the Relationship between Reverse Investment of Chinese Enterprises in Developed Countries and Independent Innovation

  20. 结果显示中国的自主创新的缺乏投资,从容抑制了国家工业的更快发展。

    The result showed inadequate investment in self-innovation in China , which has held back the country from faster industrialization .

  21. 这对企业自主技术创新和投资项目的决策与管理具有重要的理论意义与实用价值。

    The results have theoretical significance and practical value for enterprises to decide and manage independent technologic innovation and the investment .

  22. 为了提高大专文凭的含金量,提高大专毕业生的竞争力,必须面向劳动力市场调整专业和课程设置,同时大学生个人也要进行自主的人力资本投资。

    So we must adjust major and curriculum arrangement in order to improve quality of diploma and competence ability of junior college students , what'more , these students themselves should also invest their human capital in advance .

  23. 本文运用演化博弈理论研究企业自主创新行为、模仿创新行为与市场结构的演化,研究表明,在满足一定的条件下,市场中进行自主创新投资的企业的比例以及市场结构将演化稳定。

    The relation of independent innovation , imitative innovation behavior and evolution of market structure is studied .